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States vs Federation
8 November 2006
The problem of the federal income tax is the power relationship State vs Federation. Without quoting the constitution or various laws it is clear that the ability of the federal government to tax all citizens of all the states in a directly federal controlled system is ( regardless of the actual % of tax ) for the states and cities to surrender almost all sovereignty to the federation and for the money system and taxes to be yet another tool of an overpowered and over-centralized form of government that is strictly prohibited by the constitution. The states united primarily as to have a large, controllable army that would keep the states safe, and free of oppression from other powerful countries in the world. The states DIDN'T unite, to be able to monitor each of its citizens in such detail as to know how many times each and every citizen uses the bathroom each day. ( or any other completely ridiculous and resource wasting surveillance )

That is also why the federal government has to sidestep, loop, and bury these facts in massive incoherent text, in law-books that no one reads. ( not even lawyers, judges or IRS employees ) And that is why they can't easily change the laws to allow for such a degree of federal control. Also, if they finally made actual, clear laws for federal income tax then all former disobedience can't be punished or continue to be punished, and compensations would have to be payed before legally being able to continue with the current system.

However it is still possible to legalize the current system and that is what should be prioritized before changing it. One way would be to shift the income tax to State level and then have different transactions between States and the government. This might give economic leverage to the States because they would become a entity between the IRS and the citizen but it would also find stronger support in the constitution and an increased security against unlawful IRS raids on citizens since the IRS would essentially have to raid a State first resulting in civil war if they choose to enforce any dissatisfaction by raw physical force without any consideration to laws or any primarily peaceful process.

Finally I would like to add, the issue is NOT about the actual amount of money. It is not necessarily about giving more money to the people. It is a matter of principle. The federation can collect enough taxes and money thru other means. Even by inventing new taxes and laws. The central issue is the way the federal income tax unlawfully executes an unnecessary central control of every citizen forcing them to account for every economical transaction and income, forcing control with certain deductions of taxable income and affecting the core of every citizens economical lifestyle. It is about Big brother watching ur every move and even forcing u to selfincrimination. There must be a better way, more democratic that preserves privacy and freedom regardless of the actual amount of money payed in federal tax. As u might have guessed, it is that control that will be missed by the federal government and agencies, more than the actual money. The money is nothing but one of the tools.
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