
15 Reviews
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Deadstream (2022)
A Fun Ride
3 November 2022
Made me laugh thru out the 1st half of the movie - just outstanding. The 2nd half got slightly creepier and developed the only way it could. The ending was a let down and kind of showed the cheapness of the special effects etc. But this does not take away from the actor playing a difficult role of an obnoxious but hilariously funny Youtuber. Perfect for Halloween and for fits of laughter. Not really too scary but scary enough for some nervous smiles and a perfect fit for today's world. Again Kudos to the actor who played the protagonist. He captured the irritating, bumbling, kind of obnoxious person perfectly (humorously). And this I do not take for granted..
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Low Life (2022)
You give movies a chance and
1 September 2022
A select few will reward you. For whatever reason this movie works. Some minor flaws and irritating dialogue but the story moves fast and comes together with a nice bow at the end. High Marks to the lead actor as he took a complicated character and ultimately made him interesting. I usually fast forward thru movies like this but at no time did I feel it necessary. In fact I found myself interested in how it would progress. I believe the one weakness in this film were the contributions from his two male friends. One was a little too psycho (drugs) and the other friend was just a warm body waiting to die - Seven stars.
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Watcher (I) (2022)
Solid Seven
22 June 2022
Just looking for an escape and this is what was provided. Well acted, well scripted, and the plot moved along at a good pace. Usually I'll skip when necessary but no skipping anything here. Likable, competent actor playing Julia!
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The Lost (2022)
I watched it on a lark.
16 March 2022
And, even though I would occasionally skip forward a bit, found the movie touching. It's all about finding your purpose and dealing with big time emotions of despair and melancholy. Then there is the technique of having everything in the story connect someway, somehow. And the acting in my humble opinion was superb - 6.5.
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Star Trek: Discovery (2017–2024)
Used to enjoy show
2 December 2021
Now the shows' writers rather make a show about a toilet clogged with many feces making it unflushable and smelly. Burnham is not a good plumber! Too disappointed but predictable.
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Lance Woods: Undeniable (2021 TV Special)
Why is it so hard
11 October 2021
To be funny these daze. Experience failure and cringe in this video as people clap and roar with laughter like trained seals at unfunny material.
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The Walking Dead (2010–2022)
Kang Time
6 October 2021
Why this bizarre talking session after each show Total waste of 9 minutes. Completely takes away from the show.
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Why lecture me Mr. Disney employee?
27 April 2021
If you want to make anyone understand your frustration with movies/sports becoming message boards for the maniacal political manipulators, hit them where it hurts - $$$. NBA, MLB, Hollywood, China all need to be cut off from receiving any of our hard earned money! Too bad too, because I liked how the storyline was going. Bu-bye.
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The Walking Dead (2010–2022)
I love this show
31 March 2021
Been watching it from the beginning. What happened? Are all the writers on vacation? It's like they are deliberately trying to write this show into oblivion. I keep waiting for it to get better. So sad.
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FBI (2018– )
My Wife likes this show so I watch.
11 March 2021
But, finally (YEAH!!!!) even she has decided that the show has devolved into crap TV, no longer interested in entertaining you than preaching to you this unadulterated feces fest. Sincerely mind numbing stupidity.
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So Sad
5 March 2021
That people will watch this well crafted movie and believe this is what actual took place. People! This is a movie LOOSELY based on the facts. Real loose with the facts I mean. I could believe that the real story is not as interesting so the writers wanted to spice things up a bit. But no. It's Hollywood. So why would Hollywood craft this fine movie with its false narrative? It must be pretty important. Look at all the sheep eating it up like it's REALITY.
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2 February 2021
You know what you get with alot of these films today. This one held my interest and won me over. I'm not looking for award winning. Just give me a movie that makes me care.
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American Skin (2019)
If You Really Want to Know
17 January 2021
WHO is an actual, legitimate reviewer please check to see how many movies this person has rated prior. If the answer is ZERO than realize that this is probably a reviewer with an agenda. Nothing worse than a reviewer with an agenda.
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Archenemy (2020)
Definitely a Good Time
8 January 2021
Didn't expect much but story won me over thru out.
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History of Swear Words: Fuck (2021)
Season 1, Episode 1
Put me in a Cage
7 January 2021
Boring, pretentious, and full of itself. Too smug, too Hollywood for me. I had to give it a chance because of my love for Nicholas Cage but but ultimately I turned this crapfest off after 20 minutes. Never again.
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