
10 Reviews
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Salvage (2006)
Very decent for a low budget movie
22 August 2024
Warning: Spoilers
It was so hard for me to find this movie as it's low budget and not easy to find, I ended up watching the whole thing and I honestly enjoyed it. For a low budget movie I have to admit it's really good, a few flaws here and there but whatever, all movies have little flaws. The twist in the end caught me off guard, I spent the whole movie thinking about different possibilities but I didn't think of THAT for sure. The boyfriend pissed me off though.

SPOILER : in case some people didn't get the ending, it seems like the killer went to hell after he was shot by the police, and his punishment was to live in his victim's skin and relive her murder over and over again.
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I gave an 8 for the cat!
29 June 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Compared to the other movies of the saga, I enjoyed this one the most, it had the creepiest vibes of them all. As mentioned in the title, I am a huge cat lover, I have a cat, and my cat wouldn't last one second in the movie, he is too loud and too agitated and extremely stubborn, so It really felt refreshing to look at that quiet cat, every scene I was like "where is the cat? .. omg did she leave the cat?.. " and it made so happy that the cat survived the whole movie and had a happy ending. But I am so sad the main character had to die the way she did tho..all in all, this is a movie that I would certainly recommend as I enjoyed so much.
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Okay as a whole vut the ended had a plot hole.
27 March 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I kind of enjoyed it, not the one of the best, but I don't understand what happened to Angad in the end there was no logical transition.

I don't get how the final scene shows Kavya about to marry Angad, then all of a sudden her father brought Humpty back and then there was no more sign of Angad as if he jusy disappeared.

Also, didn't they show Humpty taking a train back home? When did he even return.. idk the final scene seemed too rushed in my opinion and lacked logic.

But the movie as a whole was pretty enjoyable even if it's not the kind of movie I would recommend to people, just because it was predictable and not that original, and yhe ending was so "meh"
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Really Love (2020)
giving it a 8 because despite being a very good movie..I didn't like the ending
30 August 2021
This movie was literally a masterpiece...up until the ending which, imo, was kind of a cliffhanger and it made me expect a part 2. BUT the ending didn't ruin the movie for me at all, it's definitely a movie that I would highly recommend to my friends.
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Night Drive (II) (2019)
very original and entertaining
30 August 2021
Some little insignificant plot holes that didn't make sense but that's all, other than that the movie was great, very entertaining , funny and creepy at the same time.kept me interested til the end. Just watch it, I promise you won't regret it.
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Tau (2018)
i simply give this a 10 because it was literally perfect from start to finish
26 August 2021
I rarely find movies that keep me glued to the screen, everything about this movie was just fascinating.

The storyline was original, the acting was immaculate, the visuals were just great and I think that this movies belongs in my fav movies now.
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Sightless (2020)
Besides some normal plot holes the movies managed to keep me glued to the screen
17 August 2021
Warning: Spoilers
I'm sorry but it seems like most low ratings were made by people who haven't reaaaally watched the movie.. it has a storyline and a plot and everything you need in the movie Some of the few plot holes For example how can you not differentiate between voices and notice it's the same voice over and over again..?

But other than that, it is an excellent psychological thriller that really made me feel for the main character..
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The Innocent (2021)
Spanish + Mario Casas? COUNT ME IN
15 May 2021
So far I have NEVER been disappointed by Spanish thrillers I think they are the best in that genre, especially when I see the name Mario Casas as the lead actor.

I rarely review movies on IMDb so trust me on this !

I must admit and warn you tho.. it's a pretty heavy show (heavy emotions and a lot of heavy themes that are pretty hard to watch ).. But the show is brilliant from start to finish, I binge watched it with my friend and it kept us guessing and living it as if we are part of the cast..
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Psychophonia (2016)
13 July 2020
There's only one way to put it : disturbing yet keeps you glued to your screen!
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JUST WATCH IT. People with the negative reviews totally missed the whole point of the movie
22 June 2020
First of all this is not a horror movie, it's a psychological horror. The point was not to create a scary story or whatsoever, it was more the psychology of the person, the physical loop represents the mental loop, it kinda portrays living a lie and not being to live with yourself until you finally break free.. The dialogue is probably not the best out there but it was not stupid and empty either, more of a decent regular dialogue, but other than that I really enjoyed the movie it kept me interested and glued to the screen, the twist was there, the suspense was there, the cast is amazing and the aesthetics are beautiful (especially the choice of the house, if you actually dig and look for that house you will realize that the choice was smart).. I could go longer about this but just trust me when i say, if you're into superficial horror movies this movie is not for you, if you enjoy psychological horror and interpretations then go ahead and watch it !
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