
2 Reviews
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Ballbuster (2020)
Stale stinker
16 August 2020
Unfunny stinker feels like it must have sat on a shelf for a few years until the shutdown got it semi-released. Seriously, there are even pop culture references like fidget spinners and wool hats that are already playing as dated and stale. It's just keeps getting worse, scene after scene
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P-Valley (2020– )
Worth watching even with plot holes
9 August 2020
Warning: Spoilers
I still watch it after 5 episodes, so that's a good sign. Quick question though... Why doesn't Mercedes just demand to own the new church with her mom and turn her cheer team into a church dance program? Win-win. She gets to run her teen program and pays no taxes, collects money from the church, and doesn't have to pay her staff who become volunteers. Seems obvious.
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