
18 Reviews
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intresting idea but a complete rip off of the film press play
14 April 2024
Its a intresting concept of travling through time due to certain music but this film does not deliver if you like the concept please watch press play 2022 this has tried coping the same storyline near enough with a few differances.

And as always the only 10/10 is a new account probably family members again even the 9/10 seems a bit suspect been a member 6 years and only ever reviewed this film.

Worth a watch if bored

Young Harriet discovers that art imitates life when she discovers that certain songs can literally transport her back in time. But as she relives the past through the romantic memories of her old boyfriend, her time travel collides with a new romantic adventure in her present. And so, on her journey through the hypnotic connection between music and memory, Harriet wonders if, even if she could change the past, she should.
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the title says it all
7 April 2023
The title says it all this film is a lot of nothing not alot happens.

James and Vanessa are ostensibly the perfect married couple; beautiful, successful, and smart. Their lives spiral out of control when they decide to seek justice against a neighbor they saw commit a crime on the evening news

in todays socioty no one wants to get involved with there neighbours and you certaintly would not be kidnapping a police officer who happens to appears on the news.

Some reviewer seems to think this tackles police killings of unarmed victims in the black community umm no not really this relates in no way to it why do you think this because all the actors are black except one the police officer ??
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Quantum Leap (2022–2024)
this will probably the best and honest review you will read
10 November 2022
Alot better than i expected after seeing the reviews left by some robots

this will probably the best and honest review you will read i will start with why i only gave it 8 star

first nothing is going to beat the original and second there are some good points others made in reviews but does not deserve to be hit down to 1 star because of these so far .

I have only seen the 1st epsiode and it looks promising i was expexting a remake to be truthful and glad that is not the case its a carry on from where the orignal left off having saying that they have broken rule already and that was al in the original (dean stockwell) was not allowed to give sam any infomation even though he let slip a few times to help sam in this first eps she blurted nearly everything out with in the first few mins except them being married part

the other comments did press upon some not so good actors in it i thought they played there parts fairly well in fact the only one that i can put my finger on is the head of security woman my god talk about wooden i already hate the actress espically on the scene where she tried to quit i had flash backs to metal mickey if your old enough you know lol

her acting was so robotic it would put alexa and siri to shame lol.cant wait for the next one i do hope at some point we get to see sam (Scott Bakula) in a espisode that will just blow my mind.
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its rare i give a 10/10
30 August 2022
Warning: Spoilers
It rare i give a 10/10 but this film was amazing Ron Howard's is a good director i really only put this film on as there wasd nothing on and was looking for something to fill 1hr while i eat tea and thinking i was not going to enjoy it thinking i had seen it all on the news it would give me time to fill and enough time for me to relise this film was rubbish

so i actually watched expexting disapointment the first 15 mins was a bit annoying as it was subtitled which was leading to think i going to turn this off in a min

i am glad i didnt there was things in it i did not even know like the kids was drugged with 3 different drugs and even had to google it thinking this cant be true and a few other facts and must admit i cried quite a few times though out the film this is the first time i watched a film expexting rubbish for it to turn me around

ignore the stupid 1 stars these are from people who probably cant read or have the expansion span to concertrate on subs for 20 mins and watch at the same time and ignore the consperercicy idiots saying it was all lies these people wear tin hats and think everything on tictoc is real because its not in the main stream news.
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Who Ya Wit (2022)
dont waste your time
25 August 2022
Terrible movie yet again another woke movie with bad actors i cant even give it a star for camera work or being original ignore the 10 star reviews most likly friends of the cast.
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not the worst
27 June 2022
Not the worst film to come out of 2021 but its close

you will need subtiltes to understand what is being undertood most the time which is not great when you have english audio but cant understand whats being said the scences are however beautifully done and filmed its just ashame they could not find better actors this was the biggest downfall and as for the farming scences i have yet to see a farmer farm the way it was protraded in this film.
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Flux Gourmet (2022)
one of the worst films ever
24 June 2022
One of the worst films ever this has got to be one of the weirdest films ever made not even funny and not even enjoyable i will wait for a month and no doubt it will be down to 4 star or less if you have 2 hours to waste that you wont ever get back please carry on.
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Eagle Wings (2021)
dont waste your time
17 May 2022
Dont waste your time yet another attempt at pleaseing the woke people we used to joke years ago about spot the white man but now its come true you litterly play these films since the pamdemic 2020 onwards and playing this game is the only enjoyment you can get.its just a repeated scipt taken from many movies thats been out since the 80s rewritten poorley and bad actors based on just the colour of there skin.
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Ready or Not (I) (2019)
totally enjoyable
30 April 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Just sat down to watch this expecting not to really enjoy it but really loved it a pleasant filmthat was full of laughs.and gore could not ask for more i was a bit disappointed at the end as i would have liked to seen grace taking over the family the acting was amazing and samara weaving performance was spot on ooh how i miss the pre covid films before blm took over producing films like theres no tomorrow and churing out 1 star movies everywhere.
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time for bed
30 April 2022
Boring how have people even voted than 1 star is beyond me perhaps washingtons dad has called all his mates.

There is nothing more to add than if you wish to waste 1hr 46 min watching a black and white film about a couple arguing stick to laurel and hardy you enjoy it way more than this.
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11 April 2022
Dont even waste your time it has terrible acting and storyline its just alot of dribble which is to hard to follow the film is like looking back at a bad 80s film.
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so bad they had to steal the mavel music
6 April 2022
Dont believe the 10 star reviews problebly the same person who directed and played in this how can someone even compare it to the matrix and give it a 10/10 lol

its that bad acting and everything and not even pretending to be differant from marvel that they even used marvel theme in the trailer i am sure we will hear soon marvel will be sueing for theft because with this budget theres no way they could afford for use of the theme.
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Moon Manor (2022)
dont waste your time
11 March 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I could not believe these 10 star reviews these are all fake which seems to be a trend latley having checked the reviewers most if not all are only 1 week old and only ever reviewed one tilte that being this one i guess they got all there friends and family to vote to get such a high score

whilst i thought this may be enjoyable being a true story it was a lot of tosh a old man decides hes going to end his life and on the day desides to party like he did in the 80s there end of film saved yourselfs 2 hrs of your life!!
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Crow Valley (2022)
totally unoriginal
1 March 2022
Totally unoriginal a rip of misery film with jack nicholson but without and good acting to be seen dont waste your time. You knoiw whats going to happen before it even does.
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Bad Trip (2021)
Bad trip=bad movie
13 January 2022
Not a great fan of Borat which this is clearly a knockoff of the same theme its also yet another 2021-2022 film of spot the white man which for some reason it gets high ratings to start then as the real reviews come in soon drops to around 2 to 3 star.
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Bury Me (2022)
better than it looks
11 January 2022
I was not expexting to like this film but it did make me laugh watchingthe trailer i thought here we go with another 2021 lock down film with a FEW non actors about a looser but this was quite enjoyable and intresting film.
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Heir (2021)
7 November 2021
As someone else said ignore reviews written on the 7th july its terrible turned it off after 5 mins its like something written by a 10 year old in the 60s.
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8 June 2021
This is my 2nd time of reviewing dont bother watching it appears all the 1-3 star rating has been removed and only 9 or 10 star have remiained dont believe these ratings probably done by friends and family.
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