
5 Reviews
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Learned some interesting stuff
27 June 2004
Being a conservative libertarian, and hating liberals, I went to see this film expecting leftist propaganda. Well I was right, but it also had some good stuff. Even though I am a Bush supporter (lesser of two evils in 2004) I found some of his shady dealings interesting. As for him being a little slow, I already knew that. There were some things I disliked though. One, you don't need to edit out of context tape to make Bush look stupid, although it was hilarious. Second, his portrayal of Iraqis was not accurate. While people in the 2 or 3 major cities of Iraq live decently, most of the people live in the desert and are starving. As someone who was in Iraq when we first went in, I can tell you the majority of Iraqis were happy to see us. As we drove through poor villages we were cheered as liberators. Also factually distorted was that AL Gore should have won Florida, also not true. Both independent and liberal recounts showed Bush won. The main thing I did not like though was the communist undertones. Of course mostly poor people join the military, that's why I joined, but this a Capitalist society, and that's the way it works. It isn't the government's job to take money from rich people and give it to poor ones. This is America and anyone can be rich if they work for it. Anyway, other than the socialist undertones and a few distorted facts I really enjoyed myself, and found myself clapping along with everyone else at the end. Despite being everything he hates, a rich fat white guy, Moore is a good filmmaker, and I look forward to his next film.
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Wish I could go back to the day before yesterday...
29 May 2004
and beat the ever living crap of myself for even considering watching this movie. I was skeptical to see this movie knowing how bad Independence Day and especially Godzilla were, but as a lover of science, I was interested to know the technical details of the script. There were none. This movie is the most implausible movie since Godzilla where the French actually volunteer to clean up after themselves. Even tree huggers would have to admit this will never happen. That aside the good visuals and special effects are completely overshadowed by the lack of a plot or real story. At the end of the movie half of the theatre was asleep. At one point during the film I had to start punching myself in the face, because it was less painful than watching this piece of garbage. Another stinker from Emmerich, who wrote the script as well. Although I doubt this film had a script. The side plots were even more boring. Guy falls in love with girl. Dad rescues estranged son. Someone sticks up for sick boy. Old haired white men don't listen to anyone. I could go on and on. One big, long, boring, piece of crap. I will still be feeling nauseous the day after tomorrow from this movie. Avoid at all cost.
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A powerful revelation
20 March 2004
I saw this movie and I was blown away. While I can understand the controversy, I never fully understood just what Jesus did for us until I saw this film. This was truly a great man. As a bible belt resident who spent 18 years in Sunday School, I already knew about Jesus dying for our sins so that we may enjoy eternal life, so I was not too impressed with this part of the story, no, what amaazed me was that Jesus was the inventor of the modern table. I have read the new testament and never knew that Jesus first had the idea for the modern table. I have two bad knees, so this really raised my opinion of Jesus. Eternal salvation is great, but not having to kneel down when i eat, wow, now that's something to worship a man over. Also I would like to thank the good people at AMC Theatres for reminding me that nothing goes better with incredibly graphic images of our Lord being crucified than popcorn, Diet Coke, and some penut butter M&Ms.
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Not Only The Worst Movie Ever Created...
27 October 2003
It is the worst thing ever created period. If this were the days of the Old Testament, God would smite everyone who had anyhting to do witht his movie and ten plagues would descend upon the studio that made it. Not only is it a poor piece of directing, writing, and filmaking altogther, it goes on to frsutrate the viewer with promises of an interesting story, leaving you unable to walk out of the movie, in hopes that at the end it will all come together to make sense. Heads up guys: It doesn't.

Do not see this movie. If you are ever forced to at gunpoint, take your chances, if you live the bullet will be far less painful than watching this piece of garbage. If you die, you can die never having seen the Omega Code, a feat I only wish I will be able to claim on my death bed.
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Rudy (1993)
Great Movie
2 October 2001
This is one of my all time favorite movies. This movie is the only time it is ever ok for GA Tech to lose, and the only time it is ok for a man to cry. If you don't like this film you should be tarred and feathered. It sucks it was about Notre dame, but oh well. Definitly should be in every straight man's top 10 list.
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