
4 Reviews
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The Restless (2006)
Oh dear, oh dear, oh dear...
24 May 2007
Warning: Spoilers
I had been dying to watch this movie so when they pushed the DVD release date from April to May 2007, I wasn't exactly a happy camper. Thank goodness I got a hold of the MV (Wheesung's 'The Cresent Moon') which totally blew my mind but it only made me itch even more for the actual film. So when I finally got my hands on it this past May 18th, I almost had an orgasm when I slid the disc into the player. But little did I know that would be the only excitement. So what happened? How did something with a strong plot (quasi-purgatory/heaven; I mean who isn't curious?!), "stunning" special effects, strong actors and performers(Jun-ho Yeo, Kwang-Il Kim, Woo-Sung Jung) and awesome soundtrack go awry? Well, first of all this should have been at least 165 minutes long instead of compressing everything into 105 minutes. While Yi-Gwak's love for Son-Hwa/Yon-Hwa is "understandable"; the fervor/dedication portrayed by Jung could have been better conveyed if viewers actually saw more of the lovers before she was executed. Then there's the precious stone Son-Hwa kept to save Jungcheon; while a clearer explanation is not necessary, perhaps a longer one would do. Viewers might find themselves wondering in the midst of the Chunyoungdae's hunt for her why they wanted the stone in the first place. Then the ending felt abrupt and mishandled. I don't want to reveal too much but for me it was as though everything was for nothing. I will say however that the visuals in this move are captivating. I will say that most of the cast did a great job. I just wished the movie had made me care more about what would happen to the characters next. Because I didn't.
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Mutt Boy (2003)
For the pleasure of performance
23 May 2007
Mutt Boy is probably the least glamorous role Woo-Sung Jung has taken on his shoulders ~ but that itself reflects the drive to be more than just a pretty face which unfortunately constitutes much of the "Hallyu" wave sweeping Southeast Asia and the world off their feet. His performance as Chol-min is simply a pleasure to watch, from the way he does laundry, the slight lisp and hunched shoulders to spitting food while eating; these are just some examples of Jung's embodiment of his character. The intermittent narrative is another audio perk and for the lack of a better example ~ think of the same way Tom Hanks is Forrest Gump the movie; Woo-sung Jung is Mutt-Boy the movie. There are however parts of the script that felt heavily under-developed and viewers are left hanging with the question, "Now what?". Whether it's the relationship between Chol-min and his dad, his friends; his dad and Jeong Ae. The world of "mentally-challenged" was touched on but the issue was not addressed. Yet for fans of Woo-Sung Jung; I have a feeling just watching him on-screen would make this worthy and in some ways I'd have to agree.
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In-Seong Cho finally blossoms...
26 November 2006
The movie is bittersweet, reminding me of "Blow" and "Casino". I refuse to say that it is the Asian counterpart of the above-mentioned movies because I think that does not do Yoo Ha or In-Seong Cho justice.

The cast acted as though each role was made just for them and the accordion laced soundtrack simply added to the irony and hard, cold truth of the subject matter.

But most of the kudos have to go to In-Seong Cho, for letting viewers live through his character (Byung-Doo). Whether it's laughing at his karaoke rendition in the car and club.; his intense, awkward yet realistic fighting skills or the boyish charms oozing when he sees the woman he loves ~ if I knew nothing of the actor I would have thought he was cast to play himself.

It is extremely well done so just watch it and find out for yourself!
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Something different, something familiar...
16 November 2006
How do you know if the series is doing well? For "My Lovely Samsoon", critics did not have to look far with the increase of inquiries on pastry-chefs, bakeries finding themselves running out of stock exponentially faster and even bookstores selling the German children's book "MOMO" caught off guard. When the locations of filming also because guided tour-sites, there was little left to wonder.

Such was the craze that swept South Korea and eventually many other Southeast Asian countries with the release of this koreanovella.

I was not a fan prior to watching "My lovely Samsoon". In fact, I was quite the skeptic. Knowing how Asia's film/series industry cater to unrealistic love stories I was actually getting ready to thrash this series to pieces.

Yet it was such a wonderful surprise as I finished the 16 episodes and now re-watching every single one for the umpteenth times! I don't want to bore you with big words and exaggerations.

Realistic dialogs, direct yet layered storytelling and cinematography, superb acting are only some of the delightful quirks and twists one will find this series.

I don't understand a word of Korean but it didn't matter.

Enjoy! ;-)
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