3 Reviews
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Full of cliches, confusing and unoriginal
13 March 2022
This is not a good movie. It was boring from start to finish because of the horrible pacing, the characters are bland and uninteresting, the conflict is extremely predictable. The action is rather dull and most of the movie is just walking or dramatic tension that no one cares about. The script is bad with hilarious lines and "deep" philosophical thoughts that we've heard 200 times already. The soundtrack is often out of place and makes the whole situation even more absurd. It's not the worst movie though and the acting was pretty good.
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Moonfall (2022)
Almost good
6 February 2022
The movie tried its best to deliver something unique, however it didn't develop any of the concepts it presented enough. There was an attempt at making deep characters with actual inner conflict but it all flopped into a generic cardboard cutout mess. There were way too many characters and undeveloped side plots that the movie didn't make me care for. All in all, it was somewhat enjoyable and the VFX were great. The plot twist was fun but predictable.
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Incredibly racist and unfunny
3 January 2022
The movie has nothing to offer. The jokes are incredibly flat and base on racial stereotypes. The movie actively treats its viewers as trash. As a Russian I feel ashamed of our comedies.
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