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Quincy M.E.: Women of Valor (1983)
Season 8, Episode 20
Another Great Episode
14 June 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Quincy went on another fantastic crusade to help a woman wrongly accused of inadvertently killing a baby during delivery. The other incompetent medical examiner from the hospital determined that the baby's neck was trapped against the pelvic bone of the mother.

How wrong he was since he never sectioned the baby's brain.

Enter Dr. Quincy. He entered a phone booth and changed into his greens.

Super Quincy. Faster than a speeding....oh you know the rest.

He worked diligently and discovered the baby's lungs exploded as a result of too much oxygen being pumped into it...."burst like an over-inflated balloon" is how Quincy described it. That's what killed the baby. Quincy said that there was nothing anyone else could have done to save the baby because the complications were too severe.

And Quincy was in plenty of scenes. I have no idea what another reviewer is talking about....then again neither does he.
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Stalker's Prey (2017 TV Movie)
Post to Sherianlaldo
13 March 2022
Because that's reality and it happens in real-life. At my high school graduation everyone drank alcohol no matter the age. It was a sinister movie and that just added to it.
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Dragnet 1967: Burglary: Baseball (1970)
Season 4, Episode 25
This episode was one of my favorites
2 January 2022
Warning: Spoilers
It's not that the criminal was THAT dumb. It wasn't a mistake that he cropped that referral card. He dropped it on purpose. He wanted to get caught and go back to prison because he couldn't make it on the outside world. It was baseball season and he wanted to play on the prison softball team. They had this pitcher coming in who was supposed to have a great arm.
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Dragnet 1967: The Bullet (1967)
Season 1, Episode 17
Answer to intro
27 November 2021
Jack Webb only mentioned the Los Angeles Dodgers in the introduction because by 1967 the Los Angeles Angels had moved to Anaheim and became the California Angels.
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Gomer Pyle: USMC: Marriage, Sgt. Carter Style (1969)
Season 5, Episode 17
20 November 2020
Warning: Spoilers
It was a funny 1967.

"It was deja-vu all over again," as Yogi Berra once said.

Nothing worse for a sitcom than when it has to delve into a previous episode for a plot, and not even re-write the script's pattern at all.

This same episode was done in Season 3 Episode 22, "To Re-enlist or Not to Re-enlist", February 15, 1967.

It was an all around lackluster episode performance and they decided to slightly re-write an idea that was already done before because A) it was getting near the end of the series run; B) they were probably running out of ideas for new storylines; and C) Nabors wanted to end the series after 5 seasons.

It was the same plot and same predictable outcome just going through the motions.

Great episode the first time around, boring episode this time around.

It's too bad that Gomer Pyle, U.S.M.C. couldn't sue Gomer Pyle, U.S.M.C. for plagiarism.

I realized that in each paragraph have I said the exact same thing, but it was apropos for the review for this episode.
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Green Acres: The Cow Killer (1970)
Season 5, Episode 19
29 July 2020
The math was wrong. Haney owed Oliver $200. He got $10 back from brother-in-law for returning the truck Oliver put a down payment on. It was a floor sample. He got $75 for disposing of the stuffed cow. $15 for taking Eleanor to Mr. Colby. $35 from Mr. Colby for Eleanor. $45 from Mrs. Douglas for the stuffed cow to remind Oliver of his deed. $20 reward for the return of the stuffed cow. $75+$15+$35+$45+$20=$190 +$10 =$200. How was he $5 short?

What makes this show hilarious is Oliver is the only one who has his head on straight. His wife being "against" him is part of it. The show wouldn't be nearly as funny if Lisa defended him.

Remember, it's just a TV show.
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