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Would be 9/10 if they cut the last 20 minutes out.
12 June 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Starts off as any fishing documentary/fictional movie would. Some good cinematography of the fish. Really shows the battles and triumphs of fishing for trout in New Zealand.

This is fictional though. There is no river Lethe in New Zealand. There was no such person that wrote in a diary and left it at the hut. This type of folklore in New Zealand would be well known if it was.

The bad part of this movie is the last 20 minutes or so when they go about trying to find the man by the name of Lars Lenthe. This just takes away from the first part of the movie and makes you think of you should have watched The Human Centipede instead.
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Midnight Mass (2021)
It's great. It's addictive.
23 November 2023
Just as all of Mike Flannigan's shows, it's fantastic. A well written masterpiece and quite honestly you can not miss this.

If you only watch this for the beauty that is Kate Siegel then do so. Kate is someone that has a lot more to offer in the world of acting and really think she should be a super star taking leads in block busters.

This movie also goes down a path of Christianity and it does show the lunatics that take it to the extreme. This was the biggest horror part of the show. Not that you'd consider this a horror show. But the extremist Christian's are portrayed in this show quite well.
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Do not skip past this movie
14 October 2023
Would have to be the best fly fishing movie since A River Runs Through It.

This movie captures the true essence of fly fishing and intertwined with the healing of a person.

It is true that fly fishing calms the soul and gives you a better perspective of life.

In my view this movie deserves awards and should go down in history as one of the best movies of all time. Such a wonderful story of three people going through things in life and how they work their way through it. Not to the ideal outcome that you'd be expecting through the end but enough to make you agree with it all the same.

Do not skip over this movie.
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Good until the last episode
26 September 2023
Warning: Spoilers
It keeps you guessing. This is a great thriller show that will have you guessing all the way through the episodes. It is binge worthy given that each episode is approximately half an hour long.

The writers could have made the detective/police work a whole lot better. All jumping to conclusions and operating in a way that detectives and police would not ever act and in a way that would be illegal. A murder weapon found and declared as the murder weapon without any investigation into what was used to kill. Really??!

And let's not get started on the middle section of the last episode when the murderer is discovered. This really ruined the story and the fight was pathetic.
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Kalashnikov (2020)
Well worth the watch
20 May 2023
First time ever watching a Russian movie. And I don't regret it one bit. Fantastic movie telling the story of how one of the best firearms in the world was made. But it's more than about the firearm itself. It's a story about how Michail Kalashnikov went through set back after setback.

This movie is a superb story of the AK47 inventor. I watched the English voice over version and it didn't take away from the story at all. I can't find fault with this movie hence the ten stars given.

This is a must watch for any one that enjoys stories about real people. It doesn't focus on world war two at all which is nice.
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WTF did I just watch?
19 May 2023
If this was a stand alone movie that wasn't part of a franchise I would give it more stars but watching this would be like if the Terminator was a florist.

I wouldn't say not to watch it but don't expect it to be like any of the other Sniper movies.

I can't believe they actually got regular actors to actually sign up to this. So glad Billy Zane and Tom Berenger didn't appear in this.

The cinematic quality doesn't seem to be there either. The main antagonist of the movie is a poor quality actor, a budget Colin Farrell. Could have got some better actors to play the parts and give this a little bit more quality.
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Cobra Kai (2018–2025)
Brilliant dual story
19 September 2022
Cobra Kai is two stories. One is about the originals from the 80's and the other is a teenage story, nothing to do with the original movies. This captures audiences young and old.

As a kid growing up in the 80's obviously I'm interested in the story of the adults in Cobra Kai. Reintroducing heroes and villains from the original series is what keeps me viewing this. It's great that some of Daniels old foes have come back to be a friend. It's a clear example of how as time goes on we can put childish conflicts behind us all and all get along.

I hope Cobra Kai has piqued the interest of the millennials to go back and watch the originals of the 80's. Some good life lessons in those movies.
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After Life: Episode #3.6 (2022)
Season 3, Episode 6
Brilliant show. Lots of laughter and good real to life moments.
20 January 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Glad that the show didn't run so long. And such a good episode to round it off. Tony's last walk was heart wrenching though. The moment the dog disappeared it got me. Dogs bring so much joy to a persons life. Especially after loss of someone so dear.
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