
16 Reviews
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More more end it with more ending.
14 June 2024
Warning: Spoilers
I really lived this film. It was very real and covered miles of facts about a group of older ladies trying to have a physically and mentally healthy retirement. Attitudes and bias, stereotypes and cliches were all examined. Things happened that were beautifully acted by a great cast of known and lesser known actors. I have dropped it down a few stars because as usual the filmmakers assume we want to be charged with an opportunity to make up what we think happened to certain things. I want to watch a gentle film like this and have the endings tied up in a gift box and wrapped with a bow! For me there was better endings.
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Characters that are believable
19 May 2024
I loved this movie. Only just found it on Netflix and would have loved to have seen it in the cinema but was working shift for emergency services and missed it. Beautiful and scenery as well as costume. The three actresses playing the parts were amazing. What a soulful two hours of my life watching this. Beautiful music too.i did not make the connection between the song and Taylor swift. I thought there was just a hint of racism when the shop keeper was called "Boy" to remind us of the general feeling in the south during the 50s but it was not shoved down your throat. This was a film that makes is experience a wide range of emotion.
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Laugh out loud all te way through.
14 March 2024
I have read all the reviews that criticise that the police officer was a white historical character and therefore should not have been played by an Asian actor but I did not think about this at all from the mk ent I started watching this excellent film. Do t get hung up on all that. Just watch this brilliant film full of brilliant acting telling a great story that it says at the beginning is almost all true. I can't remember when I laughed so much in a cinema and I'm going to see it again with my mum who doesn't swear but will love it! Jessie Buckley, what a talent and perfect against the rest of the amazing cast. Even Ma Larkin is in the mix and the amazing Eileen Atkins. We should look at our British films in awe because thy are fantastic and they tell stories and I reckon there are loads of little true stories yet to be unearthed. Thanks everyone for making an excellent night out. Only 10 of us in the cinema. Shame! Had I saw it with Dolby surround sound for that Foxy Hole!
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The Crown: Persona Non Grata (2023)
Season 6, Episode 1
Elizabeth Dubeki is extraordinary
16 November 2023
Season six is all about Diana and Dodi and their tragic deaths. The rest of the cast are superb but extras in this series until episode 4. I think it's been made sympathetically to all involved in the lives of the royal family. Only the family and close advisors ( to some extent ) knows the truth so accept this as a drama with the caveat that it's based on fact and dramatised. I applaud Elizabeth Dubeki for every look and glance, her tone of voice and that little cynical laugh that we occasionally saw when Diana was being interviewed. This series will hardly bring comfort to the boys or the King but it's a reminder of the fact that we are all human beings with all the errors and weaknesses humans have regardless of riches.

I have not bout a paper since the day she died and will continue to boycott the tabloids. Great series. Great acting all round.
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Totally natural acting like you were watching real people
2 June 2023
I didn't read any of the reviews until afterwards, and I'm glad I didn't. I absolutely love this trauma. I had to keep looking up to see if the actors have been given a brief to improvise every single scene. The conversations between the actors, particularly between the two main characters. David Hartley and Grace were just fantastic. It was almost like you were standing on the street corner, listening to 2 people having an actual conversation of the time. It was natural and flowed. I understand that people don't think that the storyline was obvious from the beginning and that is true. I don't think people put their face in the filmmakers enough And give a not so obvious story line a chance. Everybody is too quickly. Want to know all the characters on the story in the first 10 minutes. Otherwise something is not worth watching. The modern music was also gritty and edgy.

I love the fact that the director looked for unknown actors to take on the roles . Everything about this is different to the usual glitzy, polyester, enriched, cereal period dramas that are churned out at an alarming rate. We should give us a chance. Certainly watch beyond the first episode and let the story unfold naturally. Then look it up in history and educate yourself.
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Loved every minute
17 April 2023
This was a great ending to the entire series and although I thought it was quite predictable, it's not surprising because it's history and it was chronicled and it stayed very true to the historical information that is available and Thea has been researched. Obviously a bit of drama added.

Although it is from Latin the etymology of The word Supplicant is a from The 1500s so that was a discussion in our house.

We had a good discussion about a few things but I won't ever reveal spillers in a review. Suffice it to say the acting was first rate and there are a few familiar faces that you thought had gone forever. I thought it was brilliant and my opinion counts for nothing at all lol.
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Stonehouse (2023)
Good story retold
21 January 2023
Best acting to Wilson and Boothroyd portrayal. I've seen real archived footage of the story so I thought Matthew and Keeley (although brilliant actors ) did not capture the real people. I think that storehouse was a clever and devious person. The script wrote him to be a bit stupid and naive.

Good watch though. Really enjoyed it. Good story. Feel sorry for his children.

I think his daughter wrote a book. I wonder if this is based in that book.

I don't have much more to add but I'm 100 characters short so I'll just say again, it's really well worth watching and the acting is fantastic as is to be expected from this cast.
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The Handmaid's Tale (2017–2025)
Time to stop.
14 November 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Great series until now. His season so far is repetitive and boring. It's trying to show June and serene's demons but despite a good attempt at showing the ptsd of rape it's just going nowhere and nothing happens. There is not enough of what is happening in Gilliad with the other commanders and we're supposed to do too much guessing all the time. This is not suspense as detailed as a warming but irritating and just so boring. I've even nodded off watching it and Junes demonic looks seem a bit overdone despite EM being a fantastic actress! So far one episode rolled into 4. I want there to be another season because I want it to end!
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Stardust (II) (2020)
Six stars for Jena malone
17 December 2021
Class acting from Jena Malone. Always been brilliant. Shame she's not given more times like this sadly not in the class as other top musician biopics due to no family support. Shame.
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Effie Gray (2014)
Beautifully written/shot/acted
11 November 2021
This is a truly sad story and the way It is written and filmed reflects what it must be like to be trapped in a loveless marriage. Greg wise perfectly portrays the disinterest of John Ruskin in his wife. You can feel the utter Bordom that she feels and the rejection. I think the reviews are from people expecting tap dancing and a show. This is a film about Victorian values and passion the conquered a loveless marriage during a time when women were just property.
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Harriet (I) (2019)
Interesting reviews
28 May 2021
I downloaded this movie and before I watched it, I read up on Harriet Tubman. I read from several sources and was blown away by her extraordinary life abs heroism. I am fascinated by the history of how progressive and democratic society could continue to take park in this barbaric process. But this woman was heroic.

From what I read, the film only dramatised the story and brought the story of Harriet to people like me who never heard of her which is shameful.

The acting was superb! There was enough violence for the viewer to feel the pain and misery of the enslaved humans. There was (as in all movies) a dramatic licence but this is story telling not a museum piece or a history book.

This film should be watched by as many people as possible to remind us what we are capable of doing to each other.

I really enjoyed the underlying story abs it did cover a lot of fact.

Watch it. Make up your own mind but I recommend that you read about this amazing woman.
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Ben Shepherd was good
13 March 2021
Started quite well. Violent but intriguing and then just Disjointed and unbelievable. Did not really know what 'Grace' was doing until towards the end. Complicated who's who throughout but not clever enough to be gripping. I liked Ben Sheoherd who was not acting so was good. I should think the book may have been better considering the author.
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Just watch it and enjoy
3 February 2021
Dont get hung up about what the Sherlock 'Aficionados' there's enough of the literary character in the script and RDJ performance to cover that. This is a brilliant romp through a Holmes/Watson investigation and the cast is brilliant. How can you strike out with Jude Law, Mark Strong and Rachel McAdams? Guy Richies style of film is appealing as it lifts the action off the screen and captures your attention on the action scenes which can often be a bit catatonic in terms of five minutes of two people punching each other over various obstacles. If you never read a Sherlock Holmes you would still love this. Great production value made better only by the sequel. Loved it! Watched it again this morning.
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Bridgerton (2020– )
Just enjoy it as an entertainment
28 December 2020
I have no issue with the diverse cast, it shouldn't make a difference to story telling unless the piece is heralded as historically accurate in every way. Because of that I also don't care that the costumes are at times, beautifully elegant and then in other scenes look like an explosion in Laura Ashley! Again, that's not why I give it a mediocre score. I watched four episodes back to back and just could not really describe four hours of story. I felt that just nothing really happened. It felt a bit repetitive rather than a sharp game of wits played by the two lead characters. This is of course my review and my opinion. I find comments such as "check your privilege" to be quite offensive to the people who wrote in here. This is a movie review by normal movie watchers. Does being a hard working, reasonably successful white woman preclude any opinion that allows freedom of expression? Lest you be judged as a racist!! This is where inclusivity and changing the norm may fail as opinion and thoughts are judged and repressed. I didn't give a rats fig that three of the main characters were privileged black characters including Queen Charlotte! I only thought about it when I read a comment on Facebook. Am I surprised given some of the rhetoric that black actors would be involved in a project about the privilege of riches on the back of slavery? Oh no. That's right, I actually don't care because actors are adults and can make their own choices on who to portray and of that portrayal fuels the legacy of that period. Bravo to everyone I say. It's entertainment.
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The Big Ugly (2020)
Vinnie Jones ! Why did you make this
17 October 2020
No character backgrounds confusing. Just really boring. Great cast of good actors but lacking any real purpose in the story. Just awful
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Judy & Punch (2019)
Great story not told in this film
9 October 2020
This is a great story idea but sadly it lacked and real substance. It really could have been so good as it has some great actors but they had too much work to do without a good script. There was a beginning and and end but nothing really happened in the middle.
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