
3 Reviews
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Don McKay (2009)
A Surprisingly Good Thriller
13 April 2010
Don McKay combines a mystery drama with some thriller and comedy aspects sprinkled in. The film starts off a little slow, but picks up and becomes one strange thriller and that is meant in a good way. After the first major strange event happens in the film it changes the whole tone and as the movie progresses you keep getting the feeling everything is off with the story, and you just aren't quite sure where it is going. As the story progresses and you start to understand what happened they feed you enough but not too much to keep the film interesting. My only complaint with that is that some of the events in the film are a little too far fetched and you do need to suspend your belief a little to fully enjoy the film.

Thomas Haden Church puts on a good performance as Don McKay, not necessarily for a standout performance, but his facial expressions and reactions to the events that happen bring them to life more. I've never really been an Elisabeth Shue fan, but also liked her in the film as she played her role well and there was a certain chemistry with her and Thomas Haden Church. With these types of films the ending usually makes or breaks them and for Don McKay I thought it came off somewhat believable amongst all the strangeness leading up to it. I'd definitely recommend the film to people as it may get overlooked.

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Decent, But Not Great
19 June 2007
The movie revolves around 3 families and how they tie in together living around the Mount Pleasant area. Since most people are familiar with the movie Crash I will say it has a similar style to it. It has a realistic feel and the actors do a decent job, but throughout the movie I kept feeling as if something was missing. Some of the events that happened brought emotion and others seemed kind of silly.

I won't give any spoilers or specifics, but I will say you will care about some characters more than others and not just because of the situations, but more so how they act.

If you get a chance to see this movie I'd recommend it because it's worth a viewing, but misses in being something you must see.
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A REAL Review
11 June 2007
I recently got to see this movie and it had some potential, but turned out just average. I've seen much worse movies and I was able to watch the whole movie, but I was hoping for more. None of the actors really stood out and the story was pretty cliché filled, but it did have a few cheap scares. It looks like an imitation Japanese horror flick and you will probably agree if you watch it. The movie doesn't really introduce anything new, but if you scare easy it should make you jump a few times.

Overall I'd say the movie is watchable if you go in expecting a cheap B type movie, but if you expect a great movie you will be highly disappointed.
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