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The Acolyte: Day (2024)
Season 1, Episode 4
Its getting better. Outstanding Cliffhanger
19 June 2024
Warning: Spoilers
This week, The Acolyte was definitely better than last week.

Still, the episode wasn't great. It ends with an annoying cliffhanger after just 30 minutes. Normally, I prefer weekly releases over binge-watching, but Disney's Star Wars series are an exception.

Andor, one of my favorite shows, should have been released with three episodes at a time, like in the first season. Apparently, this is also the format for the second season with bigger time jumps between acts. The Acolyte could benefit from releasing at least two episodes weekly, especially given their brevity.

Summary: Jedi and Osha discuss their next steps on Coruscant. Osha plans to go alone, but Jedi Master Sol convinces her to join his team going to Khofar, where they suspect her Jedi-killing twin sister, Mae, will go next.

Mae and Qimir are already on Khofar pursuing their own plans. There's a conflict between them, and when Mae finds Kelnacca dead, it leads to a showdown with the Jedi.

I'm curious to see how it unfolds!
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The Acolyte: Destiny (2024)
Season 1, Episode 3
A Solid Addition to the Star Wars Universe
12 June 2024
The third episode of "The Acolyte" admirably expands the Star Wars universe and offers much to ponder and discuss. The portrayal of the Jedi and their methods of recruiting children is shown in a new light, sparking interesting debates. Despite some narrative weaknesses, the series gets better

The episode offers exciting hints about the origins of Osha and Mae, who were born without a father, carried by Mother Korril, and created by Mother Aniseya. This recalls Anakin Skywalker's seemingly immaculate conception and hints at dark machinations.

However, there are weaker moments, such as the awkward depiction of the witches' ceremony and the inconsistent storytelling, especially regarding Mae's miraculous survival and her inexplicable murderous intentions towards Osha. Sol's secrets and the twins leave many questions unanswered, and it is hoped that the series will address these in future episodes.
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Barry (2018–2023)
From Hitman to Hollywood
9 June 2024
The series offers a fascinating and absurd mix of drama and dark humor, skillfully highlighting the duality of human life and the search for identity. A depressed hitman who aspires to an acting career in Los Angeles after accidentally stumbling into a theater class. This setup creates a unique tension between his dark past and his newly discovered artistic ambitions.

Hader's portrayal of Barry is both empathetic and complex, as he authentically embodies the inner conflict and desire for a better life. The series cleverly uses the theater class as a metaphor for self-discovery and transformation. While Barry brings his murderous skills, he discovers an unexpected passion and an opportunity to reinvent himself in acting.

"Barry" shines not only through its main character but also through a strong supporting cast. Henry Winkler as the eccentric acting teacher Gene Cousineau and Sarah Goldberg as the ambitious actress Sally Reed add additional depth and humor to the series. The show skillfully balances grotesque violence and comedic moments, creating an unusual yet captivating atmosphere.

Another notable aspect is the visual and narrative direction, which often depicts the gap between Barry's two worlds. The tension escalates as his criminal activities intertwine with his new passion, leading to a series of unpredictable and often tragically comic events.

Overall, the first season of "Barry" offers an innovative and profound narrative that is both entertaining and thought-provoking.
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Ant-Man meets Star Wars
8 June 2024
Here are my movie reviews of "Ant-Man and the Wasp: Quantumania." Please translate my reviews into English and expand them with further thoughts:


The whole thing has a bit of a Star Wars vibe and the desert dwellers of Tatooine. All in all, it's a nice idea but more like nicely borrowed. The resemblance to Star Wars is hard to miss, with the film borrowing heavily from the aesthetic and atmosphere of the iconic Tatooine scenes. While this brings a sense of nostalgia, it also feels somewhat unoriginal, as if the filmmakers leaned too heavily on familiar tropes rather than forging their own unique path.

It's a great world for kids, full of vibrant colors and quirky characters that are sure to capture their imaginations. The visual effects are impressive, and the world-building in the quantum realm is intricate and engaging, providing a feast for the eyes. However, for adults, it falls short. There's no tension, no surprises; everything is predictable and flat. The plot unfolds in a very linear and expected manner, leaving little room for the excitement or intrigue that one might hope for in a superhero film. The charm of the first Ant-Man film, which was full of humor and heart, is entirely gone. The quirky, endearing elements that made the original stand out seem to have been lost in the attempt to create a grander, more epic narrative.

For a while now, I just haven't felt like I'm missing out on anything if I skip a Marvel movie or even an entire series of Marvel films. This feeling has only been reinforced by "Quantumania." The oversaturation of the market with Marvel content has led to a diminishing return on investment for the viewer, with each new installment feeling less essential than the last. The magic and excitement that once accompanied a new Marvel release have faded, replaced by a sense of obligation and routine. The interconnected nature of the Marvel Cinematic Universe, which was once its greatest strength, now feels like a burden, making it difficult for any single film to stand out.

"Star Wars on the quantum level" might sound intriguing, but in practice, it falls flat. The film tries to balance too many elements and ends up not excelling in any. The stakes never feel real, and the emotional beats don't hit as hard as they should. For a film that aims to explore the mysteries of the quantum realm, it does very little to push the boundaries of what we've already seen. Instead of offering fresh perspectives and groundbreaking concepts, it rehashes familiar themes and ideas, leaving the audience with a sense of déjà vu.

In conclusion, "Ant-Man and the Wasp: Quantumania" is a visually appealing but ultimately shallow experience. It's a film that tries to do too much but achieves too little, relying on borrowed ideas and predictable storytelling. While it may entertain younger audiences, it leaves much to be desired for older fans seeking the depth and charm of earlier Marvel films.
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Unexpected Insights into the German World Cup Stoey
6 June 2024
Everyone knows how the World Cup ended. But that's not what this four-part series is about. It captivates with its entirely new perspectives. Beyond the beautifully captured and skillfully edited footage from Brazil, the film shines through its powerful interviews. Benedikt Höwedes openly admits how much he still suffers from the serious car accident at the training camp in South Tyrol. Mario Götze reveals that, in hindsight, he wishes he hadn't scored the decisive final goal at such a young age. Thomas Müller talks in his inimitable way about the psychology behind his goals. Who doesn't remember Jogi Löw coming to the Campo Bahia pool in his pajamas after an overly exuberant group stage victory celebration to unplug the music system? Some locations of the perfect German football tournament have since turned into "Lost Places."
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The Acolyte: Revenge/Justice (2024)
Season 1, Episode 2
Much darkness, little substance
5 June 2024
Much darkness, little substance - After the hopeful start in Episode 1 of the season, this episode is rather weaker, plunging at times into boredom and poor dialogues. Nevertheless, it consistently finds a hook to draw viewers into its mystery and crime story, something quite unfamiliar in Star Wars. It feels like a classic TV crime drama that doesn't require much attention to understand. Combined with the great sets shown in this episode, it makes the whole episode worth watching. However, the character development remains shallow, leaving viewers disconnected from the protagonists. The pacing issues also disrupt the overall narrative flow, making it challenging to stay engaged throughout.
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The Acolyte: Lost/Found (2024)
Season 1, Episode 1
New Characters, New Atmosphere
5 June 2024
Everything feels different from the usual Star Wars franchise. Not quite convincing yet, but still a strong start. I love the worlds, planets, and the many small details of this era that we don't get to see in other series. The plot is somewhat chaotic, even though it is actually very thin. "The Acolyte" has an interesting story to tell, but the acting performances are unfortunately weak. Those who liked The Mandalorian or Boba Fett will find little of that here, but they will discover new facets of Star Wars. Perhaps this is just the slow start of a season that will unleash a true fireworks display in the second half. I'm definitely intrigued. So, while the first episode is not entirely convincing, I definitely want more.
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The Acolyte (2024– )
A dark side of Star Wars
5 June 2024
Darker, martial arts-oriented, and set in a relatively unknown era of the Star Wars cosmos. "The Acolyte" presents a side of Star Wars that I have missed for years. However, I understand that this can be a very subjective matter. The Acolyte is not Andor, which, at least for me, sets the standard by which I like to measure Star Wars series.

Nevertheless, "The Acolyte" falls short of my expectations with its irregular pace and superficial character development. Despite the attempt to blend a crime story with classic Star Wars elements, the execution feels disjointed and lacks the necessary dark tone.

What the series does achieve: It piques curiosity from episode to episode. As a true Star Wars fan, I can overlook the occasionally mediocre soundtrack that merely tries to imitate its predecessors. This is an indication of what can be summarized as follows: An absolutely worth-watching series for fans, but it is indeed a "new" Star Wars.
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Fifty Shades of Grey for teenagers
28 May 2024
Surprisingly entertaining for this target audience. A series for young girls who are too old for kids' shows but still too young for "Fifty Shades of Grey." It's a collection of every cliché found in most teen movies: a shy, good girl just wants to study, but then the arrogant bad boy James shows up. Of course, they can't stand each other at first, but fate brings them together. You don't need to be a psychic to know how it all ends.

Unfortunately, the main characters remain one-dimensional and cliché-ridden. James' father is a villain - obviously, since he's a millionaire, he must be cold and mean - while Ruby's poorer parents are kind-hearted people.

In the past, it was "Twilight," but now it's Mona Kasten's trilogy "Save Me," on which the series is based.
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A Love in Hell
26 May 2024
A Love in Hell. I think that describes the series quite well. But also a quote from Sokolov himself, a Holocaust survivor whose book the series is based on: "this is a love story," he says. And I think that's how it should be viewed.

Even though I haven't read the book, the series is very moving. Whether it does justice to the millions of Holocaust victims, I cannot judge. However, it seems to me that it is sometimes too superficial and not in the spirit of the survivors. But who can really say? One should probably read Sokolov's book, a Holocaust survivor around whom the series revolves.

Some moments in the series seem fake and not real. But how can one possibly empathize with something so terrible? But there have been better film adaptations. But that's mainly why you're in a love story.

Despite all the horror caused by the Holocaust, this perspective, namely that of love, is an interesting, if not even necessary one, to fully complete this chapter of history.
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True Detective meets American Beauty.
22 May 2024
The show isn't an easy watch, but the standout is definitely the fantastic cast led by Andrew Garfield.

However, the series is a bit too long for my taste. But the longer you stick with it, the more rewarding the miniseries becomes. You need to have that patience. In the first episodes, you dive deep into the world of the Mormons, and you have to be up for that.

The crime story and the religious critique come together in a fragmented narrative, broken up by countless flashbacks, which explores faith thoroughly but increasingly superficially, and the plot tends to stagnate.

Fanatical, dark, strong, thrilling, and believable. It's a mix of True Detective and American Beauty.
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Actors deliver, Story horrible
16 May 2024
It starts great: action kicks off with a daring truck stunt and sprinkles of humor between the main characters. However, the plot quickly spirals into absurdity as a massive criminal network unfolds. What starts as fun soon becomes overly exaggerated, with the police making questionable decisions for the sake of tension. While the performances are solid and the pacing brisk, the film loses its grip on believability, leaning heavily into action thriller territory. Fans of high-octane crime dramas might find enjoyment, but others may find themselves rolling their eyes at the over-the-top antics.

Hendrik Duryn delivers a commendable performance as Inspector Tjark Wolf, infusing the character with a blend of determination and vulnerability. His portrayal captures the essence of a dedicated investigator grappling with personal and professional challenges amidst the chaos of the case. Duryn's nuanced expressions and subtle gestures bring depth to Wolf's character, anchoring the film amidst its more exaggerated moments.
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Crime and confusion
16 May 2024
Director Dominic Müller tries to keep the tension high, but the plot doesn't feel as intricate as hoped. While the ominous music by Alex Komlew adds to the atmosphere, the finale lacks drama. The highlight of the film is the duo from the Wilhelmshaven police, played by Pia Barucki and Hendrik Duryn. Their chemistry is palpable, and Wolf is far from being a superhero - he's human and vulnerable.

Alina Levshin impresses as the silent but rebellious Aisa, while Roman Knizka as a married asset manager with an affair feels unoriginal.

Thebepisode offers solid entertainment, although some loose ends remain and the plot doesn't entirely convince.
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Silo (2023– )
An apocalypse deep in the ground
13 May 2024
Overall, it's a very well-executed post-apocalyptic dystopia. The cast, setting, world-building, and production design are all superbly done and engaging. The script and dialogues also make sense and are largely believable. People enclosed in a bunker, curious about what's happening on the surface. The idea is somehow already familiar from similar series like Fallout. While the narrative elements, from a fallen world to a dictatorial leadership controlling its citizens with strict rules, lies, and half-truths, are not entirely new and innovative, there are still good reasons why the series stands out. Unlike similar sci-fi stories that often surprise with half-hearted twists, the series maintains a sense of mystery while consistently revealing new information about the silo and the dystopian world to satisfy the hunger for answers.

Besides the tense story and immersive atmosphere, perhaps the biggest strength of Apple's sci-fi series is its incredibly strong cast. It's a superb series, an apocalypse underground.
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A brilliant series, but emotionally empty
8 May 2024
A brilliant series, but emotionally empty. I think that sums it up very well.

The series is a flawless production, with an outstanding cast, yet it leaves me emotionally indifferent. The abundance of great actors makes it difficult to identify with a specific character - it's unclear who the main character really is. Although there are some small, touching moments, overall it lacks depth and genuine emotional connections to the characters.

All in all, the series is a cinematic delight, but not particularly gripping.

Nevertheless, the series offers a visually stunning portrayal of events and an epic staging that brings the historical drama to life in an impressive way.
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Hunter Hunter (2020)
Unexpectedly intense!
8 May 2024
In "Hunter Hunter," director Shawn Linden showcases his knack for spinning a gripping tale that intertwines the rugged Canadian wilderness with the dark motifs of fairy tales. The film kicks off with an authentic portrayal of a family's precarious existence as fur trappers and hunters in the remote wilds of Manitoba.

While the thriller plot may seem straightforward and the killer's identity not a shocker for Horror movie fans, the film captivates with its slow-burn tension. The atmosphere builds skillfully until the film delivers a unexpectedly intense finale that leaves even the toughest viewers breathless. The film's visual design is particularly impressive, effectively capturing the loneliness and menace of the wilderness.
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Baby Reindeer (2024)
Anyone can become a victim
6 May 2024
Anyone can become a victim. Even men. The story is gripping. The seemingly illogical, tragic decisions of the main character that ultimately lead him to misery are understandable, human but somehow also horror.

The series blurs the lines between special attention, too much closeness, and literal abuse so softly that sometimes one is left speechless, because one somehow finds oneself in the feelings of the main character. A series that is so real and close to reality, even though one may have never experienced it in this form before.

Netflix once again scores a series hit with depth and little obvious canned entertainment.

Very wicked! Very unique!
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Star Wars: Tales of the Empire: Devoted (2024)
Season 1, Episode 4
In the center of darkness. Great.
4 May 2024
Great. We're right in the middle of the training and progress of Barriss Offee. A journey into darkness and how the character struggles with evil. Gloomy and a look at the Inquisitors and their tasks. Certainly an episode for Star Wars connoisseurs and insiders, otherwise there won't be much fun here. The Inquisitors, depicted as a group of minions of the Galactic Empire in the Star Wars universe, are directly subordinate to the Dark Lord of the Sith, Darth Vader. They were established after the execution of Order 66, the command to exterminate the Jedi, to track down and eliminate any remaining Jedi. It's precisely this task that is examined here.
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A journey to the dark side
4 May 2024
The Evil at the Center. Just as we once accompanied Anakin Skywalker on his journey to the dark side, there are now finally two more characters we get to accompany into the abyss.

The approach of the Star Wars creators is emotional and profound. The atmosphere is truly dark, rarely seen except in Andor. Now, we are actually on the side of evil. Whether Morgan Elsbeth, seemingly a supporting character, needed to be chosen as the main character remains questionable. There are certainly much more intriguing characters in the Star Wars universe. But in the end, after the story of Anakin Skywalker and Darth Vader, we witness another transformation into evil. And it is precisely this that makes this series so compelling in the otherwise rather cheerful Star Wars cosmos.

The most intriguing question in all of this is ultimately why they had to make the whole thing an animated series.
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Land of Bad (2024)
Can war still be entertainment?
28 April 2024
Mr. Russell Crowe does a decent job, but his best days are behind him. His counterpart, Liam Hemsworth, sadly lacks even a fraction of his brother's charisma. The film fluctuates between these two worlds. It's typical American pathos: rescue mission, problems, solution, everyone super happy. The US soldiers are above all and the best, the enemy can't hit anything and runs around without cover, making them easy targets. It's okay for a casual watch, but in light of the current world situation, one must question whether such action movies and their portrayal of war are still the right form of entertainment. Can war still be entertainment?
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Fallout (2024– )
Truly outstanding!
24 April 2024
Amazon nailed it this time. What didn't work at all with "Rings of Power" works perfectly with this gaming adaptation. "Fallout" promises an exciting journey through post-apocalyptic worlds. Starting with the consistently good casting, you get a truly consistent and believable, albeit twisted, world presented here. Ella Purnell stands out particularly positively, perfectly fitting into the role of competent and motivated, yet highly naive Vault-Dweller Lucy with her large doe eyes. Walton Goggins as the mysterious cowboy. The horror and gore elements are gross but fitting. Even without knowing the games, the series is truly outstanding. Can wholeheartedly recommend. Want more of it... immediately!
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The Lion King (2019)
Whats the point, Disney?
21 April 2024
A nature documentary as a film. The big question here is: What did Disney aim to achieve with this film? Everything is simply the same as the original - the same story, the same characters, almost the same music. The only thing that has been changed is the animations, which are now real film recordings with CGI effects. Why do something like this? I watched the film with my children, and they were naturally thrilled. But I couldn't really explain to them what the difference is compared to an animated film. Overall, it's probably a revival of old feelings. But here again, the question arises: Why simply copy the film with a camera? All in all, it offers good entertainment without being bad.
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Renegade Nell (2024– )
Jack Sparrow as a woman
19 April 2024
Jack Sparrow as a woman. We are in the 18th century in England - a great time, and as for the costumes, you immediately feel transported back to Pirates of the Caribbean. The series is very entertaining from minute one, has a lot of humor and action. Everything one needs, plus there are fantastic elements. That also makes it comparable to Pirates of the Caribbean.

The great thing is that Louisa Harland, as the main character, has an equally formidable opponent in Frank Dillane. A very well-filmed series, with a strong female lead and a great soundtrack. Absolutely worth watching and easy entertainment.
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Shōgun (2024–2026)
Game of Thrones in Japan! Great!
6 April 2024
The series is so different from what an American or European eye knows. On the other hand, it's also so familiar and incredibly good. It is precisely this Japanese stranger that makes this series so exciting The scenery and costumes in particular are incredible and chosen with great attention to detail. Shogun maintains its high standard and skillfully conveys the cultural peculiarities of Japanese culture at the time. I'm incredibly excited about the story without any prior knowledge, Disney is finally bringing out a somewhat new series. The subtitles are a little annoying, but I got used to them pretty quickly. Game of Thrones in Japan.
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King Richard (2021)
A great Smith in a generic american dream movie
4 April 2024
Will Smith's best acting performance to date. The film itself is classically pleasantly staged. Not too strenuous but not particularly outstanding either. Fans of retro clothes from the 90s will definitely enjoy the costumes. The story about a controlling father who decides before his children are born that they should become tennis professionals. The film is overlong and takes quite a while until it gets to its really intense moment. Despite interesting questions about social injustice, the film unfortunately remains just another biopic that portrays the American dream in a familiar way. But with a great Will Smith.
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