
33 Reviews
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Warehouse 13 (2009–2014)
Don't they give actors voice lessons ??
23 June 2024
Joanne Lloyd voice is SO brittle and harsh especially as it escalates that it feels like its piercing my eardrums! Why doesn't their contracts include sessions with voice coaches so they don't leave people in the audience cringing and looking for earplugs. She's certainly not the only actress in recent years to be delivering lines that make you want to turn off the sound so it really does seem like an issue these studios could correct. Either give them voice lessons or handle your sound equipment so the world isn't exposed to the kinds of squalling this woman is exhibiting WAY too often. I find it mind boggling that the people who work on these films aren't noticing that their toes and hair curl when some actors speak their lines.
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Professor T: Swansong (2022)
Season 2, Episode 6
Really stupid ending
23 June 2024
Warning: Spoilers
I usually enjoy this series... even with all the peculiarities of Professor T..but arresting and jailing him is over the top. He was trying to protect this woman from being murdered by this criminal AND protecting her from shooting the man she thought she was falling in love with. Almost as astounding that after protecting both people from shooting each other the professor is the one who end up in jail??If that's English "law" I'm glad we advanced AWAY from it. These shows are usually quite logical and they get to the end despite several odd twists.and turns everything makes sense by the time they take us all the way to the end.
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At Risk (2010 TV Movie)
Andi McDowell???
13 June 2024
As an older steady real leader I could almost understand this.. but pretending she's an attractive hooker type is ridiculous. She's so old she doesn't even have eyes..just wrinkled slits. Play her as a committed politician so we don't have to be dealing with this kind of stupid behavior in what COULD be a reasonably good story. Her sexual exploits or anyone else's just aren't realistic enough..not relative and have NO actual value to this show. Focus on the layout of the story which already suffers by having to be condensed into such a short format. Develop the sleuthing skills and leave the personal.sexual issues to play out behind the story.
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Blue Bloods: On the Arm (2022)
Season 12, Episode 11
Why make Eddie such an idiot?
28 May 2024
We already have had Baez who sounds like an idiot survive several near misses...why? She should have been replaced long ago. Danny had a good prospective girlfriend in the psychic who could add her "gift" to this series. She's smarter than Linda was, far smarter and better looking than clownish Baez and could improve the story line. Eddie used to be cute she's suddenly challenging her husband on everything instead of being the stand up person she used to be and the one she expects HIM to be. How did the show improve by turning her into a dumb blonde? There is such inconsistency in the story lines and character development as if they're letting newbies try their hand very week without even knowing their characters. Used to like the premise of the show but too many "cooks" have screwed up the recipe.
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Blue Bloods: Friends in High Places (2019)
Season 10, Episode 8
An episode written by a newbie?
26 May 2024
Didn't get the impression this story was put together by anyone who was even slightly familiar with this series. Always bothered by multiple story lines that have little development. The fire department nonsense again? Danny whose voice always sounds like a Bronx lowlife not an Irish cop from a nice neighborhood who ALWAYS launches into hollering without listening first. Ramirez who needs lessons in hair, ,makeup and diction. Frank having a circular conversation with the fire chief about an issue that should be discussed simply,clearly and point blank because it just isn't hard to understand and shouldn't require multiple ongoing conversations. This series is getting stupid.
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Blue Bloods: Mind Games (2018)
Season 9, Episode 3
Who hires these people?
24 May 2024
Baez and Garrett are two cast members who shouldn't have ever gone on playing their roles this long. Baez talks like a child..I suspect because no-one is supposed to be better or smarter than Danny. A slow.semi stupid partner allows him to look like the "big" important smart detective whose "secretary" Baez just rides along to keep him company. Garrett's constant temper tantrums make ME want to shoot him..can't imagine any police officers managing to tolerate his petty childish tantrums multiple times each day. Makes me wonder if the issue is not having writers who can actually create tolerable characters or hiring the lowest paid actors like Danny who have to have enough bad actors around them to improve their own delivery. Also have always been astounded that the only child in this family who fits the height range is Erin. Three boys as short as the Reagan boys are is astounding. And toothy short ugly voice Nicki has to have been adopted because she resembles neither good looking parent and certainly would have learned how to moderate her voice.
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Why only solve one mans bad verdict?
23 May 2024
I enjoyed the movie right up to the spot where I realized they were correcting ONE mans bad verdict but left the other man still sitting in jail without even addressing it. It kind of made me lose focus and made me wonder why they could keep trying to move this forward while ignoring tat the second man was also innocent. Makes it hard to keep cheering.for one man while the other one is just as innocent and remains victimized. After the movie ended I started digging up.information through Google search and discovered that the other man was left in jail for FIVE more years after they discovered the eyewitness was unreliable. Also discovered.the prison/justice system in those days didn't even bother trying to make any reparations although the subject of the movie did get some money the second man got nothing.
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Blue Bloods: Stomping Grounds (2016)
Season 6, Episode 13
20 May 2024
At first I couldn't understand why this cast added such a stupid woman to be Danny's partner..then I realized..its all about trying to make Danny look like a BETTER . Not the hothead,unattractive, bald short guy that he is. He NEEDS a partner that looks like she "adores"him..that can't speak without sounding like she just learned English or is a deaf person sounding out her words. She's too " timid"to deal with a bully from her childhood but she wears a Detective badge??She always sounds timid and whiney. Odd that her mother speaks English more clearly than she does.. not such a stilted way of putting together sentences. And those stupid looking BANGS! She really met the cast call for pleasant stupid sounding partner with a completely ugly hairdo.
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Blue Bloods: Age of Innocence (2011)
Season 1, Episode 16
Good story
13 May 2024
Biggest problem I've had this season is the character that they chose to play "Nicki,". Her voice drives me right to the volume control..For an actress NOT to be taught better voice modulation right from day one is astounding to me. She's sent to expensive schools but apparently they don't bother to teach young women to use their voices so they don't sound like fish wives? Her mother Erin Reagan doesnt talk with such a horrible sound why would her daughter? What is even worse is they kept this idiot for all the future stories. Perfect opportunity to create a story line where she gets kidnapped and killed..hopefully to be replaced by a new beginning for Erin and the chance of a better voice going forward.
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Chicago P.D.: Doubt (2019)
Season 7, Episode 1
Halsted should be gone
5 May 2024
Halsted is the only character I've never been able to stomach. From his first episode the temper tantrums.and suspicions of everyone on the team just keep escalating. Kept hoping it was a learning process but he never learns. He just keeps fighting everyone on the team..keeps choosing another team member to hold in front of the group as suspicious. As much of a controller as their boss is I doubt he'd have lasted 2 days let alone 6 seasons and he's never improved. I've watched The entire series several times and have grown to realise Halsted character more each time. By the time they finally got him off the show I was so suck of his childish tantrums I've given up watching. Since its ending I'll have to make an attempt to watch all the way through. Bet it could have lasted longer if they'd either disciplines him by rewriting scripts to improve him or just killed him off. He's NOT missed.
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Chicago Fire (2012– )
Hanako Greensmith has finally come out as gay
8 April 2024
Once Hanako Greensmith finally came out as gay..instead of trying to force her into relationships with men who obviously never are able to create any kind of realistic response from her on screen..move ahead and find a woman partner that can join the firehouse even if its as clerical staff. Maybe as an open gay actress she can create a more realistic role than she has so far. I think they have often missed opportunities to be a lot more inclusive with their characters.

The other actress I was relieved to.see gone was Gabby. Either she had the WORST writers or the intention always was to.make her the most obnoxious woman alive. Nothing about her made sense..especially her relationship with Matt Casey..real fish out of water stuff there.
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Cold Case (2003–2010)
Such a terrific series with such a "nothing" ending?
14 March 2024
I loved the characters in the show and loved how they never just dumped everything out in one lump but allowed their stories to filter out without interfering with whatever.the current show is presenting. My only actual complaint was the last show surprised seemed to NOT be an ending. Was it handled that way because they were hoping for renewal or am I just not intelligent enough to understand what this ending was about? Unless these characters had commitments to new shows I don't understand why it seemed to be left.unfinished. If they knew it was done why not really tie up all the loose ends ?
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Can't really connect with this movie...feels like it's all over
6 March 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Only movie I remember that had Joanne Woodwards hair and makeup done in a really attractive style. My problem.with her was always her really heavy.stomach rolling Southern accent which was in this movie at least smothered. Never understood the connection Paul Newman and Joanne Woodward had but this movie made it believable for awhile. Paul Newmans second involvement seemed to appear out of nowhere just like his sudden.walking away from the business he'd poured himself into. Lots of beautiful clothes and scenery but not much connecting of the dots. Why his Dad couldn't accept him..when his Dad died.. he quit seeing his attempt to develop that storyline which seems odd. Feels like a story written by a first time development skills.
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In Plain Sight (2008–2012)
Why use Mary McCormack???
26 January 2024
The show had great stories, great support cast but why the flock did anyone think.a cow like McCormack.with the kinds of lines she had would be a good thing? Trying to pretend she would appeal to ANY man was an astounding leap. On her best day she has the personality of a constipated cobra. Believing top heavy with men would promote or even let her work there is beyond the realm of possible. This was just a mind blowing example of really bad casting. Having her become SO.enormous during pregnancy and so obnoxious about food ALWAYS was inordinately distracting but emphasized that she had NO.qualities that made her beneficial to this show. Have made it a point to ignore anything with Mary McCormack in it.
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Michelle Dockery was miscast
25 December 2023
Loved the show and bought each year of the series but I never understood why Michelle Dockery was cast as Mary. Her accent was more pronounced than anyone else in her that never made sense. They kept trying to present her as some BEAUTIFUL?? Intriguing woman who .is SO much in demand that it became ludicrous. Present a story line for her that makes sense or hire someone else for the role. She was a character with a position, the heir to an impressive estate but there is NO way this character SHE represented could ever be regarded as some in demand outstandingly beautiful woman. She WAS a woman who would inherit an estate,we were TOLD she was intelligent although nothing in her dialog or story supports that but most of the time she has a face that looks like her corset is tied too tight. Sybil actually WAS the beautiful smart daughter. Edith was kinder and smarter than Mary but constantly gets shoved aside for the character they want us to believe is the smart "beautiful" one. Finally Edith was allowed to shine..but never for more than a few seconds because for some reason were supposed to believe Mary is the "best" mother?,has the "best" marriage and is the one who deserves the most attention? So glad this movie finally took the focus OFF Mary ..if only slightly and made the story somewhere else. Although oddly they still try to turn the movie story around to recreate the fantasy "beautiful" unattainable Mary🙄Give it up! If we have to keep seeing her..make her a "person"..not some fantasy that simply isn't supported by how she looks.
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Grimm (2011–2017)
A longtime favorite
13 November 2023
I enjoyed the way they handled "crime".. not too much nitty gritty like most crime shows but enough to keep the story flowing along. The ONLY character I had hoped would be written out was the awkward moving stone faced Juliette. Always wondered if she had been exposed to too much botox but that wouldn't account for her equally awkward way of walking across the screen. Never been able to figure out what the casting director thought she might add to the show because whatever they thought..never happened. When she became a robot that was the only time in her career that we actually seemed appropriate for the part. If she actually HAS a personality.. she certainly hides it well.
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Women at War (2022)
Better tan expected..but.
2 August 2023
For a French production this show was really brutal about French people in general. The primary characters were all interesting, great actors but there seemed to be very little caring about other neighbors outside what was demonstrated by the main characters. Discouraging to watch a show where the enemy is only slightly less brutal than what the French army and the various French neighbors were to each other. Hoping I can find the book tis came from to see if it's just as hard on the French as what this movie was. I've learned to accept that visitors to France often see them as cold distant people but tis view was new to me and hard to ignore while trying hard to like this movie.
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The Crown (2016–2023)
Seemed fairly accurate and clarifies so much
21 July 2023
I've never liked Charles and despised his stupid infatuation with Camilla but seeing how off center he was his entire life made that easier to understand. Camilla was the mummy he always wanted and she wasn't any more attractive than his mummy. His ongoing verbal brutality to Diana was his first chance to BE the abuser the way he felt he had been ignored and abused by everyone except his equally ugly sister. Seeing this also clarifies why Harry really IS better off keeping distance. Considering the way their mother was treated Williams complete switch around to being Daddy's minion and letting his relationship with his brother be destroyed by his wife and his father is the one regret I have. Had Diana lived I believe the boys would not have been torn apart by the pettiness of these relics of humanity. Hoping Charles dirty deeds catch up to him before his first year is up.
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Grace and Frankie (2015–2022)
Graces oldest daughter gets less likable with every episode
8 July 2023
This oldest daughter character bears no resemblance to her on screen parents and every time I watch.the show I find myself hoping they'll kill her off and make the show more enjoyable. Given her lack of jobs after this show wrapped apparently she wasn't very popular . I really wonder if she was related to someone on this set ..because nothing about this character or the writers who wrote the script exhibits anything about this character.that I could manage to find even slightly likable. By my third viewing of the series this character became the single most obnoxious and unwatchable person on this show.
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In & Out (1997)
Loved everything except Joan Cusack
21 June 2023
She's an odd looking person but many of us are and eventually she even appeared "attractive"....but only when she was SILENT. That "VOICE" is a whole other problem. I love the movie but what was amazingly painful is that soul shattering squall that comes out of Cusacks mouth. Why was it so one person among so many terrific actors who makes you want to mute the movie or simply shut it off. Are there awards for those who survive her soul shattering screeching and make it through the whole movie? I'm Ill search for cast first and make sure I NEVER.have to hear that voice again.
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Providence (1999–2002)
Why haven't they managed to provide ALL.the episodes for sale?
13 March 2023
Despite the obnoxious Joanie ..this show is worth having in its entirety.... yet they haven't after all these years managed to put the complete set together to offer it for sale? What is the point to offering 12 episodes out of 90 plus that actually were part of this series? The acting isn't the best except for Mike Farrell but little kids don't really seem to care. They're fascinated and involved with the animal stories and although many don't understand the people issues at least they aren't seeing people being abused or hurt. Instead they're seeing people acting oddly,being noisy,being overdramatic...but generally not unkind..and that's worth having as a complete set for kids to enjoy.
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Ghost Whisperer (2005–2010)
Great idea...really poor wardrobe choices
28 December 2022
The show had some great stories and great potential but some how got hijacked by someone who decided to create a show to demonstrate that despite Melinda Gordon's fat hips and chunky legs...she had breasts that NEEDED to be displayed ALL the time. This was a small town setting...with a woman owning and running a business ...where you really don't expect to see a woman wearing low cut dresses ,night gowns, no coat in the dead of winter.... God forbid... couldn't cover up the boobs! Appropriate that her next big role WAS playing a hooker but its sad that the powers that be allowed this show to be run off the rails because they seemed to believe no-one would tune in WITHOUT having Melinda breasts hanging out 24/7.
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Any Day Now (1998–2002)
Annie Potts voice
28 December 2022
I loved the stories covered in this series but was constantly cringing over the sounds coming out of Annie Potts mouth! The younger versions were more tolerable but suddenly we have the screeching mind numbing grown up ME and the suddenly overly pompous black friend who was also over projecting her voice as if they were on stage in a cornfield! The quality and topics of the stories in this series WERE so terrific and so far ahead of most television offerings that I kept trying to find ways to tolerate the awful noise created by their lead actresses. Annie was just as bad in Designing Women but by 2020 seems to have finally found some cintrol .
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Torn Curtain (1966)
The story has potential..lead actress choice was a fail.
20 August 2022
Using Julie Anrews really bollixed this up. She looks and sounds the same no matter what the story is..same hair..nothing changes. Hate redos but this one might benefit by having it.
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Grantchester (2014–2024)
I've stayed through all of it..
24 July 2022
Makes no sense to keep seeing these vicars constantly drinking ..and the smoking??Gummed up the first vicar by having him dump his long time love to run off to America with a black woman? Now the new vicar is involved with and in bed with some tramp he met in a bar who's engaged to his friends boss? The writing just makes no sense. It s like an ongoing demonstration that English vIcars really have NO idea what their jobs actually are and are only interested in women who won't fit in with the vicarage life. This series had such Call the Midwife. They stretch their boundaries but they don't lose sight of how to get back. Such a the the area...the potential for long term was there....but Grantchester just can't find the path.
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