
20 Reviews
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The Judge (2014)
Thriller? Courtroom? Almost 2 1/2 hours... zzzz
7 June 2024
Instead of it being a courtroom drama, or thriller as they say, with a side of humanity, it's the other way around. I didn't want to see a film that is about overly complicated family dynamics. This feels like a bait and switch.

And although the two main characters have acting abilities, I don't see them showcased here. Sorry, but the story, and certain scenes, feel forced. It waters down the quality of the movie. And Billy Bob's character is completely wasted, c'mon.

And why the heck is this almost two and a half hours long?! They could have cut out 30 minutes and put more time into real courtroom drama. Meaningful scenes, dialogue that matters. Sadly disappointed folks.
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Judge Judy (1996–2021)
Fun, engaging, house of horrors-esque
26 May 2024
Been watching this show forever and now able to joyfully go back through the reruns, THANKS prime video!

It's sort of reality TV at its best. It allows you to be a voyeur of people's garbage. Is Judge Judy the warmest person in the world? No. Can she read through BS? Absolutely.

The format of the show gets down to business. It doesn't waste valuable time with extraneous nonsense. They utilize each minute to the fullest.

And they don't pretend to be anything other than the show's premise.

My one complaint, and yes it's personal, is Byrd. He is an arrogant jerk. Watching his participation, I can only roll my eyes. And I must give a comparison. To the very nice Kevin on Judy Justice. He's so much more likable, respectable. But since the show has concluded, I can't erase Byrd's presence. And despite this, Judge Judy is an excellent source of entertainment.
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Super Pumped (2022– )
Instead... Sadly Deflated
15 March 2024
Despite a better than average story and some good acting... it fell flat. One litmus test for me is... would I want to watch it again. No. Just couldn't stay engaged. I can't be alone in giving this more of my patience than I normally would, looking for a payoff. It didn't deliver. Super Pumped didn't hold my attention and I became disconnected.

Film positives like production and casting were eclipsed by painfully slow scenes and incomplete storylines. I'm a Uma Thurman fan but I struggled with her accent. Couldn't they have chosen an actress with a more authentic accent? So many lost opportunities. I won't say this is a worthless Netflix series but I suspect other viewers will also find this flatlined.
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Eye rolls galore. Make it stop already!
8 March 2024
I admit I am fairly allergic to raving conspiracy theories, and I worried about that with this documentary. Unfortunately, I didn't listen to my own instincts (trusted the recommendation) and treated myself to 4 hours of nauseating, frustrating, sensationalistic rhetoric.

I'm struggling between feeling sorry for this naive, inept journalist Christian versus the viewers who had to sit through this. I kept hoping for some real substance. Facts, BELIEVABLE information, but no.

I got a headache rolling my eyes, mumbling under my breath, wanting to shake sense into somebody, anybody, and not having the opportunity.

Do you like documentaries that just keep going around and around? You get a tidbit of hope... hey this is leading somewhere and then it just falls flat? Well this is for you.
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Fairly watchable but Frustrating
2 March 2024
There are moments when the storylines (let me apologize for the overuse of the word storyline in this review) are engaging and they connect with other scenes/stories pretty well. But then unfortunately there a lull, then it becomes boring and unnecessary.

They should know when a storyline is dying. That it's run its course, so why not start something else interesting? They can't expect people to continue to watch if things grow tired and old. Read the room, writers.

Sadly, some characters get unnecessary air time. While others for example Wyatt, Bill, etc., who totally deserve to have their own story, get lost. Why so many hours of boring scenes? Yawn.

Come on guys, again as one engaging story begins to fizzle out you have to have another one building in the background to take their place. The writers are in control of this, and viewers are left with incomplete and/or underdeveloped stories.

I gave it 5 stars for the times when successful stories build surprise, intrigue, fascination... what will happen next. I apologize if my review is as scattered as TBAB.
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Deal or No Deal (2005–2019)
Stars for Howie - contestants ruin it
17 February 2024
The actual game show itself is mediocre. It does not have the traditional format, Press Your Luck is primarily based on chance as well, but it's more entertaining.

My huge problem with Deal or No Deal are the contestants. They want us to somehow relate to people who are average Joes. And editing is a factor but jeez. Most come with over the top hysterics. How are we supposed to root for them? They insist on picking the obnoxious people. It's embarrassing.

Am I awful for secretly hoping the most self-righteous and greedy contestants walk away with much less than they were offered in previous rounds? Well, for me, it makes the worst episodes more palatable.

The producers try to make DOND entertaining but most episodes are painful. Sure you're supposed to build up tension with long pauses, have some drama. This goes too far. Cut the theatrics, have real people (who aren't auditioning for a reality show), and edit it to a 30 minute show. That might work.

Saving grace is Howie. He deserves an Emmy for hosting a game show with so many drawbacks. My 4 stars are for a few things. First, Howie. The episodes which are worth watching, including my evil (antithesis) rooting for the banker, and when some truly deserving contestants win big. But they are few and far between.
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Chance (2016–2017)
Co-star is better than main character??
4 February 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Sure the concept was good but then it's dead-ends and disappointment. The lost possibilities weakened the storyline. Twists and turns that you hope will bear fruit, were a let down.

Overly stylized, for what? Everything is cryptic, trying to pull you in, only to be empty promises and incomplete conclusions which dwindle any interest. There has to be more, right? Everyone says Dr Chance is fantastic.

The last episodes were worse than watching paint dry. I prayed through episodes 8-10, to literally just please get to it. Beyond mediocre, the only reason I finished the 1st season is because I wanted to see what happened in the end. Clearly, not what I hoped for.

Which brings me to my final point. The main character is flat, boring, and just a weak, without being so intentionally, schmuck.

I would rather the co-star who had more redeeming qualities, an interesting backstory, and heck... a generally likeable guy, be the lead. The series would have been better off, yes with big changes, if this was the Darius show and Dr Chance was just something on the side. I will not waste my time watching season 2.
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9 January 2024
There are some redeeming entertaining aspects to this film. Jennifer Aniston and Adam Sandler are a good duo. They don't quite capture the magic that they used to have. So this movie is very basic. Of course I think it's natural for us as the viewer to want to know who did it. Unfortunately there's a lot of unnecessary garbage along the way. If there wasn't a mystery, then I most likely would have not finished watching this film. Wisely, I went into it with very low expectations. But I've seen worse so for the most part I would describe the movie Murder Mystery as blah. Probably won't watch again.
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Yikes, yuck, yawn - not good
5 November 2023
Movies like this, you/I give them the benefit of the doubt. Especially with the role of the father (portrayed by Patrick Wilson). Previous chapters were interesting, fairly well acted, and you wanted to see where this was going. However with the Red Door, it is quite boring and implausible. I'm not the type of person to quickly bail on a movie and I wanted the story to develop. Sadly, I'd like to get my hour back, it shouldn't be wasted on something so lacking. The only reason I gave it three stars is because there were a few scary moments and its cgi. However, it just doesn't justify the rest of what could be considered a mess. I don't recommend this. Please don't waste your time.
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Fair Play (2023)
Good acting, disappointing ending
8 October 2023
I based my rating primarily on the good acting. I felt the actors were quite convincing, and most of the supporting roles were also decent. No doubt this is higher than average quality in filmmaking. And as much as I wanted to become emotionally invested, I just couldn't. Some of the behavior with the two main characters was off putting. The back and forth which I thought might create a nice push and pull dynamic, became frustrating for the viewer. And unfortunately the ending seemed more rushed than well-planned. Would I recommend? Yeah, for a run of the mill movie, but will I watch it again? Sorry no.
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Like the junk food your mom won't let you eat
1 October 2023
This is not the traditional Bachelor or Bachelorette. The cast is not meant to be pure as a driven snow or poised, Etc (but who is anyway?). It seems some reviews, I glanced at, rank and criticize Love In Paradise according to their own moral code. But you have to admit that the producers came up with a great idea, they understood some of the appeal which draws people to watch the original program to begin with. It's exciting, with twists and turns, feel good moments, meltdowns, it has it all. This is popcorn television, based on entertainment. Although I have not watched all the seasons yet, I like what I see. Improvements? ... include Chris Harrison more, make the dates more challenging/over the top, like the original Bachelor/ette. It increases the potential for conflict. I want cringe-worthy matchups. Let the (love) games begin!
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Imposters (2017–2018)
Hmm something different but then novelty wears off
8 September 2023
I gave it six stars by awarding the first season more benefit (big decline season 2). Intentionally I didn't give it serious thought, it's kitchy and meant to be silly. There are some laughs, for me Alice's husband was a funny, self-absorbed character. I think all of us have met someone like that. Moments of humor kept me watching and I tried not to overthink the implausible story lines. But once you're left without the comedy, the series doesn't hold up. There's nothing of substance. Nothing to bite into, like cotton candy. It's a treat, empty calories. I would not go out of my way to watch it again. Don't understand the 9 or 10 star reviews.
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The Lincoln Lawyer (2022– )
Watchable but not worth the hype
8 September 2023
I wanted to like this show a lot more than I actually did. I started watching it because of all the great reviews and huge public interest. But it just kind of falls flat and goes from good to better than nothing. I didn't read the books and I don't even remember the original movie. I am familiar with David E Kelly and this is not his best. He's made other shows recently that are not his best either. The premise is interesting, the acting isn't horrible, but don't we watch a series expecting more than that? My philosophy here, as with other programs, has less to do with the individual actors as much as the directing, producing, and writing. That is where the blame should be. Will I watch season 3? Maybe while I am ironing, hopefully I'm not (board) bored.
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Melodramatic on steroids. Couldn't finish
3 September 2023
I generously gave this series 3 stars out of 10 because of the 1st and maybe 2nd episodes (the most interesting). It goes downhill from there. Being subjected to Mr Barnett's melodramatic narrative was nauseating to me (imagine him in real life!). It took away from the authenticity of the story. The 6 episodes absolutely should have been condensed to 3 at the most. I think Curious Case deserves credit for allowing the viewer to make up their own mind. I gave the show the benefit of the doubt but after watching 4-ish episodes, I checked out. I feel it's unfair to judge the series on story accuracy and who's to blame (mom didn't have the opportunity to defend herself like the dad), rather I am simply writing my review primarily based on the production and directing. We may never know the whole truth but they really screwed up a potentially fantastic documentary by being sloppy. Letdown!
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Sleeping Dog (2023– )
Confusing, shallow, boring
20 August 2023
I did something with this series that I've never done before... I gave up in the early part of episode 3 and just looked up what happened online. I could not muscle through any more than I already had to digest. Don't get me wrong a lot of the acting is good, the premise is interesting but it fell flat. The promising nature of this show was appealing and I really gave it chance but had to cut my losses. Underdeveloped characters, meaningless side stories that really never went anywhere. I'd like to think that I am a subtitle veteran and there were parts of this series where I had to stop and rewind in order to keep up with the conversation. Embarrassing and really frustrating. I would not recommend this.
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Secret Chef (2023– )
Competitive, yes. Cheesy, yes.
9 August 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I agree with most other reviews in the fact they need to ditch Cheffy. I feel it brings the quality of the show.

What I like is the fact that it's not the same as typical cooking competitions. The overall format is refreshing, why not let other competitors critique, anonymously, the food? Does it always have to be a "professional judge"? I like that they had different levels, that kept me interested. Even though it took me a few episodes to commit to the show.

Aside from cartoonish elements... I didn't like the unfairness of the first challenge, you can't help who you are teamed with, ditch that. And yes the secret sauce of Secret Chef does have to do with not knowing who the others are but I didn't enjoy the overemphasis on them trying to figure out who was who(m). I found it kinda annoying.

Worth watching but the show has some work to do.
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Superstore (2015–2021)
How did I miss this gem?!
31 July 2023
This show was recommended on Hulu. I heard about it casually over the years but never took the bait and I'm thrilled that I finally did. Hilarious, irreverent, at times sweet and engaging. You can't help but care for the Cloud 9 employees, their families and customers. The well-developed individual characters are cleverly created and work both individually and as a team. There are moments of uncontrollable laughter. Who writes this stuff? Well I would say mad geniuses. Cringe-worthy, slapstick, deadpan, adult humor and the list goes on. And don't get me started on the little vignettes strategically placed throughout each episode. We all know what The best of Walmart looks like and they portray it brilliantly. For me a standout character is Marcus. The only reason I didn't give it 10 stars is because I felt the serious lost a little oomph in the last season or so. Do yourself a favor and check out this stellar sitcom, you'll thank me for it.
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The Act (2019)
Definitely worth watching!
27 June 2023
Warning: Spoilers
It is a well-acted series. The characters really draw you in. To see how things develop, the tension is palpable. I enjoyed the way they went back and forth, some series make this difficult to follow but in The Act it flowed nicely. I think some might disagree, as do I, with the real life sentence and punishment of Gypsy. But that shouldn't detract from the quality of the show. I have almost nothing negative to say however the last two or three episodes didn't seem to have the same allure for lack of a better word. The subject matter of her abuse especially during her formative years, although probably very disturbing, might have made it more interesting. Either way I would highly recommend it!
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Sinister (I) (2012)
Graphic, chilling, worth a shot
29 April 2023
I went into this pretty skeptical, not really expecting it to be a great movie but it was fairly good. Creepy, graphic scenes, the opening tree hanging - whoof. Some chilling moments. It had an interesting storyline, for me a bit different than other films. This made it more refreshing because of its originality. And Hawke made it all worthwhile. His betrayal of the character helped you empathize and understand how this consumed him. Add the horror of realization as the story unfolded. For me imagining myself being put into that position. The end was a little predictable but I will definitely watch it again.
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Abbott Elementary (2021– )
Must watch, funny and refreshing
29 January 2022
I was going to say this really reminds me of an updated The Office show (another review said the same). Funny, engaging, and about time! The cast is great, funny material, clever (at times poignant) story telling... we need more shows which branch out of the usual one sided, predominantly white prospective. This Caucasian girl can't wait to see how the characters develop and hopefully ABC gives this gem a 2nd season.
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