
6 Reviews
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Mrs. Davis (2023)
I'll never watch it because it was created by Damon Lindelof
31 May 2023
Given that it was created by Damon Lindelof, I will never watch this tv series. The guy that lied through his teeth for 6 years about how "Lost" would bring all the loose ends together and explain all of the coincidences, strange occurrences, "The Others", etc.. And the most convoluted , pure BS final episode in the history of tv. I swore I would never again knowingly watch anything he was involved in. And that's too bad, because it does sound funny and off-beat, the kind of stuff I like ( e.g., "Harold and Maude")

I gave it a 7, as that is close to its average 7.3, and it would not be fair for me to trash its rating not having seen it.
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Christmas Jars (2019 TV Movie)
Very touching without being Hallmark sappy
8 January 2022
Well done, well cast and well acted, without being unrealistically Hallmark corny. I would have done a few minor tweaks (I understand why Hope was eager to be accepted, they're a wonderful family; but why would they be so quick to invite in a total stranger?). I would have changed the first jar interviewee (the teacher), and done something about the annoyingly cliche best friend. But I gave it an 8, which tells you how much I liked it, and highly recommend it. Be sure to have the tissues ready.

Also, I had no idea that Columbus looked so much like Canada. I'm going out right now and find every shooting location. ;-)
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The Santa Suit (2010 TV Movie)
And you said Kevin Sorbo couldn't act
21 December 2021
I was expecting a silly Christmas comedy, ha ha, a Scrooge executive is changed into Santa, learns the error of his ways (while making us laugh at his predicaments) and of course is magically transformed into the reformed Scrooge by the end. I expected nothing really special, but since it's rated 6.7 I expected to enjoy it.

Wrong. I laughed and smiled a few times early on, but basically I found this to be a very touching movie as Kevin Sorbo more and more saw himself as others saw him, and he didn't like it. That his singular focus on the bottom line hurt others, and worst of all, that he didn't even care. I was especially moved by his retelling of his Christmas bike story. I liked that his transformation was gradual, and not a light switch. I would only say that I wish Hallmark had sold 2 or 3 minutes less of commercials, so that the exposition of the new person he had become could have been more gradual.

I liked it a lot, I highly recommend it, and can't wait to share it with my wife.
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Schmigadoon! (2021–2023)
A Parody, Not a Satire (i.e. written with fondness, not malice)
1 October 2021
I watched the first episode out of curiosity and decided that it was either going to be very cute, or get very old very quickly. It got cute, stayed cute, and sometimes more than that.

(Any quotes are paraphrased, and hopefully not mangled)

The opening "Schmigadoon!" number is your heads up that they're going to be poking fun at the Broadway musicals of the 1940's and 50's. But when Cecily asks the waitress what "corn puddin' " is, and the entire town breaks out in a song and dance to explain "corn puddin' " to her, that's the gentle poke to demonstrate that musicals can break out into song for the flimsiest of reasons. And after Danny sings his song to Cecily to explain why he's never going to get tied down to one woman, and she compliments him on his song and his singing, he replies "What singing?", teasing that musicals never acknowledge that they *are* sung and not just spoken.

And yet, the song that nobody knows the "who, what, when, where, or why" of falling in love really is a Broadway caliber song, and they're not making fun of anyone or any thing with it. It's a lovely song, a serious song.

And yes, as several other reviews have pointed out, there are several laugh out loud moments, not under the heading of parody, which I won't spoil. But for sustained humor, it's hard to top Cecily's parody of "Do-Re-Mi" from "The Sound of Music", as she explains the "birds and the bees" to an innocent young couple. Are we in Schmigadoon or "Pleasantville"? 😉

At 6 episodes of 30 minutes, "Schmigadoon!" is perfect for binging without feeling like a test of endurance. I loved "Schmigadoon!", and highly recommend it. I'm just glad I didn't discover it until all 6 episodes had been released.
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Doctor Who: Twice Upon a Time (2017)
Season 11, Episode 0
Was there a sale on cameos in the Whoniverse?
6 June 2020
For all those of you who loved "Twice Upon A Time", we most definitely do not see eye to eye. It was the flimsiest of plots, with one lame excuse after another for contrived cameo after contrived cameo. And what the hell was the point of the Doctor's closing soliloquy? If he was saying these things out loud because he knew he would forget them when he regenerated, how was the 13th Doctor going to remember them when they had been lost in the regeneration? And if you want to say that The Doctor retains his memories from regeneration to regeneration (which I believe is the case), then why did he need to say them out loud at all? I hope Peter was *persuaded* to deliver the soliloquy, and that he didn't *ask* to give it.

"World Enough and Time" and "The Doctor Falls" were MUCH better episodes than "Twice Upon A Time", and his speech to Missy and The Master, attempting to persuade them to stay and help him defend the village against the coming attack of the Cybermen is right up there with the best scenes Capaldi ever had as The Doctor". Go find it on YouTube, and prepare to be moved. Those episodes would have been a MUCH better finale for the 12th Doctor.

4 stars out of 10, and if I think about this much longer, it's going to go down even more. This was a disappointing end to another excellent Doctor. Peter Capaldi deserved better. So did we.
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A VERY charming movie anddddddddddd I found it!
22 August 2017
I have not seen "Why Would I Lie" since it was on HBO ~1982. Loved it. Plenty of reviews and synopses here, I won't repeat them. Plus, I haven't seen it in forever. I will just say you'll laugh a bit, cry a bit, and when all is said and done, you'll be very glad you watched it. I think 'charming' is the perfect adjective.

I too have searched for this movie for years, without success. All the main sources, plus any obscure ones I could find. No luck. (No Amazon, I do not want the poster, I want the movie!) Somehow, a month or so ago I found it! Queensbury DVDs in England. And you'll like the price even better, only $10 + $4 S&H. The DVD has been tested and it played in our player.

I have done my good deed for the day. ;-)
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