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A story about bad police work
13 June 2024
"Lover Stalker Killer" fails to deliver on its promise of suspense. Instead of gripping twists, it's a showcase of police incompetence. From the get-go, the main suspect is glaringly obvious, rendering any anticipation moot. The documentary's unintentional focus on inept police work rather than intriguing revelations leaves viewers frustrated. Simple clues were neglected for years, highlighting a lack of oversight and investigative skill. We feel terrible for the ex-wife and family of the guy at the center of this investigation. Viewers may find themselves shouting at the screen with "how did you miss this clue?! And that clue?!!" Save yourself the disappointment ,
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Questionable Assumptions as Fact
4 May 2024
"Secrets of A Neanderthal" presents itself as an intriguing exploration into the lives of our ancient relatives, the Neanderthals. However, while the documentary offers fascinating insights, it falls short in its tendency to present assumptions as facts.

Throughout the film, viewers are bombarded with speculative assertions about Neanderthal behavior, culture, and interactions. While these hypotheses are certainly thought-provoking, the documentary often fails to distinguish between established evidence and mere conjecture.

One of the most glaring issues is the danger of presenting theories as concrete truths, especially when discussing events that occurred over 50,000 years ago. The limitations of archaeological evidence and the inherent biases in interpretation should caution against such definitive claims. Yet, "Secrets of A Neanderthal" seems to disregard this, leading to a potentially misleading and overconfident portrayal of the Neanderthals and their world.

Viewers would be wise to approach the film with a critical eye, recognizing that many of its assertions are, in fact, speculative in nature.
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The Veil (2024)
Interesting so far...
4 May 2024
With the exception of the strange obsession of having the characters be chain cigarette smokers, this show is worth watching.

Hard to separate Elisabeth Moss from her usual role of the Handmaids Tale - so the accent helped with that a bit - and thankfully there weren't too many close-up shots of her staring directly into the camera. Although the reference to a lost daughter is a bit too much of a parallel to her other show.

We think this show has potential. So will stick it out through the next few episodes and hope the effort put into following this series is time well spent. Hopefully, it will turn into a show of riveting twists and turns.
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A story that should be shared....but
3 March 2024
This film is worth watching. Could it have been shorter in running time? Yes. Could it have been a 3-part mini-series? Yes.

To us, the biggest deficit of this film is the casting. Hard to imagine that high-powered actors like Robert DeNiro would be wrongly cast in this film - but in this instance, Robert DeNiro plays Robert DeNiro - it is hard to see him as anyone other than Robert De Niro.

Leonard DiCaprio starts to morph into a believable character over time - but this film is the first time where all we see is Robert DeNiro and Leonard Di Caprio playing a part.

We think lesser-known characters would have been better to tell this story rather than Martin Scorsese's usual limited pool of acting talent.

Watch it to learn about this seriously dark chapter of American history.
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Poor Things (2023)
Beautiful Design and Costumes
1 March 2024
This film is a Edward Scissorhands meets CIty of Lost Children meets Barbie adventure. Bela's sex-addicted character is the antithesis of Barbie's wholesome naivety, however, but the story is similar as she searches to find the meaning of life and her place in it.

The production design is exceptional. Quirky but stylish, Poor Things is an avant-garde dream state experience with flowing gowns and puffy sleeves - fashions that suit Emma Stone perfectly.

As for plot, well.... its sex-filled with loads of frontal nudity in a playful, human way. Emma Stone is brave in her willingness to play Bela as the naive creature with a veracious appetite for self-pleasure and inappropriate behavior.

This is not a film for children or senior parents - leave them at home and see the film.
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Killing people is a bonding family experience?
16 December 2023
The opening scenes of this film is very similar to True Lies. The wife of the long married couple aches for more excitement- little does she know....

The multiple killings throughout the film - some fairly brutal - seem to have no lasting impact on the family involved in the killings. "We are such a happy family after our vacation together where at least a dozen people were killed. Life is great!" Not sure where the comedy is in that.

Very strange messaging. We will have to watch True Lies again to remember why we liked that film so much better.

Apple Tv 's script approvals are baffling. Truly baffling.
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The Golden Bachelor (2023– )
We are hoping the women are all actresses
30 September 2023
This will be a very painful show to watch if the women aren't actresses cast in the roles of contestants. They are putting themselves out there to be judged by viewers, manipulated by producers and ultimately rejected while the world witnesses the palpable disappointment on their faces - unless the show is completely scripted.

The difference between the original Bachelor show contenders and the golden beauties is that these successful women don't need to humiliate themselves to prove they have value to offer. They have already proven their worth by living lives as independent women.

The consensus in our household is that the women should ditch the prospect of dating a man in his early 70s and instead go for a much younger guy.

With that said, Gerry seems like a nice guy - who regularly cries showing that his emotions run deep just below the surface- so hoping he can handle what the show is about to throw at him and not make him wish he chose a dating app instead.
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American Restoration (2010–2016)
A Testosterone Fueled Restoration Adventure
23 August 2023
We are seeing now that this show stopped production several years ago. In spite of that we have enjoyed watching the talents of a bunch iof guys who are great at fixing things. Bodie Stroud is our favorite shop. Their restoration work seems top notch. Other shops are great too, but the testosterone egos can get to be a bit much (although the talent is there)

This is a fun show to watch although we fast forward past the first couple of minutes as there seems to be a tendency to show the final restoration results in the show intro.

Are the restoration projects a set up for the show? Maybe...but we don't care. Its fun to see a bunch of guys tinkering around on a bunch of old stuff with pretty great results. Good job guys!
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A 10 for Bravery
12 April 2023
Its hard to give this any less than a 10 - for Brooke's willingness to share her story with the world - knowing a lot of people are going to have a lot to say.

The challenge comes when things are reviewed in retrospect. The media industry allowed and encouraged the distribution of Blue Lagoon and Pretty Baby and the success of those films encouraged the genre to grow more. Even Roman Polanski remains a celebrated director in spite of his pleading guilty to terrible crimes again minors.

This is a tough one to gauge - the Kardashian's aren't far off from the reality here and they are thriving.

The good news in all of this is that Brooke's mother insisted Brooke stay in college - and Brooke admits that was a critical turning point in her own life - where she learned to be her own voice. If her mother was so obsessed with controlling her - I don't know if that encouragement would have happened.

I wonder what her mother would say now - looking back on the explicit sexuality of Brooke's earlier films. As a young teenager, Blue Lagoon was one of my favorite films but watching those film selects now - as an adult - I am completely horrified.

All the best to Brooke - she seems like a strong and wonderful woman.
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Can we talk about Joshua Henry ....??
17 December 2022
So many negative reviews - are unwarranted. This is merely a new interpretation of a classic story. Sure - Beauty and the Beast has always been about Stockholm Syndrome and the original classic is not really up to date with the current taboos of casting, plot lines and characterizations - yet it seems to be considered the high bar to which all other productions are held.

Negative reviews seem more focused on the cultural background of the chosen cast - but the same reviewers can still ignore the blatant fact that Belle is a prisoner being held by a miserable captor that insists she love him.... (huh?)

With the exception of the opening Disney lot scenes where the performers perform while standing on a bunch of white printer paper that looks like litter... this is a lovely and ambitiously designed production - colorful costumes, great performances and a theater in the round stage design. Yes - we did want to have chairs sent in for the audience standing in the sidelines... but how can anyone fault a production that includes such solid musical performances and colorful costume design.

As for Joshua Henry... turns out there is someone else in the world as talented and as gorgeous as Wayne Brady! Joshua Henry is a superstar.
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The Handmaid's Tale (2017–2025)
Some of the worst writing on television
4 November 2022
This should have ended 3 seasons ago. The fact it has been extended for another season - although the final season - makes watching this season all the more tedious.

There are so many great writers and great shows out there - hard to imagine how this one has been allowed to fall so short of its potential.

It lacks direction, purpose, motivation, resolution, personality and story line.

The original novel was a mandatory read for me in my early high school years. I still don't understand why that was but the extended story line and seasons make this subject matter less and less powerful and appealing.
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Helix (2014–2015)
Started good and ended terribly
26 June 2022
This could have been a good show. It started to go terribly wrong in the early second season. Strange story line and bizarre choices for music. Not sure how such bad writing could warrant a network show.
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6 Underground (2019)
Crazy violence
5 May 2022
Turned it on for Ryan Reynolds. Turned it off because of the senseless violence and endless chase scenes. Ridiculous excess on every level. A disappointment.
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Moonfall (2022)
28 April 2022
Actors should be able to sue producers with big budgets who somehow make terrible films in spite of having an abundance of all the necessary resources. It is particularly true in this case. This is so incredibly terrible it's hard to fathom that someone thought it was good enough to actually screen.
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Law & Order (1990– )
The reboot needs a new director.
16 April 2022
The over-acting by the main cast makes this unwatchable. Hugh Dancy is unusually terrible. Making good actors unwatchable is the fault of a bad director...
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Tough to get through
22 December 2021
We watched the first 30 minutes and decided not to watch any more. We have great respect for Nicole Kidman, but the airwaves feel a bit oversaturated with her in lead roles. There are so many wonderful actors/actresses out there..... this was a bit of a dissapointment.
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Alias (2001–2006)
We are all in trouble if our national security depends on this double agent!
20 December 2021
We love these dated series where the lead female kicks booty. This series, however, seems to take itself too seriously with the focus being more on Sydney's latest sexy disguise than her actual, unbeatable spy skills. We find it hard to believe that the CIA would but their faith in this girl next door spy.

With that said, we love Jennifer Garner and Bradley Cooper!
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Destroyer (2018)
Omg...so awful
4 September 2021
Whoever is responsible for directing Nicole Kidman in this role....well...its alarming that she could be as she is in this film.
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Fantasy Island (2021–2023)
Surprisingly cute...but....
19 August 2021
Reading the negative reviews makes us wonder what people were expecting this to be - the original was clean, cheesy fun. This is similar, but with the first episode being a little predictable...

Our main issue here is with the audio quality. We had to put subtitles on for both episodes that we watched because it was impossible to understand what was being said - low level audio tracks... speaking too quickly...not sure - but my kids couldn't understand the conversations either.
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High Life (2018)
Terrible. We feel bad for the casted actors.
13 August 2021
I know that it must be impossible for actors to predict the outcome of their hard work with obscure plot lines such as this. The problems here lie with the producers and director of this awful film....most likely taking advantage of a film greenlit because of attached talent. We still love Juliette and Robert, however, and wish them future roles that make better use of their talents.
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My kids loved this film
10 August 2021
We enjoyed this fresh take on a Kung Fu movies. The kids thought it was fun to watch and we enjoyed the clean humor and engaging characters.
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Skyscraper (2018)
Action packed but strange casting
9 August 2021
Dwayne Johnson and Neve Campbell are always fun to watch, but are unbelievable as a husband and wife duo in this film. Dwayne Johnson does his cheesy action hero part - which we always enjoy - and Neve is a kickass mom... but as a married couple...? This movie was over the top - but we will gladly watch any Dwayne Johnson action film with popcorn in hand.
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Loved it!
3 August 2021
Great story, acting and art direction. We watched all of the episodes in one weekend.
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Jungle Cruise (2021)
Always love Emily Blunt and Dwayne Johnson
3 August 2021
10 for the leading actors, 7 for the writing. Massive budgets should mean great writing. Still a silly, fun, family film.
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Lost in Space (2018–2021)
Big budget spent on everything but good writers
3 August 2021
With great visuals and good acting I can never understand why producers forget about good writing. Most of the crisis in the episodes are brought on by the bad decisions of the characters themselves. We always love Parker Posey!
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