
563 Reviews
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Sanctuary (I) (2022)
Simi Good...
21 June 2023
So if you h8 movies that are only shot in one place, this is not a movie for you. I wish they would have at least went to another room to argue. And yes, half if not all of the movie was of these two arguing. I did enjoy their acting some but not enough to really believe what they were acting out was an actual real life scenario. That being said, this movie was long and felt neverending. Two people fighting back and forth about things they want and need. It all got just a bit too much to be entertaining for me. So although I personally did not enjoy this flick. Maybe someone who likes a (Shot all in one spot) slow movie about 2 ppl arguing about nothing important to me or the next person, might just be interesting to them. For me though, I will not recommend or be watching it again.
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One Way (I) (2022)
20 June 2023
Warning: Spoilers
The actors in this movie were GOOD! But their talent was wasted on this crappy script. I was very invested until half of the movie was just this guy floating through neverland and you not actually knowing if who he was seeing and talking to were even real or not. I am sure there was a moment when I wished he would just die or snap out of it. They could have made this a good watch if they had not wasted half of the movie on the lead being completely lethargic and incomprehensible! I did enjoy it but I didn't. The ending was crap too, I do get he told his ex to go away to keep her safe, but then turned around and gave her all he had anyways? Like why even lie to her in the first place, he could have told her his plan and the last convo they had would have been a civil/happy one. That part made zero sense to me and I am not sure where they were going with that. Not a lot happened in this movie so you get a bit bored easy. But like I say, I enjoyed it due to all the good actors, but I didn't enjoy it due to the stupid script they had to work with. I will not be watching it again or will I be recommending it to anyone I know.
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Paint (II) (2023)
24 May 2023
More like the PERFECT movie to watch if you are having trouble sleeping. This movie hits the spot if you are looking for something to help put you to sleep. So sad, because I actually enjoy Wilson as an actor. This movie was a waste of great talent! I already knew going into this movie I would not completely enjoy it. Only because I never cared enough to know more about the real life story this movie was extremely loosely based on. I know none of this film was actually true about Bob Ross but it could have at the very least have been slightly funny. This movie was confusing and dull! If you like Wilson like I do, please do yourself a favor and pass this one right by. This was not worth the time it took to make it. I hope this to be the first, and LAST movie I ever hate with Owen Wilson in it.
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Abducted on Prom Night (2023 TV Movie)
"Don't Push It"
24 May 2023
Warning: Spoilers
This has to be one of the worst LM I have seen in awhile! I am an easy pleaser when it comes to LM because I already know not to expect fireworks. But this movie was just plain bad. Bad acting, stupid lines, and long dramatic pauses that made you roll your eyes. It was like no one in the movie had taken an acting class before the making of this. The actors emotions were laughably bad! When the mom get's mad at the dad and then says "I'm coming for you baby", I was like who the hell is she talking to? She might as well have been taking straight into the camera when she said that. If you enjoy good acting with a good storyline, then this would be a movie for you to pass on by. Also, you never really found out if the two boys were the dad's or not. So that was frustrating. I also thought it was stupid that the dad found out during the movie he had cancer, but somehow managed to have a whole affair with another woman. They just skipped right over us even seeing that. It was just not a logical movie so tbh they get one star from me for a couple of the pretty actors. That's it though, I do not recommend watching this movie, it was a waste of time!
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Very Good
7 May 2023
I will ad,t. Going into this movie I thought it would be another knock off of escape room. But I was definitely surprised! This was definitely worth the watch and time well spent! It was not predictable at all like most movies nowadays are. Loved the camera work as well very vivid and even in the dark sense you could make out what was doing on. I saw a few actors i know, or that I have seen in other foreign films. I do believe each of the character's did awesome in making me believe this story was legit.

So definity a good movie is you like psychological / thrillers. Then this will be a treat for you. But as always be your own judge.
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The Tank (2023)
Pretty Good!
3 May 2023
Definitely worth more than a 5 star. I mean no movie is perfect now a days but this movie had it all. Action, scary moments, drama, and thrills. For me the movie was intense because I could not wait to see what would happen next. The picture was beautifully shot. Someone said to watch it in the dark, I was thinking because the lightting on the camea sucked but it didn't. The monsters were believable in the way they explained them. Also keep watching until 1:35:57, looks like they might come out with a part 2 and I hope if they do they keep the leads in it. Or at least have them come back for a cameo. I really enjoyed their acting and I thought it to be completely believable. Sure there were some dumb moves they made in this movie, but I still enjoyed it very much. If you are into horror movies then this is a good one for you. Give it a try and always, be your OWN judge!
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Really Good!
22 April 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I really enjoyed this movie. Nicely done revenge flick. Loved the characters and very believable story. My one complaint was how the girl with the butterfly knife was bleeding profusely and was dragged in though the front door yet only left a blood trail in the restroom? So when the dad showed up and walked in he didn't see not one spot of blood? Rest of the movie kept me wanting to see what would happen next. Loved the twists and just when you think everything is ok, boom! Also very nice camera work, very clear and could make out everything, even in the night time shots. I highly recommend seeing this one!
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The Unheard (2023)
"Happy 4th Of July"
3 April 2023
Warning: Spoilers
WTH!!?? The sad thing about this movie was I was actually into it. Now there are slow burn movies and then there are WAY too slow movies. This was way too slow that the FF button just HAD to be used, on more than one occasion. Likable lead, and she was interesting enough to hold my interest until the end. But the story was just a head scratcher, you never knew why the killer was killing, and the noise got really redundant! To the point it was just annoying. I would say it was not worth anyone's time to watch this HALF good movie. At least if you had known more about the character's life's this would have made for a good watch. It was not like they didn't have enough time to throw in some backstories along with the movie. But, no! It was as if the director made the movie, and then didn't take the time to rewatch it. It was like all the other character's aside from the lead girl were just extra's. I did enjoy her acting but with all the annoying noises going on this movie was just not worth the time to even watch. I would not recommend watching this movie, but as always be your own judge.
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Very Good!
12 March 2023
This has to be one of the better movies in Lifetime's collection. That I have seen so far. To be honest I have seen almost all of them, not including some of the older movies.

I see other reviews saying it was not good. The acting was believable and I wanted to see what would happen next. That alone makes this a good movie. It hit home for me as a mother of hispanic background though. Not sure what true story this was based on, but at the end it really hit you when they showed ALL of the girls of color still missing. Even worse them not getting the recognition they deserve just due to race! Sad but completely true!

I highly recommend if you are a fan on LM's because this one was a good one and at least deserved a 5 or up. It was at least half good. If this happened to me I would have done the exact same thing! As always, watch it and be your own judge!
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Not Great
2 March 2023
I am NOT a picky woman. Give me a good story with a few good actors and I am a happy camper. This was the case in this movie. I almost didn't watch it at all due to hating almost everything Gravity Ventures throws at me. The other day I watch a WHOLE crappy movie and then at the end their logo popped up. So I guess the joke was on me. This was one of their very, very, VERY few movies I enjoyed by them. A twisted love story with revenge. I thought it was slow at times but it made up for it with good acting and well told story. So I would say it was a solid B & 1/2 + movie. Not great, but also not just awful. As always be your own judge and give it a chance yourself.
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You People (2023)
Not Great, a B Movie
4 February 2023
I cannot believe they made this WHOLE movie based around racism with a hint of religion. It could have been so much better if they had thrown in a little about racism. What was wrong with a father just not liking his new son in-law. Comedy, this was not! I didn't laugh at all. Loved the characters and the acting was not bad. But they ruined the total movie with animosity and hate.

They could have just made the father hate the guy for his color once but the entire movie was all about that fact. With a fairy tale ending it will put a smile on your face. But the rest of the movie was just hard to watch. Thankfully it was tolerable enough to watch until the end. I loved the B-Ball scene, that was pretty cool. I also caught myself rooting for Mr. Hill, so I guess it was not all that bad. The lead woman and her friends were beautiful, so there was that. Oh and the camera work was on point, krystal clear! I would not watch this movie if you are tired of WOKE movies, and do not expect to get any laughs. I myself will never watch this one again. As always, be your own judge and see it.
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Wait... What!?
23 January 2023
Warning: Spoilers
So maybe I was the ONLY one but this movie made zero sense! I am just hoping someone seriously dropped the ball when in came to the subtitles. I think the way some things said in this movie should have transferred over into English much more understanding. Do not go into this movie thinking it will make any sense because you would be wrong! Not to mention they had no real lead. First you think it will be the senior guard, then you think maybe it will be the younger girl guard. At one point I thought the bad guy would take the lead. But then, they threw in way too many bad guys, you never knew just who's side you were rooting for. It was a long wait for it to end like there will be a part 2! When really, you feel like this was part 2 and you completely missed part 1!!!! Sad thing is I enjoyed this movie with the gore and the mayhem, it was interesting but it feel short on delivery. With none of your questions answered at the end. If you are looking for a fun movie with lots of blood and gore. This is a movie for you, but the storyline just plain sucked! How could the FIRST so called supped juiced up wolf/man not kill the guy in the blu & white Hawai'i shirt? Shouldn't he have been the strongest if he was the first and the other guy just became juiced off his blood? So confusing! Then they throw in a kid and a dead mother, but you never get to see theIR full story. They should have stuck with a good guy and a bad guy with an easy to follow storyline. This felt like a mess of a story at the end. I gave it points for the graphics but in all honesty this movie was more like a 5 star. I will not be watching it again unless the come out with the first part to this movie that makes much more sense. I h8 movies like that where you watch the last part first. Can I plz just get them in order and at the SAME time!? I feel like that is not such a big request to fill.
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My Opinion Is Void
22 January 2023
Warning: Spoilers
The reason why is because I am a HUGE fan of E and I have seen almost all of his work. He could make a crap movie and I would still HAVE to see it! Being honest though, this was a mess. His lines in this movie were just SO cheesy. It would have been SO much cooler if he had just said nothing. Sad because I love his acting, but in this movie his lines where laughable at best. I did enjoy the story and the twists were not predictable. But it was like, no one could ever die in this movie. Yes, I threw on a point for the gory parts. But it was the little things that made this a B - movie for me. Like when E takes off his bleeding eye bandages and there is zero blood on the other side. Or how a girl with no shoes could kick that huge chick and even made a dent. Or how you could be cut OPEN, then stapled up and still act like nothing just happened to you. As always, be your own judge and see it. I would recommend if you like independent films.
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Crushed (II) (2022)
18 January 2023
Warning: Spoilers
You know those movies that you think will be ok just based off the front photo? Well I was the sucked for thinking this one would be good. Story was childish, I would h8 to think even a teenager would enjoy this movie. The characters were interesting at times and the movie kept your attention. The problem was they did the dumbest things for the stupidest reasons that made me actually h8 this movie. I could not even half like it. The Queen Bee of the story was so annoying, every thing she said made you wish should would just die. But she definitely had the best looks out of anyone in the whole movie. So if you enjoy a pointless, annoying movie with a basic storyline that ends up hitting a brick wall at the end. Then this is a movie for you. For me, I will not recommend this movie and I myself wish I had not watched the WHOLE thing! Great camera work though.
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Keep Watching (2017)
Suspenseful! (Found Footage Style, Partly)
17 January 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I do not see what all the hate was about. I enjoyed this movie and I really wanted to see what would happen next. I often read the negative reviews afterwards so I can see why it was they hated it, but in this case I didn't have too. Almost all of Miss Thorn's movies have been B -, on a good day. Maybe they just expected this to be the same as her last ones and didn't like her. I myself think this is one of the best movies she has ever done. Now if you are not a fan of found footage or on cam camara movies then this will not be for you. The characters were good actors and although there were SOME unbelievable parts it was still an wild ride! Liked the twist, kinda figured out at least one of the killers before she was even revealed. But in all a good movie and not a dull time! As always be your OWN judge and see if if you like Thorn and FF style movies.
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Plane (2023)
Action Packed!
14 January 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I will say this, I didn't have high hopes for this movie going into it, but I love Butler as an actor. So for that fact alone I had to see this movie. It was NOT a let down at all. Not too long and by the middle you were on the edge of your seat just waiting to see what would happen next! Mr. Butler sure can deliver on action still, and I cannot wait to see what he does next. I loved him in Law Abiding Citizen though. So I hope it is a mystery/action/crime movie, just like that one was. I highly recommend if you like action and I myself will definitely be watching this one again! For the one star ppl... REALLY!? It was at least half good (5 stars). I know it was all slightly far-fetched how it all just worked out with the plane. The point was it was very entertaining, with great acting (By Butler) and a story that was not original but well played out. What more can you ask for?
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Sick (2022)
Good Action!
14 January 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Now for the story, there were holes enough to fit a fist through! Just stupid little things like not dropping but not rolling when your ON FIRE!! Or how you could see the killer on the side of the road, right before he jumped out to catch the girl after she beat him with a log. Or how the whole time no one had shoes on yet acted like they were running through flower petals. Somehow no one was ever really dead in this movie, they just kept coming back alive. The ending also sucked, you wanted to see what happened to them in the end but the ending felt hollow. Also, they said she was POSITIVE, and then said she was asymptomatic. Which was it? Did she have it or not? Why not test Tyler if the virus was airborne? Anyone could have infected Benji. Also how was the pretty lead, her besti, and the wannabe b/f all such good fighters? Did they all do sports in college? The only hint you get was the best friend had a nurse mask on. So you have to just assume she knew a bit about the medical field. For the others they could have been just finishing up running or weight lifting and then I could have understood how they managed to take down two grown men. I did like the movie, don't get me wrong. Nothing was explained well enough though and that was what threw me off! I love Blum so I added a star but this was really a 6 star for me due to ALL the errors in it. As always, be your own judge and see it, definitely not a waste of time.
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I've Seen Worse
13 January 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Most of the time you can spot the killer from a mile away but in this movie it was original in that sense. There were multiple possibilities of whom the killer might be. It kept my interest that was for sure. It felt like a LM, not sure if it was or not but if you enjoy some LM. Like I do, then this is one of the better movies done in Lifetime form. Beautiful actors and very good acting. Lot's going on so it was never a dull moment. The ONLY aspect for me about this movie was the title, it basically GAVE the movie away and that sucked! It could have been much more with a better title like "Who's The Killer In My Sisters' Life?". Or something MUCH shorter! This movie didn't drag on, it had no long annoying hallway scenes. Although, I also h8 it when they say " Is anyone there?". Directing the killer just where to find them. Other than that this movie was not a waste of time and I would not mind seeing it again.
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Goodbye Logic!
10 January 2023
Going into this movie I didn't have the slightest idea what it was about. But, I love both Josh and J-Lo, despite her many flops in past movies. I can ONLY recall her in the movie Enough because it was SO good! All of her other movies just slip my mind and I'm certain I have seen all of her movies. That being said, this movie was far-fetched and completely for entertainment only. The comedy in it was just ok, but the action was on point. It reminded me a bit of Sandra Bullocks movie with Tatum. Now that was a movie I loved! It was so funny, much funnier than this one. So although this was not one of my favorite movies it was also not one I hated. I almost expected the cops to show up at the end when they were lying down in the boat. So, if you like action movies that are crazy and far-fetched then this is a movie for you! I wouldn't mind watching it again. I would recommend it to anyone who just wants to pass some time.
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Bed Rest (2022)
10 January 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Definitely not as much horror as I was expecting. But still a good story that was not predictable. Now a days you can always see what is coming next, but in this movie that was NOT the case at all. The only screw up was how she gave birth to the bby, then just handed it to her husband like what about the umbilical cord? Who cut it? As for Tubi originals this was one of the best ones so far that I have seen. As a mother this was a great movie. More of a drama than a horror, there was a little horror in it towards the end. Nothing that would make you jump out of your seat or anything, but still a good watch. As always, be your own judge and see it. I recommend it, and would not mind watching it again.
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M3GAN (2022)
Killer Moves M3gan!
5 January 2023
Anything horror or dolls had me wanting to see this movie before it had even released. Now that I have, I will say it was a good story and all. Just nothing new or special to make it stand out. It was like it did the bare minimum to keep you interested and that was IT! At least with Chucky there was always something new and crazy going on to make it better than the first one. I do hope they make a M3gan 2, so it would be a better version of this movie. As always, be your own judge. But if you love Blum movies and killer dolls, this one will be right up your ally. I would not mind watching it again but I also know now not to expect too much out of it.
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High Heat (2022)
22 December 2022
Looking at some of these reviews and I cannot believe how low ppl are rating this movie. It had action, comedy, gore. The whole package not boring at all. Someone said it has been done before, ANNND!? There are PLENTY of movies that have been done before. What matters is how they do it and IF they can act in a way to make a movie stand out. I think for the person who said this movie has been done before. They need to be asked "could you come up with a better movie idea, that has not been done before?". My bet is they couldn't, and so h8er'z gonna h8! I say to all the ppl who lied and rated this movie anything less than a 5 at LEAST "Bless Your Hearts!". I honestly loved this movie and will be watching it again. As always be your own judge but at least watch the whole movie, IF you plan on actually rating it.
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The Labyrinth (2021)
B -
13 December 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Enjoyable actors, bad acting and very laughable. CGI was shaky at best. But the story was the WORST! You never knew who was good or who was bad! Even worse you didn't know which characters were actually part of the movie and which ones were ghosts. The actors were attractive and good eye candy but their acting was horrible and it made the movie go down in points. I kept watching even after the ghosts that were clearly stolen from the movie The Ring turned into ZOMBIES! Even after the elder male shaman failed at saving the kids and died in the process, only really saving ONE girl from being choked. Maybe if I was drunk this movie would make sense but this was almost a SYFY movie. They piled in way too many characters that had similar facial features and hard to recall names. This movie was a waste of time trying to figure out who was who and I didn't even halfway like it.
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Cursed Friends (2022 TV Movie)
"Not Today Satan!"
8 December 2022
Absolutely LOVED this movie! If you love horror and comedy together this is a movie for you. I literally laughed out loud more than once. I needed this movie in my life right now. Each one of the friends were colorful and interesting making this movie a treat. Originally done, with a story I have yet to have seen. I will definitely be watching this one again and I highly recommend if you are looking for a funny release from everyday troubles in life. Need more movies that are just funny as hell with good actors! I almost wish it didn't end. Here's hoping the director's hurry up and make a SEQUEL!
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Dating Amber (2020)
"We're On A Smoke Break!"
7 December 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Absolutely loved this movie! Eddie and Amber were very relatable. As a bi-sexual woman, this movie really touched me. Now, IF for some dumb reason you are homophobic, this is NOT a movie for you. The acting between these two was very addictive. I could not wait to see what they would do next. Not only that, but it was FUNNY! Great Irish humor movie. I will admit I didn't expect much going into this movie but after seeing it I will surely be watching it again. Even though some parts were slow, like the beach scene, the dancing in the club scene, and the ending train ride. Just to name a few,there were a but more but I cannot recall them ALL. So if you just speed right through those parts you won't miss anything. Also loved Eddie's little brother, he was funny as hell and I wish he had a bigger role in this movie. Another review said they could not get why Eddie kept going back to friends that were not really his friends. If that person was really watching the movie they would know Eddie would have done anything to fit in, take abuse, lie, beating up innocent ppl. Anything to keep his secret of who he really was inside! You will not be disappointed if you watch this movie, highly recommend!
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