
2 Reviews
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Bad... But amazing
13 December 2022
Warning: Spoilers
If you take this film to heart and analyze from just a movie perspective no its not good... but if you take the films meaning and truly examine the message, here lies a beautiful message that at times is delivered through beautiful story telling. The songs vary from horrible to extremely catchy to deeply meaningful. The scene where the logos convince Davey to cry is yes, goofery, but at times beautiful. This movie also as a hell of rematch ability and is definitely on the catalogue come next Christmas. Definitely worth a watch, even when it comes to the areas its lacking. Adam Sandler keeps his ridicules' dialect but at times gives a heartfelt performance.
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Overall Not That Good
3 February 2021
Although this movie got a lot of Praise from critics to be completely honest I did not like it that much. The movie is a hodgepodge of many different storylines and different aspects trying to connect. The movie is surprisingly unrealistic for how much of a serious tone it holds. The whole creature on the plane scenario while a good idea has no explanation it's just there. Not to mention the script is absolutely god awful. The charecters in the movie talk nothing like people do in real life. Half the lines seem to be made to make the lead look like a badass. The acting is generally good but there's a lot of cringeworthy moments. I also have to say the fight scene at the end between the creature and the lead is so stupid. They also never explain why the creature has such a fascination of the baby, since the creature never opened the box to see there was a baby inside. I feel as if the movies multiple storylines had their own individual movie all of them would be much better then this.
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