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Damsel (2024)
Boring, awful casting
22 March 2024
Shohreh Aghdashloo's voice is painful to listen to as the Dragon and took me out of the movie immediately.

It is an interesting premise, but wasn't executed in a satisfactory way.

I like Millie as an actress, and there were some solid visuals, but only some as most was so dark that a lot of it was just just black - which isn't interesting at all.

I did try. I just found it weak on many levels and not worth my time, at the end of it. I was left disappointed. I see many others found it to be lacking in smarts, in cleverness and so on. They just weren't impressed.

It was an effort that came up short.
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Lucifer: Partners 'Til the End (2021)
Season 6, Episode 10
painful to sit through
11 October 2023
Stories with angry people raging against everything are annoying.

Bringing in a raging person to complain and whine consistently throughout the final season.... to have someone take blame for something he hadn't even done yet... To toss logic and reasoning aside...

It was so painful, but I did want to finish the story so I suffered through it.

I recommend stopping at season 5 ending and avoiding the angry girl plot.

While there are a few fun moments in the season, it's not worth it.

Emotion is an important part of who we are, but truth and reasoning also need to play a part, as this season proves in a very painful way.

I was not impressed. It makes me sad people enjoy watching angry people devoid of reason.
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Lucifer: The Murder of Lucifer Morningstar (2021)
Season 6, Episode 5
Angry girl is always a weak plot
5 October 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Angry girl comes in not trying to figure it out, just trying to blame people.

It was such a weak, annoying plot.

They toss in time travel and whiny girl becomes even more annoying.

She's not thinking, just angry with Lucifer. That's not a story, that's just a mess - a girl who needs lots of therapy. It would be one thing if she's trying to solve the mystery, but no, she just wants to be angry.

It was a plot to distract and slow the progress of the overall plot.

Yes, some plots are far more annoying and dreary than they are entertaining, and this was a perfect example.

I didn't find this plot enjoyable at all.
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Depp V Heard (2023)
dumbed down
30 August 2023
The info is well organized into a great narrative, but these youtubers are obnoxious attention seekers. Fine, they are out there, but letting them narrate dumbs down the show.

People watching the trial is annoying. Let us just watch the trial. Dumbed down. (It's like the audience members and backstage reactions on America's Got Talent to manipulate the audience into what to think and feel.)

It was a fascinating trial, but dumbing it down is obnoxious and insulting to the audience.

The audience feels staged.

I wish they would have just stuck with the trial itself because there is enough content there.
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a sad ending to a sad show
18 August 2023
Warning: Spoilers
There were some VERY cool cars throughout this season. There were some heartfelt stories to go with them. Each episode should have been 30 min, not 60 as there was a lot of filler. The guest stars were underused.

And the way they added a car and made them change their design to incorporate part of their chosen car diminished their designs more than added to them.

Then it came to the finale, and from what I've seen many agree that the car that won wasn't near the ambition nor originality of several other designs. (That's why they say she won - "ambition and originality".

Truly a disappointing ending. It was the car that had the least.
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Law & Order: Fear and Loathing (2023)
Season 22, Episode 15
Race trumps rules
6 August 2023
It doesn't matter what race that cop is, he still needs to follow the rules and get down and can show his badge.

He knows how dangerous it is, especially when people claim they are a cop all the time. He knows the proper ways to do things.

The cop even tried to make peace, but the cop's pride got in the way, his race got in the way, he admits he broke the rules because he didn't want to get on his knees. Pride was why he violated the rules.

He's not above the law. His race is not an excuse not to break the rules.

I feel bad for those taught to feel they are inferior because of their race. I feel bad for those taught they are hated because of their race. Still, someone with experience needs to be understanding of the situation and follow the rules.
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FBI: Most Wanted: Rangeland (2023)
Season 4, Episode 18
rewriting reality
5 August 2023
Warning: Spoilers
This episode could have been so much better, because the real material had so much more in it.

They touch on the government taking land and charging farmers. You pay for that when you buy your meat.

They don't touch on how some of these matters went to court - and blew up on the FBI when the FBI was caught lying in court. It would have been awesome to stick to the real story. Instead they twisted it and turned it into propaganda against the ranchers when reality was the opposite.

Then you have the subplot where a government agent used her skills to gather a bunch of info on someone and send it to his friends, resulting in a suicide. All kinds of wrong there - especially if she did any of it on work hours.

Yes, the writing is quickly degrading on this series. Sad.
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asleep in bed and he's assaulted
3 August 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Yes, a man is asleep in bed and got assaulted.

And the FBI goes along with it?

Oh, and they started by giving him a political party and making him ignorant.

That was total self defense, especially when someone pulled a gun on him.

This episode was so bizarre, so awful... I'll admit I haven't finished it, but this starts out showing the politics of the show and how the FBI doesn't investigate properly.

The politics of the show are so weak it distracts from the quality and content of the show. It's really sad, because the FBI and Law/Order franchises used to be good but they are getting more and more blatant in their biases.
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Will Trent: Unable to Locate (2023)
Season 1, Episode 7
written and produced by bad amateurs
6 June 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I tried. I love a good mystery show, but this is not that.

The writers have zero knowledge of police work and rely on bad info about tasers. For example, if someone is pointing a weapon at your partner, don't taze them - they just tense and fire and you killed your partner. It really is that poorly done.

If you point your gun at someone, make sure your partner isn't behind them. If you fire, your gun, you're just as likely to hit your partner with a slight miss or if the bullet goes through.

Yes, this show really misses common sense points like this.

Oh, and if you're almost killed by a bunch of fantasy white supremacists and you have no way of reporting them, get away, don't ride along because poor writing is the only way you'll be saved when you jump out and threaten them.

This show is ridiculous on so many levels. And so much focus on damaged people who aren't getting mental help while in positions of trust that demand competence... Again, they focus on the pain instead of the fixing or healing.

And that doesn't even touch on the head of their unit and how poor the acting is, all the anger and inappropriate comments she makes indicating her bias. She'd be dealing with HR on a daily basis with that kind of attitude.

I tried, but this show is a hot mess fantasy. Unenjoyable. Depressing. And ignorant of how these matters work in reality.
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Will Trent: I'm a Pretty Observant Guy (2023)
Season 1, Episode 2
24 May 2023
Warning: Spoilers
When you fire a taser at someone, they tense up, meaning if they are holding a gun they will most likely pull the trigger at what they are aiming at, which is why they are not a good idea in many cases. That's just one example of how ineffective they are.

There are written tests to become a cop, let alone a special investigator.

Shows where the writers don't know the basics like that become silly and often painful to watch. It's sad when what could be a good show lacks.

One of the first things police do in an investigation is get warrants and secure evidence and crime scenes, especially while someone is unconscious in the hospital.

It felt like it was done by someone who comments on news message boards about what they would do, but completely lacks basic information about police work or the weapons they are using.

It's shows like this that lead to misinformation and have people believing the silliest things about weapons.
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Wrong focus
1 May 2023
The focus isn't the crisis, the focus is on his lifestyle choices and relies heavily on talking points.

If you aren't into alternate lifestyle choices, this show is boring and misdirected.

If you want a superhero story, it's barely there.

I want to enjoy these stories, but this one didn't cut it for me. It was focused on all the wrong things.

When a powerful person threatens a politician to get his way, that's terrorism. They try to excuse it, but it's weak. He did it. Is this how we're supposed to think of these things? That when we don't get our way we should resort to terrorism? Sad, because it really sends the wrong message.

They couldn't use logical arguments or have a rational discussion.

This one was not for me.

For the 1% who want the agenda, this one's for you.
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Accused: Laura's Story (2023)
Season 1, Episode 8
Could have been great....
28 March 2023
Warning: Spoilers
One parent out of many... It's not argued. It's not about facts. It's about a lady making specific allegations and the family runs instead of addressing them.

Problems with the video (maybe that was addressed and I missed it.)

It was people asking questions, and she thought a death certificate would help?

Then they made the kids adopted...

Then a murder is committed and it's revealed they are lying to police and the courts...

Ironic that the episode is about lies, in the end, while claiming to be about facts and truth. It takes what could have been a great story and turns it into an ironic mess. Sad.

It's fun proving deceivers wrong, but this didn't do that. Sad.
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Not for treasure hunters
22 February 2023
Rule 1 of getting a clue is context. When, where and so on.

When you are giving someone a clue context is everything. Like a clue from a Conquest of Camelot game won't be about tech, it will be about arrows, gloves or wheels - things from that time.

When giving a clue to a clue solver, his first question would be about context. He would want to know when its from, what region and so on, as those things are key to unraveling the clue.

But that's now how these writers think. With everyone working on this movie, no one thinks of basic things like that, and for those of us who love puzzle movies, things like that take us out of the show and make it less.

They give an effort, but in so many ways it falls short for what sheold be the intended audience.
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The Mole (2022– )
27 October 2022
Have all players in all episodes or the cast reveals who did it and ruins the show.

The host ... speaks ... to ... force ... drama.

The show repeats and "cliffhangers" are the middle of a moment, not the end of an episode. It's annoying.

I love the concept, loved the originals, but this ... is ... not ... that. The "drama" is too forced.

There are better ways to put together the show and each episode. I hope they fix it and get back to a smart show. I truly am a fan of the originals and really wanted this to work. I hope the next season (if they do one) is better. Time will tell. We must be patient.
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Shadowland (2022)
focused on bunk
28 September 2022
Remember, we had a conspiracy theory of collusion with Russia that was debunked.

Well, to be honest it wasn't even investigated as Muller couldn't even answer basic questions about the key components of what he was supposed to look into.

We later found out the FBI knew right from the start the dossier was fake.

Here you have the opposite.

They look into "theories" but ignore the fact that the much of it has been proven true. Medicines that were banned work - are over 80% effective. Harms from the vaccines. Masks not helping and more.

Amounts to a political attack, ignoring the real story.
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Man vs. Bee: Chapter 1 (2022)
Season 1, Episode 1
Good clean Family comedy
26 June 2022
Great humor for families to enjoy. So many problems, in true Mr Bean style.

Rowan Atkinson is fun to watch as everything in his life falls apart.

Yes it's predictible at times, but it's nice to have a show you can watch without worry.
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The Rookie: Simone (2022)
Season 4, Episode 19
Not the Rookie
9 May 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Sometimes a show introduces a character for a new show. This was one of those episodes and it was a horror show.

The new character was unlikable - against so many people. And of course no one listened so she could seem tough.

And of course no one else knew anything (despite 4 years of good police work). Nope, it was all up to her.

It was so bad it was annoying.

And her character was all about diversity, which was in your face a lot of the time.

This was a black mark on the Rookie in every way. There was nothing enjoyable about it.

It was all about her.

Please keep her away from this great show!
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weak villain to strengthen diversity
9 May 2022
Warning: Spoilers
If there were no punches and they went straight to mind games, we'd have a movie.

Instead punchy jumps in, against someone who defeated Ultron, the secret group, an army (in WandaVision and here) ... punchy. No joke. And suddenly Wanda struggles?

They were trying to make punchy seem powerful instead of smart.

Politics over story = weakened story.
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17 November 2021
They fly their drones, they invade their privacy...then complain when people get upset and pretend they're getting violent.

If you watch, her comments don't match reality. If you had someone after you making all these things up and criticizing you, you'd be upset as well. And she pretends she doesn't understand why they're upset.

She does a lot of criticizing and complaining but it seems they really don't find anything. I'm halfway through the second episode and this is just an enormous waste of time.
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The Good Doctor: Waiting (2021)
Season 4, Episode 15
Hypocrisy without addressing it..
6 July 2021
Left - "The other side is so intolerant." Same person - "You voted for that person? I can't talk to you anymore, it changes everything about you. No one's life was made better." (Yes, this conversation is almost word for word...)

Such dishonest and hateful comments...coming from someone doing the very thing she's complaining about.

While so very true and a great example of reality, they never pointed out the hypocrisy -- that she was complaining then doing.

So frustrating when they prove the lies, but don't address how her claims were so dishonest and contradictory.
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Nancy Drew: The Drowned Woman (2021)
Season 2, Episode 5
Painfully dumb.
22 June 2021
Nancy Drew is smart.

This is not Nancy Drew.

I mean, after putting everyone in danger by screwing with the supernatural...she seriously does it again?

No, this isn't anything to do with smarts, mystery solving or Nancy Drew. They just use her name.

And this episode proves it thoroughly.

She so selfish, so self centered.... And as awful as the writing of "Nancy" is, George is even worse. One emotion. Anger. And it got old a long time ago. That character needs to go away!

It really feels as though the writers don't have a clue how to do smart so they go to horror and angry characters in place of intelligence, completely destroying this series for Nancy Drew fans.
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Nancy Drew (2019–2023)
Not Nancy Drew
22 June 2021
Nancy Drew was smart.

This is not that.

This is emotionally driven horror for teens. So many stupid things done, not smart. Nancy isn't a detective, she's just on the run most of the story.

And the second season gets rid of the mystery and goes for the horror aspect entirely.

It's as though the writers don't know how to be smart ... how to write a solid mystery and love whiners and poor decision making instead

And there's one character who is nothing but anger -- and it's very annoying. All she does is whine. Anger is who she is.

Avoid this show.
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Intergalactic (2021)
Dreary, poorly done
15 May 2021
Warning: Spoilers
The beginning wants to appear smart...but let's be's a poor system that allows someone so clearly innocent to be convicted and shipped off before a review of the evidence.

Then you have the break out. If those dolts could get out so easily, it's not something that has evolved with experience and intelligence, it's something put together by a poor writer.

The plot is "one wrong is worse than the other so vile murdering criminals are entertaining" when no, dreary criminals are not entertaining and I was very disappointed that they weren't taken down. They were criminals because they are vile people, threats to society, and were in no way enjoyable to watch.

I found nothing redeeming or entertaining in this show.
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Moment of Truth (2021– )
I love crime shows... I tried...
14 April 2021
It starts with a crime.

Then it seemed like a completely separate crime in the second episode... Then it zig zagged into "racism" and other theories.

It doesn't stick to the facts, the line of thought is all over the place...

I wouldn't recommend this one at all. When they throw in "racism" theories instead of sticking to the facts, it loses credibility quickly. Tell the facts. If they point to that, so be it. But when you have to tell us all about it, it's pushing it.

It was painful to watch.
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Bull: The Great Divide (2020)
Season 5, Episode 2
21 March 2021
Warning: Spoilers
1) The verdict is the value place on someone's life. That was extremely insulting to the awful compromise. 2) The verdict does exactly what Bull and Chunk were trying to avoid. Yet they said it was good and had no concern?

It's like they don't understand the first half of the show at all.

Was it supposed to be feel good? Emotional? Because wow, that ending was awful in multiple ways and only works if they come back and revisit it later in the season. Otherwise it's just poor writing.
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