
7 Reviews
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Script written at 1am on a cocktail napkin
15 January 2022
Repeat beginning of first Matrix + One Liners + Sassy Agent Smith + Deadpool 4th wall breaking = Matrix Cremated

Probably would of been better if Ryan Reynolds was in it. Deadpool in the Matrix. Just wrote a better storyline.
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Dune (2021)
Visually great. Story, not much there.
22 October 2021
Visually stunning and special effects are executed well. However, for a 2+ hour film, the story really doesn't get far. When you say out loud what happens in the film, it really could of been done in 30 mins. Many scenes could have been trimmed or entirely removed. Instead of two separate movies to tell the story, it could of been an exciting, better paced epic in one film. Also, the score sounds like a copy of the Witcher score with slight adjustments.
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Victoria (2016–2019)
Changing History
19 September 2021
I usually don't mind when movies or shows are not historically accurate. Typically changed for dramatic effect and better pacing. However, they made Queen Victoria seem more caring about the ignored classes. She did not intervene on behalf of the Newport Chartists. She did not show compassion for the Irish during the Great Hunger and was known as the Famine Queen. Changing history to make people feel better about history is dangerous. It reduces the struggle and discrimination of people considered as other. Outside of the misrepresentation of Queen Victoria, the acting, set, costumes, screenwriting, and cinematography are commendable.
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Great Acting Even Though Historically Inaccurate
19 September 2021
I never understand when people rate a movie lower because it is not historically accurate. This is a dramatization of an event. Hence why it says "based" on a true story. Movies and shows based on history alter timelines and change things to make it dramatic and have faster pacing. The acting in this movie is excellent. And of course it's sentimental, it is DISNEY. We watch Disney to get the warm and fuzzies. An enjoyable family movie.
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Uhh season 4 as tragic as GoT finale
18 July 2021
Season 1 and 2 amazing. A person trying to live between two worlds, and battling between two natures. Season 3 is a bit derailed, but entertaining. Then season 4 happened. The last season had huge plot holes and an ending that doesn't fit the series. Also, is Sabrina's whole identity who her boyfriend is? That's what the final season felt like.
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Breaking Bad (2008–2013)
Great story that ends the right way
11 July 2021
American television tends to drag seasons out to 20+ episodes and a gagillion seasons in a series. Often making the show slowed paced with ridiculous continuations because the writers ran out of story. This show is well paced, interesting, great acting, and somewhat in the realm of reality. Also, the writers knew when the show needed to end instead of dragging it out. First series I have seen with a great ending that fit the story and the characters.
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Lucifer (2016–2021)
Buddy cop show but with the devil
11 July 2021
Typical solve a crime each episode show, but still has a deeper story running throughout. I was actually shocked how deep this show gets sometimes. There is conflict of self, expectations, change, and vulnerability. The playing with religion in an almost Greek mythology type of way is interesting and should not scare off the non-religious like myself. Sit back and enjoy the ride.
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