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Not funny, cannot believe it got that many Emmy's !!!
18 August 2024
This was one of the most boring shows I saw in the recent times. I cannot understand what people saw..

Do not watch it and help increase its view count or ratings .

The acting is bad. All the three main people give average performances. The storyline is nothing special. Just a few guys trying to do a true crime podcast. Music is okay. Pretty classy and different actually. So are the modern graphics. The cinematography is cool but nothing out of the box. The suspense and build up is mediocre. No edge of the seat moments or cliffhangers. I just don't see what's the big deal. There are no witty one liners or any humor to make up for the lack of entertainment.

I saw some people commenting that the ratings are courtesy Selena Gomez. You fans should not mess up the ratings and misguide innocent, happy people to watch these unhappy shows.

Listen to Sherlock & Co. On Apple Podcasts instead. It's way better and actually deserves these ratings..
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MasterChef India (2010– )
Need a crisper, smarter and swadeshi series ..
17 October 2023
Warning: Spoilers
First things first why was the show so long ??

It's 2023. Not 2013.. After 20 episodes, I felt famished. My justification was that the producers and editors must have been indian television series fans and used the same skills on MasterChef too. The elimination and movement into the black apron round is stretched way long. The process could have been one episode - one challenge and the next episode - one elimination. That would have given the much needed speed that today's Netflix generation is used to.

Secondly, Indian food deserves more respect. Most of the challenges were based on foreign cuisines whether it was Mexican, Mediterranean, Portuguese, Greek, Chinese, Japanese. Only a few episodes were core indian. They could have added more indian rounds like an all south Indian, north indian, say everyone can work on these Gujarati or Andhra dishes. The round in the other MasterChefs, where both the contestants and the judges are asked to cook the dish that represents them usually ends up being a dish that represents their core culture. But here we get dishes from judges themselves that are with Durian fruit or a Bento box. The chef rounds have dishes like poached eggs, menagerie which are not core indian dish skills. Majority indians don't prefer these foods. Our celebrity chefs don't have a signature dish that is Indian? Not cool.

Thirdly, the judgements passed by the judges are not positive. Many times, there is a lot of insult and has a bullying vibe to them. Positivity and encouragement are very important. An example needs to be set for the audiences not just narrow-minded scolding. The audience got a feel that they are not very good at what they are asked to do in the first place. They give more significance to presentation than taste and the competition essense. If it's a relay competition, the contestants are expected to pick a familiar dish that the latter chefs can keep going with. But the judges want innovation in that. The ideas are not complimentary.

In the round of serving ppl in restaurants aka cruise/flight style, they could have given a comfort zone option of Indian food especially coz the chefs are already going to do the restaurant style cooking for the first time.

Also, they seem more comfortable in English than Hindi. If this was the case, the producers could have assigned a nice anchor.

Many a time, in classic indian kanjoosi attitude, the ingredients always fall short when the chefs go to pick them up. Thoda extra rakhi yaar..

Some of the home chefs were quite positive, whether it was taking the criticism quietly, taking unfair eliminations and team rounds in a sportive way. I hope those chefs could make a mark in the real world later. Wishing them the best of luck.
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Above average attempt at capturing the story of India's blood diamond..
28 July 2023
Warning: Spoilers
The documentary had some effort put into it for sure. The animations, narration had some niche to it. But the main essence of a documentary are facts. And this won doesn't score enough points on that.

For one, as admitted by one of the speakers, the history about the diamond is clouded. Whether it did pass all those hands is not proven. Most of it is conjecture. Some of the stories even seem so funny. Like Shah placing it in the crack of the wall in his prison. Seriously!

Second, it's quite a known fact that the diamond was found in bhadrakali temple at warangal which is now a part of Telangana. The documentary shows it as a part of Andhra Pradesh/Telangana. Visually we see the word "KOLLUR" flashing on the screen. Now kollur gold farms are part of Karnataka now. At one point maybe all of this land was under Kakinda dynasty but now the lines are different. The makers should have done more research.

Overall, it was a good attempt even with these minor flaws. But we cannot deny that most of it might just be false. Is one of those mysterious objects, where we may never know the real story as it happened exactly.
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Explained: Astrology (2018)
Season 1, Episode 14
Unexplained..No research done at all..
17 June 2021
Astrology is much deeper than just sun sign. The series doesn't dwelve into any topic in depth..

They say India got its knowledge on the subject from Greece..really!!!!

India had its version of so called astrology more than 5000 years ago..Its called "Jyotish Vidya " .

Using the term astrology is also an insult to the depth of what was written in ancient indian texts.

Just make a video and dump it on ppl seems to be the ideology behind this episode of "explained"..
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