
6 Reviews
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Not the Oasis You Would Expect.
22 October 2021
Warning: Spoilers
(Scroll to the bottom for TL;DR) Let me start by saying I've never read the books. However, the movie does well to set up the world that you are about to spend what feels like an eternity but also an hour, which in reality is 2h35m.

My main complaint being the pacing. Which, it seems is the main complaint for most and for good reason. The movie feels like it's trying hard to be half art/indie and half blockbuster. I'm familiar with Denis' other films and the former would make sense to me.

There are set pieces that are set up for the whole movie and then are ended in 30 seconds or less when you get to them. The whole scene with the barons "death" I thought was going to be more dramatic and intense but it was literally 15 seconds; meanwhile they spend so much time showing people flying around in those dragonfly ships that I still don't know the name of.

Visually, the movie is very dark. It is hard to see what is going on at some points. And I saw every shade of beige ever. However that means that the small amount of plant life you do get to see makes it that much more worth it. Which I suppose the idea is but I'm being nitpicky.

Also, do not go to this movie if you are hoping to see Javier, Bautista or Brolin for more than 5 minutes of screen time. I believe Bautista only had 2 or 3 lines and he's touted as a main character???

Negatives aside the movie is genuinely great to look at (when you can see what's going on). The visuals are amazing if you can get past how bland the color palette can be. Seeing some of the concept art from the film being made into "reality" was great!

Acting was great as well as you'd expect from the cast.

The soundtrack was AMAZING! It set the tone for scenes perfectly and it felt like It actually belonged in that universe. There were even bagpipes at one point!

Overall, I wouldn't say this is a defining sci fi modern classic by any means as some would suggest. It can be sluggish at points and too short at others. Beautiful but also bland. There is still another movie to see for the final verdict though and I will wait for it patiently.
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Industry (2020– )
A Diet Succession
30 November 2020
Let's be honest, this show is not for typical tv viewers. There is a lot in each episode to sift through, between the characters interactions, how events cause reactions that don't happen until episodes later; even the financial "jargon" they use is confusing. Not to mention the subject just might not be someone's cup of tea.

However that does little to subtract from the show. On the contrary I like the fact we get drawn deep into the "Industry". The writing is excellent, the soundtrack is something any synth lover would adore, the characters are multi-dimensional with their own shortcomings and goals. And the cinematography as well as the continuity, are both great. I noticed in a scene after a meeting that the characters in the meeting were going back to their desks in the background unfocused which was a nice touch.

Overall I would recommend this to anyone who would be remotely interested in what would go on in a high level bank or even for some sleazy office drama.
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Blood of Zeus (2020– )
The best Greek Mythological anime out there, for what it's worth.
4 November 2020
As a fan of Castlvania I was eagerly anticipating this show since it was revealed but it seems like a side project to the animation studio where all the main money goes to Castlevania.

Let me get my gripes out of the way first. The animation is more frame-y than the aforementioned show, the voice acting is a bit rough and almost out of place at times, and the story isn't one that's necessarily breaking any boundaries. What it DOES do well is of course the blood/gore that we've known to love from the studio, and there's lots of it. It also has character, and the setting itself is enough for most people to watch. Who doesn't like Greek Gods messing with mortals?

Is it a masterpiece? No. I would put it a step below Castlvania's caliber but it's well worth a watch if you're an anime or Greek mythology fan.
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Woke (2020–2022)
Woke Isn't Wrong
10 September 2020
There are a lot of things Woke does right. The cinematography/directing is great; they definitely had a vision and created it. From the color palette to the shots themselves. I particularly like the costume design as well, adding a bit more to each character style.

Where the show seems to falter is the foundation it's based on. The lessons are very heavy handed, which you might expect from the title "Woke" but they still seem to hit you over the head with them. Perhaps to drive them home but it does seem a bit overdone. The writing is okay but I actually find the supporting characters to be the most compelling and entertaining. Blake and T Murph nail their on screen relationship and it's hilarious.

All in all I would consider this a good watch with the homies and a harmless way to approach deep issues about American society as a minority. Does it have its downs? For sure. But it also has plenty of ups to keep you watching.
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Devs (2020)
From Devs to Deus'
8 August 2020
Alex Garner has shown that he loves a clever take on existentialism before with Ex Machina and he pushes it even further with Devs.

The show is definitely a slow burn and I was at first skeptical due to the acting feeling a bit stiff and some of the writing but it was made up for by the complex and unique story that is being unfolded right in front of you. You learn that every character is surprisingly thought out and complex. Garner gives a little something to everyone, you could enjoy it as a thriller, or you could delve deeper into the nuances of the philosophy behind the show and the questions it asks. Would highly recommend for anyone that loves near future sci-fi, sci-fi thrillers or Garners previous work. It'll leave you thinking for days after.
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The Old Guard (2020)
A clever take on a concept seen before.
20 July 2020
Going into this movie I was slightly optimistic, however as it progressed you begin to see the cracks that ultimately make this movie average at best. The character development is shallow for a film that is 2 hours long. Like most I found it quite boring for being an "action" film. The amount of fight scenes could be counted on one hand. Paired with the fact that the villain was poorly written, it makes for a less than enjoyable experience. I would have loved to have seen more of Charlize' characters past explored, or any of them really. As such I would recommend this to anyone that would like something to turn their brain off and watch for a few hours.
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