
3 Reviews
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Silent Hill 2 (2001 Video Game)
13 November 2001
This is a true horror classic just like the first one (although maybe not as good)but this game take you to an place that you may not talk about,too terrible to explain,still too fascinating to stay away from. Combining psychological horror like the one in the Twin Peaks series with violence and gore from an zombie-extravanganza-blood-feast movie. And some handyman tools (wooden plank with a spike yay!).

Harry Mason never really solved the riddle of silent hill. Will James ever come near the answer? Or is it just a question of time before Silent Hill gets him?
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I could kill them for making another sequel
4 September 2001
When is it gonna stop??? I dont care anymore!!!!! This is too sad. Never show this to your children,even a hippie in the 60's would get depressed after seeing this pile of c**p!
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Tricked again
4 August 2001
Ohhhh man! How can they do this to us? They put all the good parts in the trailer and the rest 90 minutes,is total dog-crap. For the first: Who is stupid enough to prove him/herself so dumb by turning a knife that's floating in the air,and grab it in the edge? She could turn it in the handle but no way josé,she grabs it in the edge,witch make her to bleed. Numbnuts. And second of all: Why can't she just shoot some guards? WHY???? She've got to frickin' guns and a pretty big bunch of enemies but nooooo she won't shoot those guards,only those stupid statues. Third of all: Not even stormtroopers miss as bad as those soldiers. Even a Ewok with both hand tied behind his back aim better (no they don't). And,if they want her to go down,shoot those lines. It ain't that hard. Fourth of all: How did she know that she could throw that key into that....whatever it is (you know the spot in the air where she aims the red dot sight). "Duuuh,maybe she've read it in one of here books"? Of course she has. BUT WHY CAN'T ANYONE EXPLAIN THAT??? Fifth of all: Jon Voight is absolutley the best actor in the movie,but why is he only in for about 5 minutes? And why did they kill him (he's a traitor of course). But i don't think"Surrender","Never" is enough for a death scene. Please spare us,don't make a sequel.
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