
8 Reviews
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I was very disappointed!
22 September 2023
Warning: Spoilers
At least half of the video was spent filming the two hosts talking to each other - and half of that time was spent talking about their own personal accomplishments and experiences. The remaining time was spent (in order of the number of minutes) on an artsy collage of candles and written scripture, shots of the motorcade (including military vehicles) driving on the actual 'highway', a "Hill Street Blues" type collage of sites not even in the Holy Land, and then finally, very very brief shots of the actual holy sites - like less than a minute on the tomb of Jesus, or the Nativity site in Bethlehem. Many times they would go from shot to shot with no textual explanation of what we were looking at. The hosts would sometimes say "Mount such and such is over there", but then they wouldn't show a shot of "over there". Definitely not as advertised!
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Fun movie with tender moments and great scenery
12 September 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I have read all the reviews about 'thin plot' and 'thin acting' - come on critics, get over yourselves!!! As far as I'm concerned, I go to movies to be entertained - and with this movie, I was thoroughly entertained. Yes, there were some 'thin' moments, but overall I found it charming.

So many people can relate to an aging parent going through memory loss; the dying wishes of a family member; a child flunking out because they party too much the 1st year away; learning late in life about dark secrets of the past. I think all of these things were handled in the movie with great respect. I think the director and actors did a great job in portraying these life situations.

In the audience, I saw smiles, I heard hearty laughter and I saw teary eyes - the true meter of movie entertainment.
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Is there a word worse than horrible?
3 September 2023
While I've always loved Angela Lansbury in her role in "Murder She Wrote", she totally bombed as the mystery sleuth Miss Marple. In fact, the best performance of any of these so-called stars in the movie, was the phone booth on the corner.

Why in the world would any of these actors and actresses want their names associated with this bomb? Agatha Christie does not deserve being associated with the making of such a catastrophe. Even if it were meant as a parody, it was horrible. It will affect forever my opinion of any film starring any of this cast.

Read the books, don't watch this movie. There's a point when has-beens should remain Has-beens.
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Santa Claus (1985)
I love this movie every year, but found another goof.
5 November 2022
Warning: Spoilers
When the chauffeur is carrying Joe out of Cornelia's house, Joe's cries are muffled because his mouth is covered. But when the chauffeur removes his hand from Joe's mouth to open the limo door, Joe's cries are still muffled.

I don't care how many goofs are found in the movie, I still enjoy watching it every year. My children are now in their 40's and they still quote many of the lines from the movie. Our absolute favorite is "Christmas TWOOOOOO!" John Lithgow could not have been a better villain. B. Z. Is despicable.

Fix yourself a cup of cocoa, and sit down to watch a true Christmas classic.
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Wrong genre for Doris Day
7 August 2022
While this film was a perfect fit for James Stewart, Doris Day was horrible in this movie. She should have stayed with comedy - she could not act dramatically. The kid was so much better than she was.
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NCIS (2003– )
Show's over! Turn out the lights!
20 October 2021
The show has lost two many of the the stars. Same with LA. Hawaii was terrible from the start. New Orleans is already gone. The NCIS Dynasty is over!!!! There's no-one left who can carry the show.
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Solos (2021)
Why do they waste money making these?
6 October 2021
Ep 3 wasn't bad, but most are extremely boring. The language is absolutely horrible. I don't know why the writers think we want to hear that garbage every other word.
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NCIS: Hawai'i (2021–2024)
22 September 2021
Please, please, please at least change the name - it certainly doesn't belong in the same breath as the other NCIS series. Such terrible acting. I had to turn on subtitles just to try to figure out what they were saying. I think they really overdid it with the number of super-macho women, and really, not every show has to have a quirky techie.
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