
1 Review
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Last Resort (1986)
Even Charles Grodin fans should beware
18 August 2011
I enjoy Charles Grodin doing his deadpan comedy bit, but instead here, he spends most of his time screaming at some person or thing that's making him mad. That get's old pretty quickly.

They should've given more time to the younger son in the family, most of his one-liners were hilarious. The older two kids, one of which is a young Megan Mullally, whom I barely recognized, added virtually nothing, and should have been cut in the writing process. Wait a minute, writing? I agree with a previous reviewer who said they probably were making this up as they went.

As a fan of Seinfeld, I enjoyed seeing a young Mr. Pitt, though he is barely in it. This was worth watching if you like bad comedies, or offbeat nonsensical farces, but if not, stay far, far away.
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