2 Reviews
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If you want people to support you, you probably shouldn't tell them their mere existence is a problem.
29 March 2022
I would like to preface this with my bias, everyone is Biased and it's important to recognize this before engaging in discourse, I am a white teenager, from a working class family. I lean socially progressive and economically right wing. With that said, my bias shall have a minimum influence on this show's review. Unlike hundreds of reviews of this show, I actually did watch it and despite all the controversy, tried to keep an open mind as much as possible. And even after playing devils advocate, this show on a fundamental level is Counter Productive. It does not add any meaningful ideas to public discourse it comes across as insanely condescending and most importantly Alienates its audience. One of the most important things to do when writing a movie is to ensure you don't talk down to your audience, reason and propose ideas like they are actually free thinking human beings rather than mindless ants. Even if we get aside all the politics and historical misrepresentations, and social activism. The show cant stand on its own two feet anyways, it is a cobbled together mess that looks like a middle schooler was hired to run the edit bay.

I do not think this show is good, either for activism, healthy political discourse, or even basic storytelling, I will be giving a 1/10 for a failure accomplish any of its goals, and really just not being a good well written show anyways. Arguing over its inherent racism and identity politics really isn't necessary they show is crap without all that regardless, it doesn't teach just crams nonsense at your face faster than a ben Shapiro argument.
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9/10 No Political Bs crammed In!!!!!
22 January 2021
At first when I heard about this I thought oh great they are just going to fight fire with fire and cram a bunch of conservative agendas and politics into it but I found that I was wrong and This is the best action thriller that has been made within the past 25 years (T2 being the all time best) It is a good film start to finish now there was a little bit of some of the characters dialogue is a little bit cheesy or out of place but that is my only real complaint this movie far exceeded my expectations and is at least worth the watch, rotten tomato critics be damned, this is nothing near the stupidity of die hard!!!
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