
13 Reviews
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Rising to the surface
25 August 2010
Like a lot of the films that I enjoy, The Drowning Pool can be watched on two levels. It's a Bogart'ish, Nior'ish mystery thriller with only a few lines that come off as maybe trying to be too clever. But that is well balanced out by some class acting and story development along with some unusual sleuthing techniques that we see from the Newman character. The characters and morals, the nastiness and the kindness have an authentic stamp of reality about them that compares well with the sentimental sugariness and lack of reality of so many "violent" modern action/thriller films. That in itself is a reason for watching the film; just for the stark contrast with so many creative works today that claim to show "realism".

On another level there is much social commentary going on here. The stifling psychological atmosphere lives up well to the title of this piece as we watch people tear themselves and their relationships apart; driven on, of course, by those who have a vested interest in seeing them fail.

There is a key scene towards the end of the film that pulls together all the strings at work on this second level.

Well worth it if you're prepared to pay attention.
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The Sea Chase (1955)
Another lesson for clever-clever directors
11 July 2009
After wading through our modern crop of difficult, complicated productions it was refreshing to watch this little number. Not unlike diving into that Pacific ocean.

It's not ground breaking. It's not even a work of genius. But isn't that the point and the purpose of a film ? A lesson that many directors seem to have forgotten these days with films that always have to try and out do one another. Be "clever clever", or make some drawn out post modern social commentary. I don't know about you, but I go to see a film to have a break from those things. To relax.

The scene where Wayne and Turner talk in a clearing is natural. I could have stumbled in on their conversation out of the trees. There seems to be no effort in what they do. Who's paying these people !? I want to see sweat and tears ! Oh wait, they're acting.

The story is obscure in an attractive sort of way .. not unlike another Wayne film "Blood Alley", but is told in that easy way that seems to come to matinees. Dropping off the screen like some dog eared work of fiction that you read on holiday.
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Malta Story (1953)
A Mix of Cinematic Journalism and Romantic Love
5 February 2009
Having just read "Tobruk" by Chester Wilmot, a journalist who spent time in the Tobruk siege and reported diligently about it, this piece informed me of another similar siege that I was unaware of. The use of archive footage is fascinating, mixed in with a simple story of love that feels lighter and without the moralising heaviness and embarrassing "post modern" pretensions of many modern day films ... especially war films. Very much a product of it's time ... they really don't make them like this anymore. Some of it feels like a War time moral raising film. I even thought it was made in the war until I found out the 1953 date. But memories were still strong in those days of course, so there is a flavour of a story burning to be told to the world before times move on.
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Little Nikita (1988)
With the Benefit of Hindsight
3 January 2009
It's easy to look back now at this film as a very average Cold War thriller, but that is with the benefit of hindsight. It's difficult for today's generation, those of the age that the Phoenix character plays, to appreciate that the world really was living with a possible Nuclear destruction if there had been an accident or serious misunderstanding.

The action and drama is really primarily psychological, with the heart of the film hinging on the Poitier and Phoenix performances. It's easy now to pass off the whole thing as a trivial character piece, but, then, the stakes were sky high and the Cold War themes were progressive and unusual. In our post Cold War world where Gorbachev and Reagan slowly recede into the mists of history it would be a shame to write of this movie without understanding the atmosphere it was made in.
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Tooth (2004)
Makes me glad films like this still get made.
28 December 2008
As another comment said (by mike-1739) this film took more than films like Donny Darko. Donny Darko was heavily promoted. I don't remember seeing any advertising for Tooth. Go figure as they say.

This merry jaunt is in the vein of the Sesame Street or Muppet movies but with a few less puppets. The humour made me laugh as an adult, and reminded me of what used to amuse me as a child. Many of the comments here say it is popular with the children.

It is very much in the style of a British film (think of 1990 film The Witches based on the book of the same name by British author, Roald Dahl). It lacks the ultra smooth special effects and editing of Hollywood that, in some people's book, makes it inferior. But that is just very bad criticism on my opinion. Brit films have their own style that is prevalent here. Bringing a unique spontaneity and spunkeness lacking in some Hollywood productions that get lost in their over refined production values. Saying that, the Sesame Street vein of children's movies is done well over in the USA, so it's good to see a film hitting all the same notes over here.
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Just Some Good Fun
2 November 2008
Warning: Spoilers
I'd already heard all the "worst film ever" accolades. So having already enjoyed some films by ignoring the "stay away" accolade I was blessing my lucky stars that I jumped in and enjoyed this little play around number.

It may differ from the "real" Batman, but didn't the TV series do that ? The TV series has become a classic of stooge like humour. If you don't like that then you won't like this, but I don't think that justifies the "worst film ever" accolades.

There seems to be a peculiar mark off sophistication that the other Bat films bestow on themselves. Somehow being dark and twisted is the highest mark of adult maturity. I don't buy into that. I think that is lost, and ultimately (ironically?) immature and childish. But I can see that they are good films and a lot of people like them, so I'm not going to say "stay away". But just because Batman and Robin departs from that cannon does not mean it deserves a panning.

Arnie relishes his role like some pantomime villain. The sets go from theatrical environments to impressive set pieces. Everyone seems to be having a great time.

A line from the movie really explains what is going on ...

Batman: "Who are you?" Bat Girl: "Bat Girl!" Batman: "Not very PC. Shouldn't you be Bat Person or Bat Woman?"

This movie seems to be designed to annoy Batman fans so maybe I should give them a break, but if you liked the TV series then you'll love this.
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Brit Style
30 August 2008
Warning: Spoilers
The British style might be mistaken for raw or badly made here, when the film merely lacks the ultra stylised form of Hollywood. A fine piece of work with messages that would be easily missed, but it's not a "message" film and stands up as a thriller as well.

I especially liked the scenes between the lead character, played by Michael Caine and his son. His son answers "me!" when asked who is winning his war game. He "plays the game" with his father of looking through a list of suspects on a computer. The suggestions are clear when John Preston (Michael Caine) say's "it's all a game to you" to the political "players" at the end of the film.
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Turning Point: Fall of Liberty (2008 Video Game)
If it's your cup of tea, then you'll love this.
20 July 2008
Warning: Spoilers
I was just reading an article by Susan Jacoby in International Herald Tribune about how she'd overheard two people referring to Pearl Harbour as "something that happened in the Vietnam War", so I can see how some elements of this game would be lost on some of us (see ).

However if you liked Sky Captain: World of Tomorrow and some of those ST:Enterprise episodes where the East coast is being invaded by Nazi's then you'll love this.

There's some quality control issues, but this is hardly news for the first release of a PC game. A patch is yet to be released at the time of this writing. It's aimed at the FPS fan. There's even the obligatory lift accident at the beginning of level one. But the scale of the maps is breathtaking. You see New York being attacked (not unlike Pearl Harbour) and then the game convincingly goes into underground resistance fighter mode through the ruins and underground of New York. I don't think it will win an Oscar (or whatever game equivalent), but it's like participating in a gritty and fun cult B-Movie. Just like some cult films it's maybe not, as I said, everyone's cup of tea, but worth checking out.
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Blowing Wild (1953)
The Churning Oil Wells of Madness
17 June 2008
Warning: Spoilers
From the acting of Anthony Quinn to the exquisitely overblown melodramatic elements, Blowing Wild is a great relatively unknown gem of a modern western.

In the current trend of films that must have happy endings and uplifting themes I found it just so refreshing to watch something where it all goes wrong. The heroic sensible character does not win the day, there is no overcoming of difficult circumstances although there is certainly bravery and doggedness.

The art of the tragedy bares it's garish colours in Blowing Wild. With so many of today's directors chasing the ghosts of "modern" themes, trying to speak to "modern" audiences, they would do well to study a film such as this, and other's of the older period. They seem to have far more to say to us "moderns" than current offerings that seem to have regressed to some kind of prepubescent state.
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Searchers 2.0 (2007)
Alex Cox to the Rescue
16 June 2008
No car chases. No explosions. No big budget. If you love films and worry where that industry is heading then watch this. Cox successfully snapped me out of the hypnosis used on me to make me think I know "what a good film is".

I liked Iron Man (for example), but from a distance, and from a more sober view, it seems like some overblown loud, teenagers idea of what a "great" film is.

The production and actors, in Searchers 2.0 let loose without straining them selves trying to score on big points or important insights, and it's all the better for it. If you want a big, overblown roller coaster ride then go and see the current traditional offering of Hollywood releases, this is not for you.
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Medal of Honor: Airborne (2007 Video Game)
Less History, More Combat.
11 June 2008
In a nutshell this is a WW2 FPS shooter on steroids, but with less history and atmosphere than Pacific Assault. For example, despite the fact that an historical adviser was present, it lacks any interesting historical notes and deeper references to WW2 history.

Maybe it's because I was playing this on a Quad core system, but the combat is SO fast. It reminded me of the days of UT 99. It's good to see that Unreal engine can still deliver. So that's the good news. The player can really test their skills and reaction times.

The criticisms from some quarters are justified, they keep the game designers on their toes. But credit is due. I was constantly gasping at the level design. They are very complex levels with cohesive environments that feel real. They seem built rather than cobbled together in some editor.

A worthy edition to the series, but if you want a deeper historical experience try Pacific Assault.
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Potentially Life Saving Material
24 September 2007
Warning: Spoilers
I saw this on a Channel 4 special in, I think it was the mid 1990's. It was shown with a few documentaries with early technology/internet enthusiasts, and Arthur C Clarke doing an investigation of Fractals. In the post Cold War chaos and building Millennial angst it was a God send. The animations brilliantly hinted at the things to come. With our current rapidly developing plans for a return to the Moon, I wonder if anyone can remember the dark days (for me anyway) of the 1990's ? We go from pure adrenalin rushes of video game inspired story telling. A robot escaping from the system to find the extraordinary Universe outside ? What does that sound like ? We go from that to deeper pieces about human creativity, and the creativity of life itself, to stunning pieces of illusionary animation, using techniques I've never seen before or since.

Highly unusual, in my opinion, almost spooky in it's affirmation of the pure force of life itself, ironically, expressed through the cold machine. Touching, positive and upbeat.

DJ Barney
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Unreal II: The Awakening (2003 Video Game)
An outstanding tour de force of game design.
28 August 2007
If you like the Unreal series then you should love this. If you've never played the Unreal series then it still deserves at least a look in. Most games have cut scenes and a storyline but Unreal II pulls this off with whole cut scene levels as well as just video and dialogue. There's some attempt at character development and character life background of all things, that will probably have your average first person shooter player itching to get to the action, but that would be a shame. It doesn't have some of the over amped ultra violence of some shooters but that's because the focus is on the atmosphere and storyline. Saying that, the weapons are convincing, and always a test for me, they feel heavy and dangerous.

The model and facial animations also really stand out in this game. I haven't seen any other game made in this period with more convincing animations. Unreal doesn't take itself too seriously either, it's not trying to be 2001: A Space Odyssey, but by the time the credits roll (literally!) and the final movement of the excellent music begins, I really felt like I'd watched some fun Sci Fi B-Movie. No small achievement for a medium that is still regarded as trivial.

DJ Barney
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