
13 Reviews
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So much potential LOST on this film!
26 August 2023
There was so much potential for a good sequel lost on this pointless film. I loved the first film and was waiting and hoping they would bring a sequel out. I don't get the title either. BIRD-BOX Barcelona.....why? From where the first film left off is where they should have started the sequel. This film was just a bunch of characters running around with a pointless story throughout. In fact there wasn't really a strong story line there. They lost the chance of making what could have been a second brilliant film. I was very disappointed. My husband hated it too. I shall now go and lick my wombs and watch the first one again.
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Naked Attraction (2016– )
If this is what it's come to? Then there's no hope for us! Superficial Nonsense!
3 February 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I cannot believe they've come out with trashy cheese like this. It's not big, it's not brave, it's just degrading and disgusting. Anyone wanting a real relationship, this is NOT the way to go about it. It's so. Embarrassing just to watch. Have people no pride or dignity? It's not even funny. I watched one episode out of curiosity because I couldn't believe my eyes. I hated every minute of it. It was hard to get through. But I wanted to watch one so I could leave a review. I rarely leave reviews. Unless it's something extremely bad or extremely good. I wondered what processes the contestants to do this show? Are they really that desperate for what they 'think' will find love. Or will they stoop so low as to parade naked for 15 minutes of fame. I've never seen anything so repulsive in my life.

Something else I don't understand is why they let them go ahead to make such a degrading and disgusting TV program like this? I can't get my head around it.

I can't believe someone thinks that they could base a relationship on this. In fact I don't think they're wanting a relationship, they want a quick one night stand. Baffled and dumbstruck!
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A waste of precious life
17 November 2022
The film has nothing going for it AT ALL. There really is no beginning, middle or end. I kept waiting for something to happen but it was like pulling teeth. Morose and painful to watch. Everyone was hanging about the house in dim lit rooms, nothing happens apart from glancing at each other, one or the other kicking off. A dog runs out barking, at one point outside but then runs away. Whoo hoo! A young woman having a baby, which causes another outburst from another member of the family hacking away with an axe at what looked like a piano. Then she ups and leaves with the baby and says nothing...followed by more morose glances. Depressing music and a weak storyline (if you can call it a story) from start to finish. Don't put yourself through it. I like to find out for myself because people have different tastes in films but I really do mean it when I say PLEASE DO NOT WASTE YOUR TIME with this film. Keep well away. Because you'll be left feeling depleted. I don't know how they can get away with making rubbish like this.
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Selling Sunset (2019– )
OK show.....but that SCREECHING NOISE they call music HAS TO GO.
6 May 2022
I gave this 5 stars for entertainment. It's interesting to watch super obnoxious, narcissistic, vain and pretentious fake people out there that hasn't got a clue about life or the real world. I put up with previous seasons and that ridiculous in your face, LOUD screeching noise they call music. I can see that they're coming off a hip and fun but it's not AT ALL. My husband has the remote to mute it every time it comes on in between scenes. It spoils the show because the kind of people buy most of these houses have gained some sort of maturity while earning their big bucks! PLEASE GET RID OF THE MUSIC! It screams adolescence. I may consider watching another season if there is one.
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After We Fell (2021)
No anything
29 October 2021
There's no plot, bad acting, no anything. Boring to say the least. It's a film of empty nothingness. Painful to get through even fast forward to see if anything interesting was going to happen....uninspiring! A waste of my time.
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Don't Speak (2020)
Dim witted family against mute creature
25 October 2021
My blood was boiling by the time I got through this film. I don't think the family had a brain cell between them. The father knew the creature was blind and only attracted to noise. But what do they do? Make as much noise as possible sacrificing one for the other and getting absolutely nowhere. Stood there half the time like dummies staring into space. Bad acting, bad script with bad accents whatever accent they were meant to be speaking. Sounded like an attempt at an American accent, yet set in England. It was so painful to watch. One attempt at hiding was the mother who got inside of a deep barrel half filled with water. Bent down into the barrel concealed her enough but the creature couldn't see her anyway. But she decided to duck under the water causing her to come up gasping and coughing and spluttering for air making so much noise the creature attacked her. Very low budget film with bad acting.
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Joe 90 (1968–1969)
Just as good as Thunderbirds if not BETTER
24 October 2021
This is so underrated but I remember Joe 90:as clearly as watching Thunderbirds as a child of the late 60s. I love all Gerry Anderson's work but Thunderbirds, Joe 90, Stingray have to be my favourites. Following Captain Scarlet which this is in the style of. And of course another underrated series is The Secret Service. Not forgetting of course the charming black and white series of Fireball XL5, Supercar. Never get bored of watching these. Great storylines, effects and attention to detail.
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Safer at Home (2021)
Sick and Distasteful considering we're still in a pandemic
24 October 2021
Considering we're still in a pandemic. And on the basis of the many lives lost already. I find this sick and twisted to be making films on the basis of profiteering from people's misery. Bad time and what looks to be a bad film pandemic or no pandemic.
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Cloverfield (2008)
OMG look at that, have you seen that! OMG, OMG
10 October 2021
It's an ok film but I swear the main young man in this film has limited vocabulary throughout the entire film. And that is OMG OMG OMG, have you seen that thing, OMG. OOMMGG. I hasten to add that the girl running about with them clearly states it's an OMG situation. Too much camera shake for my liking in the dark. Overall it's watchable. At least it wasn't one of those that's too painful to watch that I have to turn it off. The alien affects are the best part of the film. I don't know how many pages to this OMG script but I suggest watching it with the sound off. Spare yourself the OMG. I was on the verge of ripping my hair out halfway through the film.
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Inbred (2011)
Distastefu Discriminatory Highly Offensive
7 October 2021
I was so appalled by this film, completely disgusted in fact. The title in itself was what initially intrigued me to click on the thumbnail. They portrayed the rural people of Yorkshire as inbred uneducated imbeciles. I'm not a person who takes themselves too seriously. I like a laugh and a joke like most people and it's important that you can laugh at yourself. I wasn't born in Yorkshire but I spent 35 years of my life there, went to school there, bought my first house there. Admittedly living in a small village people can be a bit small minded but to the extent this film wrongfully portrayed it? Far from it. This film could potentially be very damaging because it's not representing rural Yorkshire in a very good light. This film is going to be seen all over the world. There's going to be people that don't know anything about Yorkshire or it's people could potentially be given the wrong impression. There're maniacs all over the world. So why did they think it ok to take the piss out of the Yorkshire people, their accent and slang? And worst of all linking it to INCEST! Why? It's like the old Irish jokes people used to freely say years ago. It's unacceptable. I thought we'd moved on from that type of rubbish. It needs banning! It one big sick joke of a film!
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Joe 90 (1968–1969)
An essential to any Thunderbirds Fan
3 September 2021
Joe 90 is the next series that sticks in my mind as a favourite next to Thunderbirds and Stingray. Great story lines to this series, more so than Thunderbirds. I prefer this to Captain Scarlet. Definitely an essential to add to your Gerry Anderson collection.
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Songbird (II) (2020)
2 September 2021
I don't mind watching virus and post apocalyptic films. But the timing of this is in poor taste considering we're still in "THE" pandemic and considering how many people have lost their lives to it. And the fact there are loves ones left behind still dealing with it. Seriously whatever possessed them to make a film on this particular topic want their heads read. It's like some kind of sick joke. I haven't even watched it and I won't be. I just saw it on my Amazon home page thinking my eye were playing tricks on me! Unbelievable! Obviously COVID-19 hasn't changed anyone for the better. This film needs taking down!
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Like pulling teeth!
3 April 2021
I'm a huge movie buff and believe me I watch a lot from the 30s to 2021. I'm a patient person and I can enjoy many a good B movie. I give things a chance. I can usually watch and get through bad films. But this is beyond bad. It was all over the place. It didn't flow. The story line was bad, plots were weak, The whole thing was a mess. I couldn't even watch it for the effects. It was painful, like pulling teeth. I got 3/4 way through. Don't waste precious time with this rubbish.
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