
21 Reviews
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The Old Man (2022– )
Not worth watching...horrific writing
16 July 2022
Huh. Well that sucks.

Watching episode 6 at the moment. MMmmm mn. I am hating the dialogue. The Old Man and the "terrible dialogue boring actress" eating outside. Now in the Bank. Dead, flat deadpan awful horrific acting and dialogue and pacing. OMG so awful. So cringe.

As an actor i love Jeff Bridges. And i was, looking forward to a TV series with him attached. Watching episode 6 and still waiting for the writing and directing to match the calibre of the acting talents. So dull. And Jeff is in it around 7% of the time. So he is the draw and its a fake out. I am sorry it is awful, i had expected a lot more quality. Not worth watching.
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Just Wow ? Hmmn.
26 May 2022
Sorry. Nope. Not wow. I had hoped to enjoy these little clips.

After the 3rd one I wanted more. MORE DEPTH. More Character Development. Any kind of development.

Like eating a bunch of desserts. Sparky and nice but not really fulfilling.

For myself, this Form leaves a lot to be desired. It is a failure. Oh well.
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I loved it.
9 May 2022
Well. Just scanned most of the reviews. AND I completely disagree with all of the negative whiny comments. As a finale to the series of films I thought it was perfect in tone and execution. I was scared a lot. And it was nice to get more of a backstory. I enjoy the trio of ghostbusters a lot. Thats enough.
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Halo (2022– )
WTF??? OMG??? AAAAHHH i had hoped for better.
24 March 2022
Ahh so sad. Terrible writing. IN the first glimpse of the spartans in a fight...well it seems they are blind. The enemy is standing in plain sight and no one notices. The political conversations are shallow and petty. Oh well i hated it. I won't watch any other episodes. At the moment i am a bit p1ssed. Have a good day.
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Star Trek: Picard: The Star Gazer (2022)
Season 2, Episode 1
3 March 2022
Well every moment of season one was a complete and utter horror show on every level. Worse than Discovery. I dunno is that possible? Hmmn.

Both of these series should be burnt to ash along with the creators of said garbage. Foundation was a work of genius compared to Picard S2e01. As bad as season one. A STAR TREK ABOMINATION.



How can people watch this garbage? I really do not get it. Are Americans this stupid? Aw F........ how sad.

Quality Sophistication Rationality Science Based Character Depth Homage to Legacy Clarity Not Woke for Woke Sake (which totally sucks) I miss these things in a lot of TV and Film currently produced.

Remember FIREFLY? Or very recently THE EXPANSE. Ver good!
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There is no god...dummies.
28 February 2022
I could only watch half of this film. Disgust. Mass hysteria and belief in a thing that was made for children, There is no god you know. The bible is made up and written by men thousands of years ago. King James version?

A "version" of the bible. What the heck? How can there be versions of "gods word"? Oh well. A terrible farce of a film.
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Oh boy Zelazny must have been mad
28 February 2022
Terrible writing and story. BLAND. In Zelazny's novel they go to the east coast with a cure for a plague. A good reason! Unlike the story in this film.

It would have been worth watching if they had been true to the book. Oh yeah, the characters in the book were much more interesting also.
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Star Trek: Discovery: ...But to Connect (2021)
Season 4, Episode 7
Still a pile of crap
10 February 2022
Hmmn. How is this still being made? Are the actors embarrassed to be in this? Not worth my time to say much. Um, huh I think that is about all it deserves. Byby off to watch a quality show (The Expanse for example).
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Reacher (2022– )
I would rather die
4 February 2022
Ok. The main problem is..its written by a CW Supergirl writer. Therefore it is TRASH. Not going to waste my time writing more. I will just rewatch THE EXPANSE...for quality writing.
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I lasted 10 minutes
25 December 2021
Well, as the 10 minutes went by...oddly i became angry. The blue haired woman...i could not understand a word she said...mumbles. I wanted to enjoy this as much as the first Matrix. But, after the last season of GOT i am not willing to watch CRAP films/tv series.

After the 2nd and 3rd Matrix, I lost trust in the showrunners. They are now HACKS instead of GENIUS.

So in 10 minutes i hated the camera work, colorization, acting, editing and special effects. A hollow reboot. It's Christmas so i will end this now...i have interesting things to do today.
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Cowboy Bebop (2021)
Not quite right...cosplay
22 November 2021
Um, i have been in love with this anime forever. I also feel that way about Ghost In The Shell. Sorry to say it is almost impossible to do anime in a live action format. How characters look. How characters speak. How characters behave and interact. These are critical. All of the characters did not look at all like the anime characters, so for myself i could not really see Spike or Jet, or Faye. Jet was from Ganymede he was not a black gentleman ( i wish they had found a Ganymedian for that role), Faye was chinese sort of (amnesia) not latino, and VER ver sexy. Spike was the HOT toxic male. Faye was the HOT toxic female. Jet was the protective grandpa. Cosplay. That is how it seemed...cosplay, not real characters. Again, just my take.
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Huh. A prequel to a bad film.
1 November 2021
Uhhhhh, boring and pointless. A Great director (NOT!). That is all of the effort i am going to give this. I guess any worthless film can be made today.

At least DUNE was worth watching, repeatedly.
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Foundation (2021– )
I am pissed.
16 October 2021
Yeah. I read the Foundation series in my 20s. After watching 5 episodes of the new tv series I was/am afraid of a bad adaptation. Episodes 4 and 5 are proving my fears correct. In a lot of British tv and film i have noticed a quality which is hard to pin down, compared to US media. A vagueness, or slowness, the highs and lows are flattened. Anyway the Foundation series has that quality which causes me the viewer to be "bored" disengaged, antsy (have the story move ahead already!). Seldon was killed. I did not care. I really do not care who wins a battle that is happening now in the series. Characters are hollow and flat...I want to feel something about "the warden" But Nah. Zero. And 90% of what we see, is made up, not in the books. And sad to say, they have failed. I will continue to watch. But i am not enjoying the experience. Terrible idea and terrible script. Nice try, but...
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Evil (2019–2024)
A horrific thought-killing undisturbing p.o.s. KIND OF SAD.
20 September 2021
I do not care about any of these characters. As bad as LOST. So slow viewers die from boredom. The characters act stupidly...A LOT. I had hoped this show would be good. But nah. Well into season 2 and the show is still going nowhere. I am tired, bored, of waiting. That is all of the time i am going to waste on this. Blecchhh! They had to go there...insanely stupid. There's a cliffhanger for ya.

------------------------ Weeks later Hmmn. Just watched season 2 finale. Was hoping. Changed my rating from 2 to a 1. OMFG! Mindlessness and Directionlessness. So all of you 7.7 people, y'all like the finale huh? Yumyum.

Please this show a comedy? Is this a HORROR series?

Is this a Faith series? Is this a serious drama piece? With the addition of the BOOK as a character is the show now ANIME? Is it Anti-Religion?

Is it a series that is vague, is the show trying to show how stupid the Monsignor(orwhatever) is(trustingLeland)? More questions?
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Candyman (2021)
30 August 2021
I repeat...TOTAL shallow GARBAGE. Like all of Peele's work. I do not understand why or how he is still making films. I do not want to waste more of my time on goodbye.
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Odyssey 5 (2002–2004)
2021........a great show!
6 August 2021
Ok gonna be brief cause i am on the last ep...SO Peter Weller and a great cast! Made for adults THANK GOD!!! A many layered cake. A delicious amount of character building as well as world building. I wish TV as well as Film these days had this quality. (one of the other reviewers mentioned "too many side stories" and my thought was "what an idiot!!". Which is why it is hard to find quality Film or TV...the audience does not notice or care.) OK gotta go watch the last ep.

Oh well...bob's yer uncle.
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SurrealEstate (2021– )
I'm Speechless
17 July 2021
Well. Hmmn. SyFy boy. Hmmn. I wanted to like this show. After 2 episodes i don't think i will be watching more. The dialogue and acting seemed superficial, wooden, and FLAT. Everone seemed to be acting, which is horrible. I feel absolutely nothing towards any of the characters. Actors playing roles. Not to knock Canada but, many series produced in Canada have a certain tone or flavor. Blandish.

If you enjoy it, great. Not my cup of tea.

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The Blacklist (2013– )
Who still watches this repetitive, go nowhere piece of crap?
1 June 2021
Why? WHY? The first several seasons were ok. But for the most part episodes go nowhere. The most recent episode is a good example. Like a mouse running on a wheel. Whap whap whap round and round we nothing happened really.

Liz gets caught, Liz gets free, Liz gets caught again, Liz gets free. How many times can you watch THAT and not want to blow your brains out? I like James Spader but when you put him in a stew of mediocrity, well its just not enough.

Terrible writing. I could go on, but Nah.
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People are not mentioning this...
31 January 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Hmmn. Not certain how to write this...beyond the goods and bads of the film, 3 things I appreciated a lot. Though there was not much screen time given, I really appreciated her relationship with her father. They were close. He taught her very practical things in life and a moral compass to guide her actions. So in the school a lot of her seemingly brave behavior, strength, determination WITH a moral spine, was earned. She was not a mary sue. I wanted to see more of daughter father interaction.

Seeing her utilize her skills learned with her father, in the school, was very satisfying. I just thought it is important to point all of that out. Oh, and her Dad blowing away her attacker was also a nice moment. So that is about 2 things I suppose.

The third thing is Thomas Jane is onscreen. Not much, but barely enough. Sorry, he's my guy.

thats all

go away now
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Walker (2021–2024)
Typical CW show...barf
30 January 2021
Just watched episode 2. I won't be watching anymore. Just can't take it.

I was hoping for more. Unfortunately I found myself jumping ahead, ignoring all of the drama while walking, the talking in hallways, the flashbacks, and angst scenes...which left about 10 minutes of actual viewing time. All CW shows are this. 90% blah blah, and 10% a story of some kind. Lots of trembling lower lips.

Just watched a season 2 show. Still a piece of ...
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Star Trek: Discovery (2017–2024)
14 January 2021
Howcome the rating is over 7 ? Uhhh...I just do not get it. As a Star Trek show, it has failed uttterly. As a show, it also has failed utterly. The writing is for 4 year olds who don't know about cause and effect, logic, or science or human behavior yet. I could go on but why bother. So HOWCOME? Uhhh...I just do not get it.
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