
8 Reviews
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Memory Lane
25 April 2009
I lived in that area (Hoboken and Jersey City)for about ten years. This film certainly captures the feel of that time and place. The dialogue is very good, the music is right and scenarios realistic. As another poster said, it looks almost like a documentary.

I like the way it humanizes these kids, who probably would have rather have been born in Westchester, but fall into what kids fall into. It just so happens that area is pretty rough.

They over-demonize the cops quite a bit, but that's to be expected. I'd say the acting is good all-around, too.

It gives the viewer some sense of how this idiocy is caused and gets blown out-of-proportion. Hopefully, the new mayor of Newark is making progress.
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Pumpkin (2002)
So "Bad," it's "Worse"
8 December 2007
This thing should be an embarrassment to all involved. It is almost as if it was intentionally horrible.

It is difficult to list each and every way this was an utter waste of time, even as it was on in the background on a cable channel that is paid for no matter what it shows.

If you are considering actually spending money or time on this, do yourself a favor, take a few hours throwing pennies, slowly, one-by-one, into a wishing well, hoping it is never aired again under any circumstances, other than in Gitmo.

Unless you are the world's greatest drooling Ricci fan, make time to avoid this.
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Outta the Blue
12 December 2006
So, I was just checking IFC this afternoon to see which umpteenth repeat of -(insert your own most-annoying IFC repeat)- was on today.

'Never Get Outta the Boat,' seemed like some good advice I'd heard somewhere once, so I hit the next button.

I read the summary, saw the three stars and changed my day around a little just to watch it. I went through similar drug addict circumstances for years, so I thought I'd check out the latest piece of crap movie about it. They never get it right. Not that it would be easy to do that, but why some try is a mystery.

Also, I've been clean for a good while now, and can always use a little reminder of what I'm not missing. Some of you know how that is.

So 'Outta the Blue,' (corny enough?) comes this perfect portrayal. Its translated through LA, but is certainly universal enough in scope.

Another poster mentioned 'the wanting.' How simple. How complex.

This film captures just about every aspect of the addiction 'lifestyle' it possibly could in just a few hours. At this point, I just say 'see it,' if you want to know what that world is like, or hopefully, if you are an addict, look back at it.

All of you wannabe addicts-in-training should see it too, and get a load of what you're in for. The thing with this film is, it is so realistic, you will not be able to dismiss it.

Here are some comments, in no particular order:

-The use of the soundtrack is a perfect ten. Not too much, just enough and always right.

-The 'using' scenes are perfect.

-The 'craving' scene, in the truck ride on Slawson/Slauson (sp?) really captured that certain 'pull' the addict feels.

It definitely will make you well up, maybe even cry, tough guy. You feel like you know these people. Maybe you did. Maybe the next guy that dies is you. Was that your wife in that one scene? I could go on and on here. Just let me highly recommend it.

Oh, yeah. The acting was so realistic, I almost forgot to mention it.

Thanks, folks.


Personal Aside

The only character missing was the befuddled Wall Street addict. John Cusack cast as me would've been ideal.
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Monster (2003)
I knew Aileen.
11 November 2006
Why would someone want to be comment number 458? Because it might mean something to somebody. This movie meant a lot to me.

I spent about four hours, sole-to-sole, in the back of a pickup truck hitch hiking with her and a friend of mine in Florida. This was before she had killed anybody, I believe.

Years later, I saw the "wanted" drawing. It sort of rang a bell, but a lot of usual suspects look like that, don't they? What are the chances? Then, they caught her and showed the first photo, then gave both the nickname (like a cousin), and the real name (like another cousin, only spelled in Irish.) At the time, she mentioned the spelling with an "A." I asked her if she was Irish and told her about my two cousins. What a small world, right? She either told me her last name and I assumed it, or told me she was Greek. The point being, the whole name aspect was the first part of a four hour life story discussion we had. And you don't forget four hours of a face like that either. The life stories matched. It was her.

The mood swings Charlize Theron portrays are perfect, as are the mannerisms, body language, clothes, teeth, complexion, hair, the body fat, manner of speaking, that strutting walk and just everything. It was absolutely uncanny. You never forget someone like that, and then when they pop up alive like that again. It was just unreal.

She was mood swinging, or perhaps "cycling," the whole time I was with her. I imagine if that was portrayed realistically, the movie would be unwatchable. I remember thinking at the time, her behavior seemed like the popular portrayal of those "possessed."

After I saw Monster more than twenty years later, I called the other guy that was with me. We have remained friends over the years. I told him "Oscar this, Oscar that," blah blah blah, just out of the shock of reliving the experience of Aileen again. The fact that she was played by the glamorous, beautiful, Charlize Theron on top of it, was beyond all comprehension. What a transformation! Of course, my beloved, goof-ball buddy was sitting beside her sleeping most of the time in the truck. His head kept on falling on her shoulder and she would push it off. It was like Three Stooges. They shared the Doritos like it was the school cafeteria or something. Can you imagine, in hindsight? Yes, it is good for a few jokes, I admit it. She hadn't killed anyone yet, so far as I can tell from reading about her and piecing the time-line back together. This was the first and only time I had been in Florida in those college-age days, so putting that together was fairly easy.

I don't know if I ever met anyone, before or since, that I have felt more sympathy for at the time. She was very talkative, about herself and the hard times she'd had. She was believable. She wasn't scamming us or anything, as I first suspected, just shooting the breeze. I wanted to cry for her. I think I even did so later, in hindsight. She was unreal. She had, what I thought, were "multiple personalities." Really just two, she would laugh one second, cry the next. She was like a big, tough hard-ass girl of eight years. She told me all about her childhood abuse, the horror of being a prostitute, and taking beatings and abuse from the men. She mentioned living in hotels. She didn't seem like too much of a drinker or a druggie. I just thought she was deeply, emotionally disturbed. In those days, we should have said "mental." My friend and I were a couple of happy middle-class college snowbird guys on Christmas break. She had about the worst kind of life of anyone I had ever met. She was only about four or five years older than us, but looked twice her age. When I thought later about the hand she was dealt, compared to mine, you better believe the religious feelings and tears well up. They still do. I can't bear to watch the movie sometimes, or at least parts of it.

Yes, what she did was wrong, if not evil. I don't think she was evil though, at all. She had the innocence lost, naive but semi-funny sweetness portrayed in the movie. I don't usually contemplate these things, its just that you could see there was a good person there, just profoundly _____ed up. For some reason, I was proud of her when she wanted the execution. She was nothing if not honest. As an outside observer, I don't know how you feel sorry for someone like that, but if you knew what happened, you just might. I have no agenda in that regard. Watch this and ask yourself if monsters are made, or are they born? This movie captures my feelings perfectly. If you have read this far, you can see the conflict. The movie reflects that so well, I can not do it justice by praising it with words.

If you were a victim of her actions, I wouldn't blame you for hating what I'm writing. If I read something like this about Charlie Manson, I'd never believe it.

I just want to thank everyone involved in telling this bizarre story.

I would advise people to see this if they want to be challenged, not just entertained. I've read some of the headlines on the index. So should you.
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A Lotta Crapola!
9 November 2006
I gave it 2/10.

One was because it was indeed, "awful" and one because it has Amanda Peet. But even she can't save this stank.

Zero chemistry between Peet and that Lump. He has been good in some other things though. I have nothing against him. But here? Eh.

Anonymous sex on an airplane? The fiasco in the Chinese restaurant? Who wants to know these characters? Bon Jovi, diapers, hardy har har.

There was one good part though. It was the part where I tried to figure out which park that was in NYC.

I saw it for free on TV. It wasn't worth it.

I hope Amanda got a decent paycheck out of it. She's just great in general and helps this one, but..........
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Light Sleeper (1992)
The Gritty Underbelly of La Cote Basque
4 November 2006
I don't get it. On paper, I should like this, BUT:

1) "you don't know crack from cracker jack"

2) Drug dealers at the aforementioned restaurant

3) Susan Saradon as June Cleaver as Ma Barker trying to become "glamourous?" Fiddle dee dee.

4) "sensitive" "DD," DaFoe? "DD?" - gimme a break.

4.5) "Has my luck run out?" asked the master thespian.

5) Cops = bad cartoon characters "DDs" = empathetic real people

6) "We'll always have Paris?" albeit ironically. What about Uncle Vanya with a limp? At least that was actually funny.

7) Corny dated music. So corny, it's actually kind of nostalgic. Maybe thats intentional. It does certainly put you right back in the era.

8) Almond oil? That's just goofy enough to happen in real life. Does it work here? You tell me. Or is it extra-special inside-cutesy-wutesy.

I knew a few dealers in NYC in the day, even "sensitive" ones. I didn't see them here. But what the hell, its only a movie. To the rest of the world, I guess it will pass. But even with all the latitude, its just "too." I will say that some of the addicts and nasty scenarios ring true. Also, some of the outdoor NYC shots are nice because they show it as it is, not as it is in the movies.

Well worth seeing, but don't get too excited reading about it beforehand, or if you are watching it now.

I'll give it a 7 anyway. Do not let me discourage you, maybe I'm just missing something here. It wouldn't be the first time.
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Chanuka in August
30 October 2006
This review has been influenced by those already posted, so please expect some unoriginal comments.

First off, this would be a 9 or 10 if it had the big budgets previously mentioned. Even so, its perfect as it is. Bang for the buck, its probably really an 11/10.

Someone else mentioned "Raising Arizona," and that's a dead on balls accurate good comparison. If you liked that, you'll love this. Also, the movie includes both the Confederate flag and black people, just like the actual south. It does not, in my opinion, mock the south. The south is fully capable of doing that for itself. Georgia is just as "cliched" as New York City. Take my word for it. Margery, Duane, Hampton are hilarious, Rhett is likable and the Belles are indeed, both hot. The only possible improvement might be a continuation of the themes expressed in the rest stop scene. Some exploration there might be interesting, but it also might change the movie too much. Just a thought.

As for any mockery of Christians, remember, "even Jesus farted."
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Virgin Suicides or 40 Years of the Lowest Common Denominator
29 October 2006
I am reminded of that old punk song "..I'd rather cut my wrists and slash my throat, than spend the night with you..." I am begging you not to see this.

I did not laugh even once. And after all the hype and positive reviews, I am truly dumbfounded. Look, I like Beavis & Butthead as much as the next piXel, but I have a feeling I know what they might say about this. So do you.

If you are 18-25 and want some doody humor, get something good like early John Waters. As for the "sex comedy" aspect, stick to "Green Acres." This has to be some kind of calculated lowest common denominator appeal to the most amount of willingly wasted cash. More "sack on chin" humor? Why? As for the story, you'd have to suspend your disbelief in the value of your time and money to buy any of this nonsense.

Unless you want to fund future Carrell projects, and I have a feeling that would be a worthy cause, go elsewhere. Better yet, just send him the money directly and don't waste your time. He will be doing something much better than this I'm sure. I hope he brings his buddies from Ron Burgundy along, i.e., Messrs. "Whammy," and "Sex Panther." Now that was a stupid movie, but it was also 9/10 hilarious watch it over & over funny. If you liked that, you'll hate this.

Howwever, I thought Elizabeth Banks was very good. There was some sex appeal going on there, no doubt. Plus, her character seemed pretty real to me. I might've been married to her once. I liked Romany Malco too.

Still, it didn't gel. Maybe its me. But if you are reading this because you can't believe what you just saw, you are not alone.

Here's a plot question that does not contain a spoiler: why didn't the kindly, old couple upstairs neglect to "get it on" to Barry White or something? Now THAT might've been funny.

Run, don't walk away from this delight.
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