
4 Reviews
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Moonfall (2022)
Omg it's bad
23 September 2022
What can I say. I'm a sucker for disastrous movies. So I looked forward for this one. I really wanted to give it a chance 😁 But, it's really bad in so many ways. Poor acting. Poor effects. Poor story. Poor people interaction. Poor instruction. So many clichés. I actually love Day After Tommorow and Indenpendece Day. Unfortunately RE has lost his touch. So giving this movie a '3' is only because I really love this gente.

Now I have tjis problem that I have to write at least 120 words more befire I can publish this review. So Why not recommend The movie Serenity and the series Firefly for some fantastic sci-fi 😁
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Great post apocalyptic sci-fi movie!
5 May 2022
Love this movie. Speedball 1+2 surely got it's inspiration from this movie.

Next to Blade Runner, this must be Rutger Hauers best role, he's awesome.

Must watch 80's flick!
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Lucifer: Lucifer! Lucifer! Lucifer! (2020)
Season 5, Episode 2
A little better than the first episode
21 August 2020
After the dissapointment of the first episode, my expectations wasn't high watching the second. But it was a lot better, though a little boring. I really look forward to episode 3, with a new director and Lucifer hopefully back at his best!
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Lucifer: Really Sad Devil Guy (2020)
Season 5, Episode 1
What a disappointment!
21 August 2020
Really looked forward to the new season of Lucifer. A great show. But the season starter, was a huge disappointment.Boring plot, and poor acting. Must be the director who couldn't get the actors to perform properly.

One of the entire show poorest episodes.
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