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Fallout (2024– )
Was blown away, literally.
4 June 2024
Warning: Spoilers
I've been playing Fallout since the fourth game and have replayed that and New Vegas many times than I can count.

When I heard they were making a TV show, I was....very worried, the stills and teasers looked good but nothing was eye-catching. I was also worried that after the Fallout 76 fiasco, Fallout would never go back to what it originally was..... UNTIL the trailer came out, I was very optimistic and knew the series was in good hands.

Now, in the show, a lot is going on so I won't spoil it too much It stars Lucy MacLean, a female vault dweller who has set out to find her father after her vault is attacked by raiders and their leader, Moldaver.

Much like the game, violence in this show is quickly dismissed in typical Fallout fashion, and the main draw is the story. There were a lot of great uses for the songs from the original games and they have always fit in well with the atmosphere.

Characters are very well fleshed out. The Ghoul is probably the best character here despite being an asshat, his motivations are clear from his backstories, and you get to learn why he despises Vault-Tec.

Maximus is also a very enjoyable character, an outcast scribe who wants to become a Brotherhood Knight.

The only thing I can complain about this show is, that they made the Brotherhood of Steel look like cultists.

Now, it wouldn't be a review without mentioning ALL OF THE NEW VEGAS REFERENCES IN THE SHOW!

The person who played as Mr. House was absolutely brilliant and Frederick Sinclair was there too! And I absolutely screamed at the final shot of Hank MacLean in front of New Vegas.

Very accurate to the source material, great characters, great story, and honestly one of the best TV shows based off of a video game I've ever seen.

I can't wait for season 2!
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There was so much they could've done...
3 April 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Now look, I'm not a huge fan of Ghostbusters but I really did enjoy this film.

Afterlife left me disappointed so I had zero hope for Frozen Empire. But it's a really good film. However they set up a bunch of stuff and went NOWHERE with it.

Like the abandoned aquarium with all that technology inside it, they made such a big deal about the stuff in there, like the huge ghost catcher, like it was gonna be a major part of the film. But no.

And they had such a GREAT villian for this movie, like how he was the biggest threat ever. And I really did love him. But they defeat him in like 5 minutes?

How about ditching that long set-up and making room for expanding upon the ending?

And the ghost girl was very interesting but her resolution for moving on is a bit....silly. And seemed like they didn't know what to do with her.

The ending almost seemed like an after thought, like they went, "Oh shoot, we're almost at the 2 hour mark. We gotta wrap this up." And it was such a let-down. They could've had the villain terrorizing the city for a long time but it just abruptly ends, like "Boom, it's over, see you in a couple years for the next movie!" Overall a really good movie that felt really underwhelming, there was so much more they could've done. Let's hope the third movie they're setting up isn't like this....
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Paranoia Agent (2004–2005)
"I heard he smiles when he swings down the bat!"
25 March 2024
The show may be incomprehensible to some, but when you look deeper into it, it makes so much more sense when you watch it a second time.

I don't think this needs an introduction, but it's about multiple citizens of Tokyo who are targeted for assault by a boy with a golden baseball bat and rollerblades named Lil' Slugger (or Shonen Bat if you're watching the Japanese dub) who seems to target people who have been "backed into a corner".

This show might be one of the most disturbing and unhinged anime I've ever watched, you literally never know what's gonna happen and after every episode you will sit there confused as to what the hell you just watched.

I'm not gonna get into any spoilers if you plan on watching it, but let's just say it was banned in Japan for a reason.

Obviously it's not for everyone, and it may be too hard to stomach for some, such as the suicide pact episode which features three people, and a little girl, frolicking and skipping happily as they try to kill themselves together. This show was almost TOO real that it made me question my own sanity.

Paranoia Agent is surely not to be missed and has opened my eyes to Satoshi Kon and I will definitely watch his other stuff!
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Central Park (2020–2022)
Treated unfairly and was cancelled way too soon.
29 February 2024
I was shocked and not too shocked when I heard that Central Park was canceled. It sucks because I genuinely really loved this show, but what led to its demise is pretty simple. Now, season 1 is spectacular and knows what it is doing: Telling the story of a simple family living in Central Park and trying to fend it off from an evil businesswoman who wants to turn it into condos. Yet, even with the plot it has some powerful character moments and great musical segments. The problem is, after season 1 ended, I feel like the writers didn't know where to go from there and instead relied on making it way too similar to Loren Bouchard's other shows, Bob's Burgers and The Great North. In my opinion, I don't think it worked well because Central Park is different than those shows. What sets it apart from all of them is that it's not an acid trip, while I do enjoy those episodes, it feels disconnected from the story they're trying to tell.

So when season 2 came out I was a little bit disappointed but it still kept the charm that I loved from the first season. Yet, season 3 had a completely new identity and relied more on random nonsense and disjointed stories disconnected from the actual storyline, rather than sticking to the formula it originally went with. And instead of great episodes like the one where Owen's mom derails a trip to the botanical garden when she makes a surprise visit, we GET episodes like when Owen and Paige set out to buy tickets to a.... K-pop boy bands....concert for....the kids....... What happened? If they kept sticking to the original formula it went with, and if it WASN'T on AppleTV, then this probably would've lasted more than two years... It's honestly such a shame because I wanted to know where they were going next, but I also have a sinking feeling that, if they did, it would've just kept dwindling until the actual plot relevance crashed and burned. Overall, you'll love season 1 but if you decide to watch the other seasons, you'll probably be as disappointed as I was....
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Comes off as "comedic" rather than scary.
1 February 2024
Junji Ito anime is a very difficult subject to talk about, while the Junji Ito Collection anime did get me into his books, looking at it now there's just so many things out of place with it.

Japanese Tales of the Macabre is no exception to this, while I find myself enjoying SOME episodes, they just don't capture the black and white, depressing, aesthetic the manga had. And it comes off as comedic rather than despair-inducing stories that will leave you on the edge of your seat. The Souichi episodes actually work really great in this format and it's these episodes involving him I love the most, because Souichi is meant to be comedic, and scary. But when you try to do that with something like The Hanging Balloons or The Bully, it just comes off as...weird.

Overall, Tales of the Macabre lacks the scary feeling that the manga had and this makes me extremely worried about how Uzumaki will pan out.....
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The Laughing Salesman (1989–1992)
It's a crime how CRIMINALLY underrated this show is.
20 December 2023
If The Twilight Zone and Doraemon had a baby, it'd be this show.

I was honestly so blown away when I first watched this and how different it is to modern anime you see nowadays. This show isn't about character development nor has a deeper meaning to it, which I think works great in its favor. Moguro Fukuzou is such a great protagonist AND antagonist, but he's usually referred to as an anti-hero.

The plot is very very simple, every episode there's a different customer and it's usually: he/she wants something, or wants to change something about their lives, and Moguro comes in with some magical item or device that always, or usually, comes with a rule you can never break. The customers end up always breaking that rule and the salesman just screws them in the most unfair ways possible. Most of the customers deserve it and some just don't deserve punishment AT ALL. The worst thing is he sets them up to break that rule through plot convenience or just knowing about their urges and tendencies and knowing that they'll break it.

Obviously, this is not for everyone. If you're tired of seeing the same old anime plots and characters rehashed and are looking for something different, this show will definitely please you.

Now, where do you watch the original Japanese dub with english subtitles? It might be simple but, YouTube. There's quite a handful of channels that upload the original series with english subs, so don't worry. Although, if you wanna get into this I'd start with Warau Salesman NEW (the new series from 2017, which ironically has all twelve episodes also on YouTube), because that's how I was first introduced.

It's a shame I rarely see anyone talk about this masterpiece of a show. Because underneath the episodic format of it, is a genuinely great show that I think everyone should have the pleasure of viewing at least once.
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The Good Place (2016–2020)
I'm still recovering from the finale.
7 December 2023
I almost didn't stick around because the first season was a bit of a bore to get through, but then the 'twist' came.

Honestly one of the most intelligent and funniest comedies I've ever seen, characters and the writing make it worthwhile and I really wish I could experience this show for the first time again. This show actually made me change my opinion on life in general...I can't explain it either. And you can DEFINITELY tell Michael Schur had so much love and care put into doubt because he wrote some of the best episodes for The Office.

And yes...the finale broke me. But pobody's nerfect.
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Monster (2004–2005)
"I was supposed to die that night..."
7 December 2023
Never have I EVER felt such a rush from watching an anime like this. Every single episode will leave you on the edge of your seat wondering what's gonna happen next.

And...yeah I get that it starts out a bit slow but every single episode builds so much tension up to the finale and you'll be left wondering what's even gonna happen next. And this show might quite possibly have one of the best villains I've ever seen in an anime.

And, (if you're watching the English dub) I was shocked to find out that the one who voices Dr. Kenzo Tenma is none other than Liam O'Brien. Known for voicing soooooo many notable and memorable characters in other media such as Persona.

Watch it now! You'll be so glad you did.
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New Girl (2011–2018)
Calling this a 'good show' is an understatement...
12 May 2023
I watched the first episode and it was SO miserable that I almost quit half-way through. The pilot does not do a good job of introducing these characters to you, like AT ALL. And I found most of the main characters to be so unlikable and annoying, Jess is such a bad example and acts like she's five years old. The only character I remotely liked was the coach guy.

Jess is a QuIrKy girl who just broke up with her boyfriend and now lives with three guy roommates. The set-up is decent, but they don't do anything interesting or innovative with it. It's just like the standard Fox sitcom filled with just...nothing. Call Your Mother was a HUNDRED times better than this....

Overall, this is a mess and I just can't get into it....that's my simplified answer...
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9 March 2023
Warning: Spoilers
First of all, you already know the plot of this.

Family moves in, makes friends with the ghost, makes it internet famous, blah blah blah.

I'm confused as to why they had a bunch of TikTok stars be in this and do stupid challenges based on Ernest like running into walls, ghost rights, cancel culture and other 'trendy' stuff. Yes I know, people are stupid and I don't need to be reminded of it. Oh and this is EXACTLY the first forty minutes of this just back-and-forth banter between the family and celebrities with no relevance to the actual plot.

Can we also just, talk about our main characters? Kevin is your stereotypical teenager who thinks, "Ugh my dad sucks and life sucks but I like music", although the writing did get better with him after the whole 'becoming famous' thing. Fulton is Kevin's brother and is What is it with them making teenage male actors buff all the time and then give their stereotypical popular teen character wanna be 'cool' and 'get chicks' I get that happens in real life, but add depth to your characters if you're gonna do that. Frank is the family dad and is just a dick and a con man. And the mom is just kinda there. Yeah she doesn't do much.

But it gets waaaay more interesting once they start to uncover the truth as to why exactly Ernest died. Turns out that his name isn't actually Ernest, and his 'friend' killed him because of his daughter, June, which was actually really damn sad. And after killing the friend, Ernest finally reunites with his daughter who is now in her seventies, giving them a one last goodbye to Kevin and June while he starts to fade away.

While the movie was okay and it was a little funny, I wished that they would've done something different with the plot and didn't drag as much as it did. They could've focused on story instead of just, inserting celebrities to make it appealing to our "cultured times". Yes, Dr. Phil is actually in this movie. I get that this is supposed to be a stupid-funny comedy, but you don't have to shove TikTok and other celebrities into it to make it even REMOTELY interesting.

Overall, ignore the first forty minutes of this. Stay 'til the end to see the mystery.
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Better Call Saul (2015–2022)
The Winner Takes It all.
9 March 2023
There's not much to say about this show that already hasn't been said before. The writing, character dynamics, and characters, in general, are fantastic and deserve ALL of the Emmys it's been getting recently.

I should confess that this is my first exposure to the Breaking Bad universe (I probably should've watched it first), but this is such an AMAZING introductory for me and others who wanna watch it in order. And there is honestly a lot more going on than I initially thought, and thought it was all gonna be about Jimmy but nope.

And this show honestly deserves all the memes it's been getting because that's what inspired me to watch Better Call Saul and the Breaking Bad shows, I was probably spoiled a bit, but I don't care.

From the perspective of a newcomer, I'm hyped to watch Breaking Bad after I'm done watching the entirety of this.
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Spirited (2022)
There's so much wrong here....
25 November 2022
Warning: Spoilers
A story of a ghost that tries to help an unredeemable jerk. But then unredeemable jerk decides to help the ghost by trying to prove that no person can change? I really tried with this movie, but I couldn't make it to the end. I thought it was gonna be funny and there were a couple of funny parts but you can't even make it past the bizarre storyline. So the plot is the ghosts of Christmas Carol try to make a social media guy (I can't remember his job) redeemable. But then the guy tries to turn it around on the ghosts, and the ghost of Christmas falls in love with Octavia Spencer, and she can see him for some reason??

Literally the first thirty minutes were great, until the ghost of Christmas present met up with Clint. It was soft, it was all over the place. When I see Will Ferrel and Ryan Reynolds I expect to see a comical funny movie, not a deep storyline that just goes nowhere. The places that could have gone, didn't. And the places it did, shouldn't have gone there in the first place.
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Hocus Pocus 2 (2022)
I wish to be beamed out of this nightmare....
4 October 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I have never been more disappointed in a sequel in all my life, this just might be the worst thing I've seen coming out of Disney standards.

So Hocus Pocus 2 is a sequel to the original movie from 1993, it has some mixed feelings about it but I think it's a really great movie to watch on Halloween with plenty of funny characters and did a really good job of separating it from other witch movies. BUT THIS? Hell to the no.

So the movie starts off with a flashback of Salem in 1653 with the Sanderson sisters being kicked out of Salem by the Reverend. Then they run away into the woods and meet a witch who gives them the magic book from the previous movie but there's a spell which you most never do, even the book doesn't like it. This intro is just fantastic, not only does it build up the first act but it's also nice to see more backstory of the sisters.

We then go back to present day, two girls named Becca and Izzy are currently upset at their friend Cassie because she always tries to include her boyfriend in their activities. Becca and Izzy also try to summon a witch every Hallow's eve which they used to do with Cassie, but they decide to do it without her. They then go to a magic shack which used to be the Sanderson sisters house. The shopkeeper has the sister's book locked in a case tied down like the book is a mental patient for some reason. He gives a candle to the girls and they go off to do the ritual. But when they do the summoning the Sandersons show up, turns out the guy had the actual black candle and tricked the girls just because he wanted to see the Sanderson sisters again.

Becca takes the sisters to Walgreens which is a VERY funny scene. But when the girls run back to the magic shop the shopkeeper tells them the truth and the sisters trap them and use the shopkeeper to gather everything needed to do the forbidden spell. And then he tricks Billy Butcherson into helping him get the ingredients for it.

The sisters also try to kidnap the mayor because the Reverend is an ancestor to him, which I think is really clever. And the poor guy just wants to get a candy apple.

Now, unfortunately this is where the film stops being fun......

Like Becca gets witch powers for no reason at all and she just knows how to uses them? Then they try to justify the Sandersons sisters' actions at the end? Like, "Oh they're just misunderstood", and they sent Winnie to her grave and reunited her with her sisters in the afterlife after doing the spell. Along with Billy Butcherson so he can finally rest in peace. WHAT?!

We barely even know anything about the main characters other than the fact that they're teenagers and they're very qUiRkY. Like seriously, I expect writing like that from a live action Disney Channel "comedy" not a sequel based on a beloved Halloween classic.

I just feel like this is another one of those movies that had a lot of cut and deleted scenes because they accidentally made the movie too long so most stuff ended up on the cutting room floor, I would honestly prefer that instead of pacing in this movie. Because it is sooooooooooooooooo dang slow while it rushes too quickly into things. It's literally the same problem I had with WandaVision's series finale where they cut most of everything after saying they were gonna make it 'big'. Overall stay for the first act, skip the rest of it and shame on Disney for ruining this sequel that we've been waiting for almost two decades for!
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Hocus Pocus 2 (2022)
Is there a spell that can beam me out of this nightmare?
3 October 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I have never been more disappointed in a sequel in all my life, this just might be the worse thing I've seen coming out of Disney standards. Um, Let me just, go over everything that happened here..... So Hocus Pocus 2 is a sequel to the original movie from 1993, it has some mixed feelings about it but I think it's a really great movie to watch on Halloween with plenty of funny characters and did a really good job of separating it from other witch movies. BUT THIS? Hell to the no.

So the movie starts off with a flashback of Salem in 1653 with the Sanderson sister being kicked out of Salem by the Reverend. Then they run away into the woods and meet a witch who gives them the magic book from the previous movie but there's a spell which you most never do called Magica Maxima, even the book doesn't like it. This intro is just fantastic, not only does it build up the first act but it's also nice to see more backstory of the sisters.

We then go back to present day, two girls named Becca and Izzy are currently upset at their friend Cassie because she always tries to include her boyfriend in their activities. Becca and Izzy also try to summon a witch every Hallow's eve which they used to do with Cassie, but they decide to do it without her. They then go to a magic shack which used to be the Sanderson sisters house. The shopkeeper has the sister's book locked in a case tied down like the book is a mental patient for some reason. He gives a candle to the girls and they go off to do the ritual. But when they do the summoning the Sandersons show up, turns out the guy had the actual black candle and tricked the girls just because he wanted to see the Sanderson sisters again.

Becca takes the sisters to Walgreens which is a VERY funny scene. But when the girls run back to the magic shop the shopkeeper tells them the truth and the sisters trap them and use the shopkeeper to gather everything needed to do the forbidden spell. And then he tricks Billy Butcherson into helping him get the ingredients for it.

The sisters also try to kidnap the mayor because the Reverend is an ancestor to him, which I think is really clever. And the poor guy just wants to get a candy apple.

Now, unfortunately this is where the film stops being fun......

Like Becca gets witch powers for no reason at all and she just knows how to uses them? Then they try to justify the Sandersons sisters' actions at the end? Like, "Oh they're just misunderstood", and they sent Winnie to her grave and reunited her with her sisters in the afterlife after doing the spell. Along with Billy Butcherson so he can finally rest in peace. WHAT?!

We barely even know anything about the main characters other than the fact that they're teenagers and they're very qUiRkY. Like seriously, I expect writing like that from a live action Disney Channel "comedy" not a sequel based on a beloved Halloween classic.

I just feel like this is another one of those movies that had a lot of cut and deleted scenes because they accidentally made the movie too long so most stuff ended up on the cutting room floor, I would honestly prefer that instead of pacing in this movie. Because it is sooooooooooooooooo goddamn slow while it rushes too quickly into things. It's literally the same problem I had with WandaVision's series finale where they cut most of everything after saying they were gonna make it 'big'. Overall stay for the first act, skip the rest of it and shame on Disney for ruining this sequel that we've been waiting for almost two decades for!
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It's strange atmosphere and stories will make you want more.
2 May 2022
Now look, I am barely interested in anime because it's usually the same crap.

"This guy is a superhero and he fights things and this girl has a large chest and she's super hot" I just don't find it that interesting. But I was randomly scrolling on YouTube one day and saw a playlist of episodes called "Warau Salesman NEW" aka "The Laughing Salesman", I tried to avoid seeing it because I'm not into anime besides Phoenix Wright. After agonizing about it for twenty minutes and I sat down and watched a few episodes and I'm SO glad I did.

The series is based off the 1982 series of the same name, thirty years later this released and apparently didn't do well in Japan despite the source material being popular. It's about Moguro Fukuzou and volunteers his services to people on the streets of Japan whom he deems to have "Empty Souls". Each episode usually begins with a client he's about to meet and more often than not he gives them a magical item that can solve their problems but come with a rule you must not break. The client usually breaks the rule and the Salesman gives them a punishment which is usually pretty disturbing sometimes. Moguro is a great anti-hero for the show. The client usually deserves it sometimes but he usually goes after people for no reason and I love it. The first episode isn't really that good, but after that the show kinda realizes this too because it gets way better after episode one.

Please check this out if you're a thriller fan, I'm so glad I spent time watching this I think it's sad it never got a second season though.
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Encanto (2021)
Good, but overrated.
19 April 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I know people are probably gonna attack me for this but just hear me out.

Encanto is a musical comedy movie that takes place in Columbia and stars Mirabel an eccentric Colombian teenager whose family each has a magical power gifted by a candle but she mysteriously never received a gift for some reason. She one day realizes that Casita (the house) starts cracking and tries to figure out why the candle almost keeps going out.

I was generally confused halfway through the movie because they just kinda throw anything at you. There's a guy in the walls of the home, this happens, this and that happens. Like please, slow down so I can catch up a bit. Some of the songs in the film are decent to say the least, and it has a nice message. I liked the fact they tried to turn Bruno into a villain but he ended up not being that way.

Now, I have some cons I wanna talk about...and that this movie just feels unfinished. It generally annoyed me how they never explained why Mirabel never got a gift to begin with, they kept hinting at it but it never did go anywhere, probably because I feel like they focused too much on the musical aspect. This film has some annoying characters especially Isabela, like Jesus Christ. Although there were some characters I enjoyed like Delores and Bruno (who seems to be the fan favorite at this point.) Overall, it's a good film that I feel had a wasted potential. But a necessarily good Disney comeback.
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Oh my God, just stop.
18 April 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I can't begin to describe how pathetic and boring this movie is.

The Addams Family 2 is based off of the first animated Addams Family movie from 2019, I made a review on the first movie saying that it wasn't that special but I praised it for it's dark humor and subtle references in the original. But THIS? No, there's no humor at all.

Let's go over the plot first, shall we? So, the movie starts off with Wednesday at a science fair where she is using Uncle Fester for experimentation on the DNA of a squid. Then there's Megamind-looking science guy there who announces the winners and one of those "everyone wins" moments. Gomez worries that Pugsley and Wednesday are drifting apart from him and Morticia, so he decides to take them on a family vacation. Now this ladies and gentleman is where the cliche vacation part comes in. They're also being pursued by a lawyer who thinks that Wednesday was probably switched at birth and wants to coax out a paternity test. There's also a side-plot where Pugsley is wanting to pick up girls when he looks like he is eleven years old, which they basically drag you by your ear into street with it the until movie is over. There's also this gag that goes on where Uncle Fester is turning into a squid because that science experiment Wednesday did on him at the science fair which is also painfully unfunny and cringe-worthy. *Insert qUiRkY family wackiness here*. Wednesday finds out she might've switched at birth and eventually leaves her family for no reason really, and they decide to let Lurch tag along with her? The villain turns out to be the science fair dude, family goes to find her but they're turned away, Pugsley falls in love with a genetically mutated human pig (yes, I don't understand it either), they fight Megamind and he's dead and blah blah blah.

I'm gonna start with the pros, they actually improved the background characters in this one. Cousin Itt has more screen time for this one for once (and is only the good character in these movies). The villain is better than Margaux Needler in the first one and unsurprisingly is just not here in this sequel, even though she ended up with Uncle Fester at the end of the first movie. The voice actor for Gilbert Huph (the boss from The Incredibles) plays as the lawyer and I kind of enjoyed him after I found out who the voice actor was.

Now, the CONS. The issue I have with it is that it's weird but not in a Addams Family type way and that the humor is dull and boring. They also take up full entire dance sequences, in an ADDAMS FAMILY MOVIE! There was also mixed reviews for the song's soundtrack but with me I generally hated it, just pop song trash once again. There's also just signs that they were making this less dark than the first one, and they also removed Wednesday's noose pigtails for some reason? There's also some points in this film to when Wednesday is torturing Pugsley to the point he is calling for his mother to help him, it's that part that confuses me there are so many scenes here that aren't very Addams Family, these are scenes that would be in any run-of-the-mill family vacation film.

The film grossed over $119 million and received generally negative reviews from critics, who criticized the humor and story. Which is generally what this movie deserves, calling this a movie is insult to anyone because, looking at this now makes me realize how slightly better the first one was..... These directors had their shot now drop it give it to someone else, Addams Family isn't for you.
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HouseBroken (2021–2023)
I fell asleep while watching this.
21 March 2022
This show is just not fun to watch or enjoy, you couldn't even pretend if you wanted to.

Apparently this show is about a poodle named Honey, and she starts an inside and outside therapy group for other animals in the neighborhood where they can talk about what stresses them and they try to come to a conclusion to their problems. That concept itself sounds interesting to me, because I like those types of shows but I feel that it was executed pretty poorly. They seem to spend as much time making stupid animal puns if you can even call it that, and they try way too hard to be "quirky". And it just doesn't even sound like a conversation anymore, Honey probably should've just opened a stand-up comedy club because, oh my God they joke around way too much. Overall, this show had potential but they decided to waste that and flush it down the toilet where it ends up in the sewer system that is the Animation Domination shows which failed and had either one or two seasons.
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Sam & Cat (2013– )
A rush of nostalgia.
2 March 2022
I really REALLY hate Nick sitcoms, because they have a bunch of dumb jokes and uninteresting plot lines and characters. That's when I was introduced to Sam & Cat. Now, for those who don't know this is a spin-off in the Schneiderverse. Dan Schneider made some of Nick's popular shows like iCarly, Victorious, Henry Danger, Zoey 101, The Amanda Show and more that I can't remember at the top of my head. Which six year old me had NO IDEA in the first place that it was a spin-off. It was just one of those shows that would play in the background but something about it caught my attention so six year old me decided to give it a shot. I faintly remembered this show recently so I decided to re-watch it for the hell of it.

Is it entertaining? Yes. Is it as good as I remember? Yes and no.

But, I found myself liking these characters. Sam & Cat features Sam Puckett from iCarly and Cat Valentine from Victorious, meeting up with each other in Los Angeles and becoming friends. They decide to start a babysitting service to earn some extra cash. Right off the bat, the plot might sound a bit cliché but you can't really judge a show based on that, it has the be the writing that's good. Sam and Cat were just meant to be on-screen together because their dynamic fits so well. And the side characters are interesting too.

Dice J. Corleone is their next door neighbor and is known for trying to make a quick buck by occasionally trying to persuade people to buy something from him, I really liked him a lot more than I thought I was. Nona is Cat's eccentric grandma and is usually the one that helps Sam and Cat. Goomer is your typical dumb optimistic person who tries the make the best out of current situations and really funny at times.

The episodes are sometimes a hit or miss, that's why I gave it a seven rating. You might be wondering why this ended abruptly and it was because of pay disputes, personal issues in Sam's actress McCurdy's life, and feuds between the Co-stars. Which is a damn shame because this show had so much to offer. But give it a shot if you're and iCarly of Victorious fan. I'm not, but I couldn't be anymore happier.
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Ridiculousness (2011– )
Unfunny AFV knock-off of people doing stupid crap.
24 February 2022
This show is filled with people lighting fireworks in their *** and raunchy and crude behavior, I get that that's the point and it wouldn't be an issue if it ran sometimes often. BUT........This show is literally on 24/7 and it's repetitive and annoying, I don't understand how this garbage show has 23 SEASONS and runs in the morning through the evening if you're lucky OR it runs in the morning and goes up to 10PM sometimes, like holy crap stop playing this at 6 IN THE MORNING! You'd think that if it had that many seasons you'd think it was South Park or Simpsons quality but, nope.

Rob Dyrdek is annoying and constantly makes dumb jokes that don't make any sense, Chanel West Coast's laugh sounds like a fork being scraped against a chalkboard and is obviously fake, she is also very very annoying. And Steelo Brim...I have no problems with him really. They just sit there and rewind the video and they act like they all haven't seen it before even though they just replayed it like fifty times but whatever. Then they end cracking jokes "hahahahahahahahhhaah", and the audience goes along with it because they're all just actually laughing about how stupid this is. The executives at MTV all are high if they think this show was good.

I'm not the only person in the house who thinks this show is horrible, I'm currently living with my parents and my dad watches this immature crap almost every weekend. It's not just me no, it's my MOTHER who thinks it's horrible too. So if you need reference ask HER.

But, yeah. This show was probably good in season one to three but after that it got annoying and unfunny. Don't watch this, actually that's impossible because like I said it runs all the time and IMPOSSIBLE to avoid seeing it....
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Death Saved My Life (2021 TV Movie)
The first Lifetime movie that isn't trash for me.
22 February 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Apparently this is based on a true story which makes it a little bit better because if you heard about it then you know what's gonna happen already but if you don't know it's a real event, then it's a little bit like the Stephen King movies.

I'm gonna try my best to remember this as much as I could, because I haven't seen it since it was released in February of last year.

It's about a woman named Jade Thompson who has a successful marketing career, who is loved by the community of her town and has her daughter. However her husband, Ed who is a surgeon, is extremely abusive and after finding out she snuck out of the house with their daughter and finds divorce papers in her car he assaults her. Ed decides to hire a hitman to kill her and when Jade finds out his motives she decides to fake her death. Making the hitman think she died. She then goes out of her way to basically torment Ed by sending him letters saying she's still alive and Ed starts getting random things sent and done to him. LIke having send him their wedding video from an unknown number, setting up a reservation at a restaurant they used to go to a lot, replacing the slides in a slideshow he made for work with pictures of a skull superimposed over Jade's face while he's presenting them to onlookers in the hospital, and breaking into the house to replace Ed's clothes with hers. Jade at this point wants to have the hitman and Ed arrested so she decides to follow the hitman back to his apartment complex where she learns that his name is actually Donald. Ed confronts Donald about this and they find out she was listening to the conversation from outside. Ed chases her but is eventually stopped by parole officers, leading her to get away. This is where the ball drops HARD for him, I mean REALLY hard. He develops a drinking problem, he chokes his new girlfriend after mistaking her for Jade, he gets fired from his job after being too shaky with surgery. Jade then decides that torment him MORE by sending fake pictures of her dead body, playing their song on the Bluetooth speakers, and filling the kitchen with white flowers. Ed is eventually arrested after all of this and Jade is safe now with her daughter.

My thoughts? A lot more better than other LIfetime movies, it's not cliche, it's not dull, it's something original for once. The direction that Seth Jarrett went with this is amazing and it doesn't beat around the bush either. And the acting isn't horrible unlike their OTHER movies, but it could be a little bit better. Overall, this a good movie and I highly recommend this I wish all the other LIfetime movies were like this though....
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They throw so much crap at you in the first six minutes.
21 February 2022
She's an alcoholic, BAM. She can see her dead daughter, POW. Her friends tell her to get over her husband's death or else they leave her, ZAP.

Like, slow the hell down. I never even got a proper introduction to this character they just kinda throw everything at you. I gave up after seven minutes.
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No, just...stop
10 February 2022
I don't understand why movie companies just won't let a franchise die, because there's now SIX movies...

The first two Home Alone movies are obviously the best, Lost in New York being a great sequel. But after that it started to crash and burn because there were movie sequels made for some reason.

BUT this is honestly the worst Home Alone movie ever released and lemme tell you about it so I couldn't even get passed thirty minutes of this.

So the McKenzie's are having an open house and this kid steals a valuable doll from them, after they find out they go to BREAK into the kid's home to get it back. The kid thinks they're trying to KIDNAP him so then he sets up traps along the house.

This plot makes ZERO sense, not only is it ridiculous but it's taxing on the viewer's sense of comprehension. Yes, I'm calling a family movie out for being unrealistic. First of all, the kid KNEW he was stealing so he probably should've checked that out. And the burglars are actually a couple trying to get their damn doll back, couldn't have they just, you know...ASK?! I thought the point of the movie series is that they're tryna rob someone's house then they get a whoopin'. Not where they're breaking in to get someone back.

Funny how the tagline is "Holiday Classics were meant to be broken", because that perfectly describes this film....
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One of my personal favorites.......
24 January 2022
Now, I have to give credit to IMDb for recommending this to me because I had no idea this show even existed until a month after it released.

This show is based off of the shy graphic novelist Zerocalcare who is the main character in the show AND the books, his name in English is 'zero limescale" and it was based off of an italian commercial for a descaler product because he quickly had to come up with a name to join the discussion online. He was a protester in the Genoa G8 Summit, so that's why if you watch the show you'll see references to a protest and even references it in some of his books.

But the plot is about Zero explaining his relationship with someone named Alice whom he met in his teens and them traveling outside of the city, it really isn't until the last episode until we find out what's going on but, I won't spoil it here.

But, I'll probably talk a little bit about the characters obviously the first person is Zero: This show tackles anxiety in a very painfully realistic light, and I wasn't really expecting that. Zero may come off as self-absorbing and neurotic and...that's the point, he narrates every single character in this show except one character which I will talk about soon. Because he's basically retelling what happened EXCEPT for the end.

The next character is a bit of a strange one, it's Zero's conscience which is an armadillo which is basically him inside his head. I didn't think I would enjoy him as much as I did because he comes off as a dick sometimes but he sometimes comes off as source of reason (not always though).

Sarah is one of Zero's best friends and she is usually a voice of reason for him but a lot more than the Armadillo. I kinda felt like sometimes she was a bit of a Mary Sue but it didn't really bother me that much.

Secco is another one of Zero's friends who plays online poker and constantly ask people if they want to get ice cream, didn't think I'd like him as much as I did too.

And Alice, oh Alice.... I won't really talk about her because she's sort of the entire plot for this series.

I might as well talk about one of my favorite moments in this show, I think it was in episode one or two.

It's where Zero is sitting on the couch and is trying to find something on Netflix (Yes, a character in a Netflix show tries to find something on Netflix which the show is ON Netflix) and he complains how there's ever 8,000 movies and there's nothing good on, then the armadillo appears and says "Don't say that you won't get anymore work!". That moment genuinely made me laugh and that leads me to my next topic: The Humor.

Now, it painfully combines humor and drama into realistic notes.

I won't really spoil the punchlines or it's drama because they're funny and sadly realistic, but just trust me.

One more thing, I usually watch every single show watch with my mother who is around 52 years old and she ends up really enjoying some of the strangest shows I've ever seen like Harvey Birdman, Everybody Hates Chris, Duncanville and many others.

But, I realised that she didn't really click with this show along with a couple of other people I've mentioned to, which brings me into my next point: This show is not for everyone. Because usually because the style of humor and themes come off as a little off-beat and maybe the weird humor of Calcare might be ridiculous to some, but my mom said she enjoyed it but it wasn't the style of humor she was interested in and that she "Wasn't mad that she watched it but it was okay".

But, yeah give this show a shot.

You'd be glad you did....
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Big Sky (2020–2023)
Completely lost interest...
20 January 2022
It sucks, I really loved this show but after the kidnapping storyline was gone it just started to be watered down because after that they turned into a cliche investigation show. Look if wanted to watch something like that I would watch the shows they have on ID they have much more oh, I don't know. Gripping storylines because they're actually based on REAL cases?

Overall stay for the first season, skip the rest of it.
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