10 Reviews
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You (2018–2024)
What happened Netflix???
23 October 2021
Season 1 was good and Season 2 was pretty good minus all the Liberal Agendas crap and then there is Season 3... First off whoever wrote these episodes should Never write for television again! It's nonstop Wokeness mixed with Bad writing! And all the Political agendas that are shoved down your throat Never Stops! This could have been a Great show but Wokeflix just can't help themselves by turning off HALF (maybe more) of their viewers. They should've probably paid more attention in their business classes to know you Never do anything that cost you HALF of your revenue.. Scott Speedman should be ashamed for joining Season 3. Is this where California really is? Is this how people there act? I will not be watching anymore YOU because they cannot keep Politics out of it! I pray that the new season of Dexter will not make the same mistake! It's really hard to find anything new that is good because they all pretty much are just Liberal Talking point "Stories" with Terrible Characters and more Leftist spew.
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The Rookie (2018– )
5 October 2021
This show could of been Great! The cast is really good the actors are really good but the writers just couldn't help themselves they have to push a political agenda. America is heavily divided and to push away half of your viewers is just foolish! Not only that it's the viewers who support and back law enforcement! So many good shows are doing this and it makes Zero sense! I love Nathan but I'm done with this show and all it's Wokeness!!!
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Animal Kingdom (2016–2022)
Best Kept Secret
11 July 2021
If you haven't watched this show you're missing out! Actors are great, the story keeps improving and man these guys have problems but who can blame them they we're raised by Smurf! I really like the flashbacks of smurf. I don't know how this show isn't a top 5 show right now but a lot of people don't know it exists! Tell your friends about this show and they will thank you!
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Wayward Pines (2015–2016)
There are no crickets in Wayward Pines
7 June 2021
Warning: Spoilers
I had never heard about this show until I randomly picked it up and started binge watching it for 3 days! The mystery was what got me hooked! What's wrong with the people in this town? Who's watching behind the cameras? I loved every minute wanting more information then the episode came when they told us everything and my mind was blown! Season one had a lot better writing than season two. I couldn't stand the school teachers character and I hated how many of the people wouldn't just straight up tell each other the truth instead of dance around it. I was really happy with season one it had everything i enjoy in a Series. Then there's Season 2... To me the switching of the main characters (Ethan Burke's family) was done really bad! They left his son as a cliffhanger death that didn't feel complete to me. I mean we're we were supposed to believe the surveillance footage of him being attacked was it because it didn't feel complete. I wonder if the actor just decided he was done one day or if they did that because he had another project and they left the door open for him to come back? Unless I missed something but I thought when his mom, CJ, and the explorers we're out and they found a body his mom said he was still out there!?!? And then soon after his mom was killed and his GF who became a nurse what happened to her? I became invested in the Burke's in S1 and a few episodes in they all die and the transition to new main characters wasn't done the best! The Dr was just okay and I was glad to see the teacher finally die although I thought the agent would of killed her and not herself. Learning about the Abbie's was pretty cool but the writing in S2 wasn't as polished as S1 and it suffered but the final episode was pretty awesome but I felt like It needed another season to complete the show. I want to know what happens to the survivors of Wayward Pines so I'm ordering the books and will find out soon! Good series though! Worth a watch if you like good mystery/sci fy/horror shows!
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Into the Dark: They Come Knocking (2019)
Season 1, Episode 9
3.5 shoulda Dumped the ashes sooner
29 May 2021
I found this movie to be frustrating a lot of the time! From dumb decision making to just a below average script! The Acting was okay but the story was just bad most of the time. I think I read this is a series of movies about the "black eye kids" so I can only speak to this movie when I say it Sucks watch something else. And to the delusional people who rated this a 7,8,9, even a 10 you clearly don't know how ranking works! And IF this is the best movie you've ever seen I really feel bad for you.
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From Straight A's to XXX (2017 TV Movie)
I just can't
9 May 2021
I disliked this movie for Many reasons but mainly young girls are very impressionable and to give the overall message that it's okay to sell your body to men and be recorded is so wrong. Women and men are so different and everywhere you look women are being told that they are the same as men and that couldn't be more wrong! Men will Never take a woman serious if she decides to go be in adult industry. Anyways the movie sucked and I can't believe this is what is being marketed to young women! If you ever want to be married and have a family one day don't sell your soul you will regret that you did for a little money...
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Men Bad
4 May 2021
Another feminist Movie trying so hard to divide men and women. It was bad the ending was worse.
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The Circle (2020– )
I'll try to review for the 3rd time
22 April 2021
My reviews keep getting deleted because of what I said about Season 2! Season 1 was fun but season 2 is Liberal garbage. There can I at least say that? Netflix is the worst when it comes to shoving their political agendas down your throat! Stay away from season 2.
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Z Nation (2014–2018)
Have Mercy
18 February 2021
This show doesn't take itself as serious as TWD it's well written sometimes a little to syfy for me but the quality, makeup, and special effects will surprise you. Weird casting but everyone is right on par with each other. Just Don't expect TWD! if you're tired of zombies and don't like I think it Shaun of the dead you probably won't like this. It's one of those shows you just have to roll with. Doc is probably my favorite character and maybe 10k too. Their was a episode or two that they had to shove their liberal agendas down the viewers throats but it's tolerable and not near as bad as newer shows! Solid show
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The Rookie (2018– )
Woke Cops... lol seriously
14 February 2021
What is wrong with people that make TV shows? With the whole Country Divided in half they still insist on bringing politics into shows. Wouldn't it make more sense from a business standpoint to just leave the political garbage out? I love Nathan but I'm done watching this show it could of been great but the writers are sooo "woke" delusional that it just gets worse and worse. I watch TV to relax not to get my political information! Hollywood needs to wake up and realize normal hard working Americans are just not going to watch your heavily biased shows anymore. This could have been easily rated a 6 or 7 stars! The cast is pretty good the stories are fun and Nathan does an amazing job but it's Heavily, and I mean HEAVILY pushes down your throat every 10 seconds Far Left tones and Ideology! I think everyone should have their own opinion when it comes to politics but leave them out of TV shows and movies!!!
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