
2 Reviews
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Super good, but really sad.
2 February 2021
When I first started watching this show, I was skeptical. I didn't really know what to expect and I only watched it because people said it was good. I thought I wouldn't make it through half of the series.

I was wrong.

This is one of the best series I have ever watched. It had the humor, it had the happy moments, it had the heartbreak. In my opinion, there were good character arcs and the plot was good. The first couple seasons were really good and wholesome, but it just got sadder as the show went on. Unfortunately, it started to spiral a lot towards the end. This show had so much potential, and they decided to end it on a very choppy note. It would have been a lot more successful if the kept going a little longer. This is one of the shows major flaws.

I rate 10/10 for the first 6 seasons, but more of a 5/10 for the last two. Better ending next time please.
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Absolutely amazing!!
20 November 2020
Warning: Spoilers
This show is the best one I have ever seen! It is one that I rewatch over and over again and love it every time!! The characters develop during the story, the plot is well written, and Sokka is a good comedian. My only complaint is that there is not enough. I would love it even more if they added to the show!!! 110%
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