
11 Reviews
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Total tearjerker
1 May 2024
Warning: Spoilers
If it wasn't for the 'emo with piercings bad' direction that Hayden's arc took it would have been a ten rating from me.

But it's such a beautiful movie despite it's faults.

Really makes you feel lonely too in the best possible way.

Kevin Kline's acting and actually pretty much acting was good across the board.

The story of how people sometimes don't realize what's truly important in life until it's too late.

The story is also very transgressive in parts and I loved it, everything from underage sex to prostitution and that autoerotic asphyxiation scene was really something!

I personally love films that push boundaries and this one will definitely do that to you if you're not used to watching such things .

I am so it wasn't a bad thing for me.

But definitely give it a shot if you need something kinda uplifting but also make you shed tears.
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Baby Driver (2017)
Crazy Action Flick
15 September 2023
So I appreciate what they've tried to do by making it different than the other car chase action flicks out there.

But while I just love the cast and most of it is so good for some reason some of it fell flat for me.

Maybe it was just the way the romance develops because for me it was definitely unique but also jarring watching a romance when I was there for the car chase action and crime.

But don't get me wrong it is definitely so much fun and I just loved the part with the foster grandpa. I love Jamie Foxx being annoyingly nuts, and John Ham and Eiza being all crazy Bonnie and Clyde. I love the nuance in Kevin Spacey's character too.

I just feel like the way the romance story was , just not my thing I guess.

So yes, definitely watch if you like good soundtracks and car chase, CRAZY ACTION.
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Werewolf by Night (2022 TV Movie)
The New Monster Movie
25 December 2022
Warning: Spoilers
It's a new version of old monster movies! But subverted because the beauty falls for the monster too. Watching Gael Garcia in this role, was just magic. I'm not a fan of everything being Marvel and DC and comics related, but this one doesn't even feel like a marvel movie, in case you're also a little super hero wary these days.

I just love that it was shot all in B/W. Completes the effect of old monster movies by making the effects and costumes a little old school.

Got lost in the fantasy and then when Judy Garland's Somewhere Over the Rainbow played my heart was melting and I was filled with the best kind of nostalgia.

And like those old monster movies, I could watch this one over and over again!
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Treadstone (2019)
Review from someone who was here for both Jeremy and the Bourne world
2 August 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Honestly, started out good, solid action scenes, and the agents being activated and then making it international - all interesting ideas but the execution is SERIOUSLY LACKING when it comes to actually developing character arcs especially for the main protagonist! That was really the worst part of this shallow writing.

And okay I was getting serious cringe vibes about the love story of John and the KGB woman, and I told myself it would be seriously bad and just lame if they end up being in love and I was prepared to not like it but then tbh that ending where he basically back stabs her, should have been satisfying, right? But it wasn't because I just didn't BUY that John's character was capable of something like that! And the reason I felt this way is because of the same thing I mentioned before, lack of character development. Because John's character showed no real change from the first episode, it's not as if you saw him get more cynical or having any sort of change, so that ending just wasn't impactful or even convincing, and that it's my biggest peeve. But also I would still have watched the next season, cause again Jeremy and Bourne universe lol but now I guess they're not going to make a second season, which makes the no resolution arcs even worse.
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Just awful
2 June 2022
Warning: Spoilers
So boring and predictable. There's nothing of interest and just the most obvious plot twists in a formulaic story and stock characters. There's nothing and *spoiler* they don't even have sex ffs!!! That's how lacking it is! Not even good for guilty pleasure. Possibly might work for you if you're like your "thrillers" SFW and without much blood.
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The Prince (2019)
Total fking gut punch
13 December 2020
This movie is powerful and just brings you everything from tears and heartbreak to some serious wish fulfillment. Showing people who aren't 'good' by anyone's standards, but a real insight into the way crimes come from a place of pain and feeling like you're the only one alone and not accepted.
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Still (2010)
Just okay
15 November 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Just because a character is homophobic doesn't mean the film is homophobic. Also just because a gay or trans character is portrayed as an antagonist, doesn't make the movie transphobic either. The straight guy and the straight chick were trash and antagonistic just as much. they showed the homophobe in a bad light too. So how's the message trans or gay phobic. Anyway as for the story's own merit I personally thought the watertank one was a little typical and boring others definitely were entertaining at least. but tbh while it's worth a single watch it was neither too out there, nor too explicit, or even obscene. Stories were pretty usual trope fare and the acting varied at times really good other times just pretty bad. So, it was just an average watch.
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Elite (2018–2024)
Right amount of screwed up... 💖
4 July 2020
Warning: Spoilers
So, definitely not for the easily offended ! It took me days to finally find the strength to binge the last 2 episodes because I know it's going to be a while till I'll get a taste of season 4. But well, all good things must come to an end. And so as painful as it is to say goodbye to some of the characters, even though a lot of them will come back hopefully, this still feels like a partial end.

First, I was so rooting for the three friends Polo Anders and Guzman, it physically hurt to see them being torn apart. What I loved about ELITE was the nuanced way they showed how easy it is to make a mistake if you're human. By showing Lu killing Polo in much the same way as Polo killed Marina. Drunk, high, messed up, makes you reckless. And the reason you get drunk and high is because youre so far gone, you'll do anything to take away the pain.

And what really devastated me was the way Polo was basically pushing Lu to stab him. That's really what it felt like, because after it happened he seemed at peace and wasn't the least bit angry at her and instead kept reassuring her. It was obvious Polo was heartbroken but when Guzman said those hurtful words it was the last proverbial nail in the coffin. Even though the second Guzman saw Polo hurt he was the first one to go and try to save him so naturally Guzman was also just saying things he didn't mean out of frustration.

The fact that they all readily forgave Lucrecia who by the way wasn't exactly always friendly to everyone, means that they regretted not giving Polo the same chance of rehabilitation and the whole thing made them grow. So yes, this story is about giving second chances.

And by the way the women in this show are total badasses!!! Whether it's Nadia, Lu, Rebecca, Carla, or even Cayatana. Even though Lu appears to be boy crazy actually she was sincere about Guzman and I honestly thought she does have feelings for Valerio but doesn't want to admit it. But when Guzman breaks it off she doesn't continue to hang on to him even though she still has feelings for him. And sure she's total eye candy and I'm super crushing on her, but it's her character too, especially when she tells Nadia to 'grow a pair of ovaries' lol that needs to get viral. And honestly Lu is one of my favorite characters and I really shipped her with Valario so sue me XD

My other favorite characters were definitely Valario because im a sucker for a total screw up lol so naturally im into Polo and Anders too.

Okay, so now the stuff that didn't work for me.

Samu just really rubbed me the wrong way. I don't know if he was a character solely placed for the normies who would find his no drugs no crimes lifestyle interesting , or if they wanted him portraying one of those men who think they're 'nice guys' like Ted mosby but in reality are total hypocrites, and disloyal. Not only does Samu jump from Marina to Carla to Reb but hypocritically committed the same crimes he hates others for when his own brothers life is at stake. But when it comes to Rebs mom he readily snitches on her without considering what it would do to the girl he claims to love, considering that not only is Reb a laughing stock now but she's lost everything. And doesn't even have the money to continue with her studies. Even his insta love with Guzman, I just couldn't get into it. It just felt so forced.

Another problem I had was the way they treated all the poly relationships Polo had. First with Christian and Carla, all sincere and then boom! All hell breaks loose. Then the second I was starting to think okay at least make it work with Valario and Cayatana, because COME ON THESE THREE WERE PRACTICALLY THE SAME PERSON, so even if you're going to kill Polo I would have felt like it was worth it if both Valario and Cayatana loved him equally, but NO.

Look people, poly folks need representation too. You know how hurtful it is to watch writers always breaking up poly relationships? I mean, hell I'm not looking for HEA! All I want is for one poly relationship to be dysfunctional in other ways but not this way! Where every other orientation gets a happy end except the poly one!
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I Am Jonas (2018 TV Movie)
It's okay
25 June 2020
While I enjoyed watching, it never really grabbed me. I just felt like the two boys their relationship felt a bit lacking as did the whole trauma story line . It all just felt a little undercooked.
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Solo (IV) (2013)
Liked it but...
24 June 2020
It was really good for the most part and definitely worth one watch. Some fantastic ideas and I'm giving this high rating because I just enjoyed their dialog and bonding so well. I know a lot of people don't like love at first sight stories but I grew up on all those Amour fou type French films from Honore to Ozon, even Bertollucci s movies, Dreamers for instance, have this literally DIE FOR YOU AND KILL FOR YOU love that's always resonated with the idealist at heart while their cruel brutality satisfies the pure nihilist in me. American Translation is one such film as is the recent Heroes of Evil. Both of which are my top favorite films. SOLO tries to take the same approach but while it has its moments, it's not that remarkable and the end scene action wasn't done well at all, which really takes you out of the fantasy. The character's also while entertaining fail to make a lasting impression.
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Brutal and brilliant.
24 June 2020
This film is quite simply perfection. Nuanced, complex characters and a story that will just keep you watching till the very end. One of those films that start out simple and unassuming and keep getting more and more baffling. By the end you're so deeply involved in these characters that their motivations and confusions make you desperately want things to work out between them. And then the enditng basically just rips your heart out and then it's impossible to get into anything else.
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