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For All Mankind: Crossing the Line (2023)
Season 4, Episode 7
Do Strikers want jobs or money?
2 July 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Let me try to be clear. All this episode talked about was that strike thing. Things got worse and worse, things explode, someone die.. strikers are afraid. Emon Lusk black panther's special edition comes around and offer some benefits finishing with a special bonus of 1.000.000,00 dollars. Well, I am a Brazilian and in 2024 this is a really good amount here and in the US. What do strikers leaders insist? They want to change the big stone to mars. What what what????? I just have it paused and started writing this review ashamed of seeing what comes next. Who wrote this nonsense argument? What do they want? Jobs or money? What jobs (the good ones) bring to us? One more thing: Aleida sucks. This Disney thing is ruining this once magical program.
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Napoleon (2023)
Directed by Robespierre
10 December 2023
Warning: Spoilers
This movie is nothing more than a negative propaganda against Napoleon. One of the most important leaders of history, one of the biggest conquerors, so many titles and superlative adjectives to give to him and Hollywood delivers a movie talking about a cheater wife and how Napoleon was insecure about her. Photography is terrible, so so gray and confusing. Battles are a pure joke. In fact, there's no focus on real history and how to tell it to viewers. It's a bunch of gray battles and a cheated man put in your face. But if you don't understand the message, don't worry. At the end of the movie they wrote some lines counting how many soldiers died under Napoleon's command at each war. Like.. Napoleon wasn't more than a french soldiers killer in history. Come, on... 3 stars because Joaquin was there and he must be feeling ashamed.
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Hereditary (2018)
Horror at his best
23 October 2023
Hereditary is the best horror movie ever made. Acting, plot, atmosphere, etc. Eveything is perfect. I really really dont understand people complaing about begginng and ending of the movie as being 2 different movies. Who told a movie can't be like this? I am a completely skeptical person and it made me shivers and try to hide myself at movies seat. No dumb jumscare scenes. You will see something happening slowly and will not believe what you are seeing. Horor movies should be based in Hereditary from now on for the Cinema's salvation. I encourage anyone to watch it and feel the power of terror again. Just ignore those annoying people complaining.
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Terrifier 2 (2022)
That's only hype
4 November 2022
I think internet has brought to surface a lot of newcomers of everything in this world thinking they are the first ones to see or hear or have an idea. Now they see this movie and spread the word: we saw the most graphic and violent movie. It's sad the world is becoming such an ignorant place. Production is really good. Director made a truly revolution about filming costs and he should lead some kind of movement about it. Congratulations to him. But he didn't invented gore movies, terror with clowns? Old... But gold! The point is: if you ever watched ichi the killer, Guinea's pig, salo, etc, this movie won't shock you.
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Poorly executed
25 September 2022
I am a big fan of Lazaro Ramos, the actor. But Lazaro Ramos, the director just let me down. Poor argumentation, bad acting, disposable dialogues and scenes (like the sensual samba dancing while talking about a favorite song to be chosen), annoying characters (come on seu Jorge, have you seen this film before releasing it?). I just can't believe seu Jorge accepted a role like that, he is so badass. Some of the best names of Brazil cinema caught on a trap. Sad to see and give this kind of review because I love these people, storyline was really promising and some absurd situations really happens in Brazil.
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Downhill (I) (2020)
What's wrong with you guys?
24 December 2021
Watched this movie as a big Will Ferrell fan. While watching it, i missed the ferrell's wild stile and took a little long to get it. The atmosphere. The tempo. Everything constructs a really interesting and, off course, laughable story to watch. What is the problem if it is a remake? Movie is good. Enjoy it!
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The Wave (2008)
Really good if you are a teenager
14 November 2014
This movie is so pathetic. There are so many gaps and non sense actions. I'm so disappointed with it, since I've consulted IMDb before watching. What was the point to create rage in a common sense that could make all the classmates united to fight for the same reason? There is no rage, there is no sadness, nothing! There is a moment where it just looks like a teenager TV program, when classmates go out spreading their mark around the city, and there is no fear of consequences, the old fashioned and cool goofy guard who runs near but can't catch anybody and all the Hi five. Well, I have no balls for such a kind of movie. Don't waste your time here, look for another title.
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14 February 2014
The worst WW2 related movie I've seen in my whole life. It seems like those movies made to be presented in a warm afternoon, where probably nobody cares about it. It starts like would be enjoyable, but at the first minutes we can see takes that make us believe we are seeing some comedy for grandmas movie. And it goes, all 2 hours with no big surprise, no reliable story line, poor action and texts. Remember: Disconnect scenes. Boring WW2 propaganda. No action. No good talking. No reason to see such a lame movie. I was so disappointed with it, mainly because of the credit I give to George Clooney and Matt. But... Avoid this movie and save 2 hours of your life!
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