
22 Reviews
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White Zombie (1932)
LOOK!!!!! here they come.
6 November 2022
White zombie is one of my all-time favorite films from the golden age of horror. Everything about this movie. Is pure classic 1930s horror. Bela Lugosi plays the dastardly Legendre, the white bokor who has zombified men to work his sugar plantation and mill. These are the real zombies the original and in my opinion the only good ones I hate the new breed of flesh eating zombies who just run around tryin to eat people for no apparent reason. These are the zombies of legend from Haitian voodoo, buried alive then dug back up and revived with magic and sorcery and made to work unbeknownst to themselves. The opening credits has a haunting song or chant that's stuck with me since the first time I saw this movie. I really wish there were better copies of this film for all the ones I've seen haven't been great but some are better than others. I only hope that one day someone finds a pristine original copy so that we can enjoy this the way it was meant to be seen.
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Sideshow (2020)
31 October 2022
I stumbled upon this movie quite by accident looking for something else beginning with the word "side", saw the poster and decided to give it a try. I don't watch too much comedy these days as it seems the genera has become very stale and for lack of a better term, "woke" for my taste but I decided to give it a go and was presently surprised to find myself honestly laughing out loud on multiple occasions. I can see some people not caring for it and sideshow is probably not goin into any one's top 10 lists but its definitely worth a watch for anyone who likes semi dark British comedy/ crime drama.
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Hocus Pocus 2 (2022)
1 October 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I don't know what happened to Disney they used to make great movies, growing up in the 90s I watched all the Disney movies with my family and we all enjoyed them including the first hocus pocus, which we still get together around this time of year and watch at least once along with the Disney animated sleepy hollow but this will definitely not be goin on the list. This movie was hard to finish nothing about it was enjoyable I almost turned it off multiple times but pushed myself to finish it hoping there would be some saving grace towards the end well there was not and the ending, oh the ending was completely ridiculous, the witch who was trying to murder children all throughout was sent off with a loving touching ending like she was a good guy the whole time? If you like woke garbage or under 10 you may enjoy it but if your looking for a good nastalgia filled throwback to your childhood look elsewhere.
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The Harbinger (I) (2022)
Something missing
4 September 2022
I'm not sure what it is about this movie it seems like most of the parts are there, the story is decent, and the camera work is fine maybe it's the actors. Without trying to sound too mean all of the actors seem ugly, not Hollywood ugly but ugly ugly lol, ( moe from the Simpsons) the main character Daniel just annoyed me for some reason, the little girl seemed stale and wooden although I don't hold that against child actors. Floating Hawk seemed off as well maybe they just didn't have the time to develop her but it just seemed rushed. The first and only native American he meets just happens to know everything and how to stop what's happening. I believe they have a name for that lol anyway it's an ok movie nothing to write home about but passable.
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Cabin Fever (2002)
Why the hate?
18 July 2022
I don't understand why people hate this movie so much I love this one, the original not the annoying remake this movie is hilarious I laugh everytime I watch it maybe some people don't like dark humor but for those who do this one is a classic. James debello as Bert is probably one of my favorite characters I grew up with a guy who was the spitting imagine of him and makes me laugh everytime.
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One of the best
2 July 2022
Head of the family is one of the best from full moon. I know that's not really saying much and full moon is an acquired taste I actually watched a few of these when I was younger and didn't care much for them but as I get older and watch more and more awful horror movies I realize some of these older b horror movies are actually pretty good. Head of the family is one of them.
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2 June 2022
Now this is how you do found footage horror. I rarely even watch ff because most of it is just so bad it's not worth it to me I can probably count the number of good ff horror movies I actually liked on one hand. But this one was on another level. Everything from the acting to the storyline was on point. I love the ark and direction they took instead of a straight jump from unbeliever to possessed like alot of movies try they actually took the time to work out the steps it took to become possessed. Watch this movie it's worth it.
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Left in Darkness (2006 Video)
Meh so/so
29 May 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Wasn't bad not really great either but I liked the idea I wish it was a little more fleshed out and to be honest it was sort of hard to take the movie serious with her rack bouncing around everywhere not that I mind that but still kinda takes away from the seriousness of the movie. There were things that didn't really make sense like having a guardian who end up being not such a angel but horror movies will horror movie. Worth a watch.
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Tumbbad (2018)
This is it.
20 May 2022
Attention horror directors, producers, and writers this is how you do it. Tumbbad is a beautifully dreary horror out of India and to date the absolute best Indian horror I've seen. This film actually encouraged me to seek out more from this country altho I've been pretty disappointed with most of what iv seen. I never used to get into subtitled horror because I'm not a very fast reader and in horror you need to be able to watch the screen and not have to focus as much on the subs. And there were a few times I had to pause and or go back to make sure I got it but even with that I enjoyed this movie immensely definitely recommend to horror fans especially anyone who likes folk horror.
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Gods of Egypt (2016)
I like it
29 April 2022
I can understand people not caring for this one. It has a lot of CGI in fact much more then I normally care for but I think they made it work well in this movie. I wouldn't say there's anything outstanding or new but it's a movie you can watch on a lazy weeknight. This is one that you can watch multiple times.
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Baskin (2015)
This movie is nutz
3 April 2022
This reminds me of what a haunted house that Marilyn Manson during his antichrist superstar days would have put together. I've watched this movie 3 or 4 times and every time I say never again because of the shocking imagery but I end up watching it again after the initial dark residue has worn off lol. I honestly couldn't even tell you what it's about and I'm not even sure if it make much sense but it is a hell of a horror movie.
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Minotaur (2006)
I liked it
13 February 2022
I can understand why people don't like this one it's definitely not top their Hollywood caliber but as sci-fi channel movies go, this was one of the better ones. A young Tom Hardy does what he can with what he's given and the beautiful Maimie McCoy, altho she doesn't talk much was enough for me to keep my eyes on the screen. All in all nothing special but good for a Sunday afternoon before the good Sunday night movie.
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Don't Look Up (2021)
29 December 2021
Well if your a super leftist and believe your better then all the dirty stinky republicans you'll probably find this movie hillarious and agree with everyrhing it says. If your a Trump supporter you might think the first half of the movie has a few funny lines here and there until you realize they're litterally making fun of you. If you are a regular person who can think clearly you will realize this movie is written by arrogant leftists who believe they're better then all of us and are sayin so in a way that disguises it pretty cleverly. In reality thats exactly what this movie is a potshot at all us peasants and surfs who just cant figure out 2 plus 2 and we need to just let the selfless hero's in hollywood and Washington (well a certain party) do all the difficult thinking for us. I'm actually a little suprised they didnt use a Trump look alike because thats who they were portraying with Meryl streeps character. I imagine they will give themselves all sorts of "awards" for this pile but in truth its not really that great. A few good actors maybe worth watching once but nothing to write home about.
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Midnight Mass (2021)
almost skipped it.
17 December 2021
Warning: Spoilers
I actually tried to watch this show once before and only got through the first two episodes with almost nothing happening i put it away for a few months. I just decided to give it another shot yesterday and binged the rest of the season and glad i did. This is a very interesting show, a little heavy on the singing in places for my taste but nothing you cant skip through. My only complaint is leaving so much unexplained. Out of an entire congregation not one person asked is that really an angel or is it a demon? Do myths of vampires not exist in that reality? I will say they did do a really good job of quoting scripture to guide one to believe it actually was what was written in the bible but still. Maybe they left so many open questions for another season, id actually like to see a prequel maybe a period piece from the time when this thing was burried. Overal a very good show and would recomend it to any horror fans.
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The Believer (II) (2021)
3.8 IS A LIE
5 December 2021
This was an awesome movie. I cant understand the low score at all. Just the camera work alone deserves a 3. The acting is good, not A list celebs, but noting to scoff at. The story is unique and under represented in movies. To be honest I watch many many horror movies and I couldnt tell where this one was goin. I am not usually a gluton for punishment but I deffinatly fell in love with the wifes character in this movie, something about her beauty in psychosis was strangly appealing lol but my strange love appetites aside this was a great movie. Maybe not a really a 10 but becuase of the low score I have to try and get it closer to its true score which id say is closer to a 5 then a 3 in horror. Deffinatly recomend this one for people who dont want to watch another hack and slasher or torture porn bs.
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something missing
4 December 2021
This is a hard one to rate, theres nothing really wrong with it but it's not great either. If this was an American movie it would be a pretty low score but since its thai I dont think it was as bad considering their time in the "horror game." I've only seen a few Thai horror movies, one was good, the others wernt so its hard to know how the Thai would see this one. The spfx were a bit overdone in places and a bit cheesy in others but nothing to overbearing or distracting. The story was good maybe not 100% original but not done to death either. Worth the watch but probably not goin to make it into any top ten's.
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Gogol. Viy (2018)
love it but.
16 August 2021
I love this gogol but I dont understand, is this a tv show or seperate movies? I stumbled across it quite by accident and while trying to find what i thought was a movie I instead found gogol tv series on YouTube. I suppose it doesnt matter but still strange. That aside this is a great show/movie. It has beautiful cinematography, the actors are very believable and the atmosphere and costuming/ set designs are as good as a period piece can be. It deffinatly reminds me of burtons sleepy hollow which i dont mind in the least, seeing how thats one of my favorite movies. I have nothing but positive to say about this show/movie. I dont know much of the legend of viy other then the movie viy; aka forbidden empire, which may or may not be related but regardless this is a brilliant film/ series. Highly recomend it to anyone who enjoys gothic period pieces you wont be dissapointed.
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pretty good movie
1 May 2021
The devil lives here is deffinatly not the best horror movie out but it has its merits. I'll be honest i dont know much about Brazilian culture so I dont know if this is just a random story or if this is a known brazilian folktale but either way it made for a praiseworthy little film. As far as low budget horror goes you can do worse, much worse. Highly recommended.
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Chad (2021–2024)
wtf is this?
23 April 2021
I dont know if this was supposed to be funny or what but it aint that. It's awkward, its stupid, its riduculous, its trash and its a plethora of other (enter negative descriptors here) Chad has to be one of the worst stinkers ever made and anyone who has their name associated with this show should be banned from ever having anything to do with tv again.
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The Suffering (2016)
not bad not bad at all
4 April 2021
I dont normally watch movies with less then 20 reviews because theres usually a reason for that but I'm glad I went ahead and watched this one. The suffering isnt goin to be a cult classic and wont be on anyones top 10 but its worth watching, had a good plot, had decent actors, and good cinematography and for a horror movie these days those 3 things alone make it better then half the stuff out there. Would deffinatly recomend this one for a lazy weekend when you wana see somethin new but dont want to take a huge risk.
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The Void (I) (2016)
10 10 10
4 April 2021
This movie is freakin awesome, its honestly one of the best horror movies in years. In a age when everyone uses cgi the void goes old school with their special effects and it looks great. This is what hellraiser was supposed to be i only hope they make a second one. This is a movie you can watch multiple times and love it every single time. Highly recommended to real horror fans.
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I loved it
15 March 2021
Ill admit the first time i watched this i was a bit dissapointed because the previews made it seem like a good period horror, (my favorite) and after reading so many negative reviews I really had very low expectations. I really dont remember what my first impressions were and I basically forgot about it then on a whim I watched it again and this time around I laughed at everything. This film was not meant to be taken seriously at all, everything about it is supposed to be a joke from the ridiculous inn keepers and guests to the outlandish werewolf costumes. I love the way they bounce around when they walk its just so over the top I was cracking up everytime they showed up. If your wanting a horror movie with scary werewolfs this is not it but if you like cheese with your Friday night snack this is a good one.
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