
2 Reviews
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Tart (2001)
what a crock (spoilers)
7 September 2002
Warning: Spoilers
*** May contain spoilers ***

I was very disappointed with this movie. As others have said, the box was promising, the synopsis seemed OK.. the picture said a thousand words.

The people responsible for this movie likening it to Cruel Intentions should be kept away from the film industry. I feel thoroughly ripped off!

The main character had about as much depth as Gwyneth Paltrows Oscar acceptance speech. There is no personality in this movie, with the exception of the only interesting character - the debaucherous friend who defecates in a bucket.

I held out to the end of the movie with the hope that something interesting would happen, but no. The murder was predictable, and the thievery of "William" and the dodgy old man were obvious, at least to me.

I did not feel intrigued to learn more about these characters. I want that 1.5 hours of my life back. I am going to write a note inside the DVD case to warn anyone else who may want to attempt to sit through this waste of money and time.
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beyond b grade
16 July 2001
This movie was a great example of how to make a completely stupid and b grade horror flick. I think the only reason one should hire it is to pick out all the mistakes.

Why were the gravestones clean and readable, not covered in moss or any other growth? Uniforms? huh?
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