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IMDb member since August 2006
Step Up (2006)
i've seen better dancing movies
24 August 2006 - 3 out of 9 users found this review helpful.
The movie itself wasn't too bad it was just boring. There was no action, nothing big happens.
I went to this movie for the break dancing because i thought i looked cool, but if you want to see a movie about dancing, You Got Served is better. Most of the same stuff happens, but You Got Served is more exciting.
Personally, i think Step Up is more of a movie to rent for a night than to see in the theater.
step up = chick flick
bad things- 1. no action/boring 2. more of a chick flick 3. not that great dancing
good things- 1. good portrayal of modern life (lowerclass, upperclass 2. good story line
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