
2 Reviews
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Chance (2002)
7 March 2004
To sum up this review, you HAVE to see this film. From start to finish it is 75mins of pure comedic joy. I had to buy a signed photo from the movie from Benson Entertainment to get the DVD as they still haven't got backing to release it yet. This is a terrible shame because Amber Benson is an amazing writer/director/actor and her film should be out on the market for people to see. The film also stars James Marsters (Spike in Buffy The Vampire Slayer) who plays Chance's (Amber Benson) best friend, Simon. The two characters ooze chemistry on screen and dialogue that passes between is nothing short of brilliant. Whether you are a Buffy fan or not, this film is definitely worth a look.
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The Monkees Live Again
25 June 2001
I have only recently discovered the Monkees and what a fantastic group they are. So you can imagine my excitement when this film came out. To be honest I wasn't sure what to expect, I knew it was about the Monkees lives but i wasn't aware it wasn't them actually in it. However this did not disappoint me when I saw who was playing them. These guys must have been on a intense Monkee course to learn the style, mannerisms and behaviour of the pre-fab four. Micky is my favourite Monkee and Aaron Lohr who played him was excellent, it was so scarily similar that i had to make sure i wasn't watching the real Micky Dolenz. Not only that the other three were great too and I could not make any criticism on their performance. The story which saw the Monkees at the auditions right through until Head was accurate and precise on detail and couldn't be faulted. I know that no-one will ever compete with the real Monkees and the orginality that came from their show cannot be matched but if it is to be copied, this is definitely the way to do it.
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