
3 Reviews
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Bodyguard (2018)
Great show but lol the ending
14 May 2022
Grippingly clever .. keeps you invested in the plot and the characters. But the ending! All the 'bad guys' launch into convulsive confessions with no sense of self preservation or logic. Maybe they too deep in their heart know that the show is ending.
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Cenote (2019)
Pointless and without purpose
14 April 2021
This is barely even a movie .. there is no narrative as such ... it's sort of one of those videos that's played in hideous museums of modern 'art'. Like many such installations it is vapid, inert and entirely expendable. It's just a cluster of images overlayed with music and whispered 'dialogue'.
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Requires suspension of Disbelief
15 December 2020
Keeps you at the edge of your seat. You just have to get over how dumb the main character is.

Also, the movie could have done without the backstory. I would have cared about what happened to these characters irrespective of their past.
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