
2 Reviews
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Mediocre, wasted potential
3 January 2021
There are a million+ magical academia properties out there, and this film does not shine among them. Up until the climax, the film lacks any sort of interesting plot, and the animation is nothing special. There are also some minor distracting details (why are there only 7 students? Why is Susan's head bigger than everyone else's, literally speaking? How did Aura learn a spell from a book labelled "Grimm's Fairy Tales"?) that show how amateurish the production is. It would probably make an adequate TV series, the way it's written, but as a movie, it's just awkward. It DOES have good elements, but the writing is just so sloppy that it doesn't all come together in the end. The plot twist, in particular, just comes out of nowhere. In conclusion, the film will be entertaining enough for children, but it is by no means a "good" movie. The music is the most whimsical thing about it.
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Unus Annus (2019–2020)
A masterful approach to performance art on YouTube
19 November 2020
It was funny and extremely entertaining, and it was executed well. It is easy to say "make the most of your time", but Unus Annus made its audience feel the weight of that statement. Most people felt like they had all the time in the world to watch the videos, and realized just how temporary it was during the final livestream. Unus Annus said, "We made the most of a year. You may not know how much time you have left, but you should make the most of it while you can." And it works because so many people were in denial about the channel's lifespan. I'm sure the idea for Unus Annus partially stems from Mark's own feelings of regret, when he had a tumor, which led to him becoming one of the hardest working creators on the platform. And it shows. Both co-hosts had such a passion for the project and its concept during its run. To those who weren't there for this unique experience, I relay the message to you: the clock is always ticking. What will you do with the time you have left?
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