
5 Reviews
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A Great Film!!!
6 April 2018
Really great movie. It doesn't have much to do with what we know as Jeff Dahmer, but explains a lot of how he ended up how he was. I loved the movie because it told a story that I didn't expect and I was engaged from the start to the end.

It actually is the start of a great horror film series if you took this film to the sequel. I guess in real life it did end up being a true horror.
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Really fun movie if you grew up in the 80's
6 April 2018
Of all the Steven Spielberg movies I would say this one lands a (little) bit flat. That being said it is fun and maybe it is the fact that the movie was so hyped with the previews that my expectations might have been too high. It is fun and it is worth the 7.5 rating, but it drags on a bit and the characters are not overly exciting. I think it might be the fact that each person in the film is two characters so it is hard to connect with them. Don't get me wrong, this is a movie you should go see for sure. It is fun and entertaining and filled with action and great scenes that will take you back to your childhood.

The special effects are amazing, as you would expect, and the story is told in a compelling way, as you would expect. The problem really comes down to the actors are not that strong and the writing is a bit rushed. Of course the film is over 2 hours so I understand why they had to rush through the story as it was adapted from a book that was very detailed and had 400 pages.

Go see this movie, or rent it. I think it is better seen on a large screen if possible and the soundtrack is great.
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Sacrifice (I) (2011)
Some Interesting Ideas, But Overall Bad
17 February 2011
I am always interested in a Cuba Gooding Jr. movie, as his personality can carry even crappy plots. I feel bad for Cuba as the last few films he has made have been TV movie dramas at best.

This movie is no exception as the film work and writing are slow and dull. Though there were a few good scenes, such as the scene when Cuba visits the snake man.

I would advise against watching this movie, it is a drama/action film, but is missing the action and drama to keep you interested beyond the first 20-minutes.

Though I was able to watch the entire thing, I do feel it was overall a waste of time and I wish I had not seen this film.

It reminds me of a late night HBO rerun movie that you might watch if you have nothing else to do, and even then you probably won't walk away from the film even remembering that you saw it or anything interesting in it.

Though I love Cuba's acting, and I hope he hits a few more home runs in his career, this is not one of them.
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The Romantics (2010)
Amazing Film - Everyone Should See!!!
17 February 2011
I was expecting a romantic comedy with this film, especially after watching the trailer. I couldn't have been more wrong, this movie was charming, complex and real. The writing and storytelling rank up with some of the best movies I have seen in years. Though most people criticize this film for lacking depth, I found the story to be so compelling and realistic I feel some people must have missed the point.

From the start of the movie to the ending you are brought into a group of friends, with all their feelings and baggage that has been created over years. Every group of friends goes through this time in their lives where they are growing up and becoming mature adults. This story shows a time before having children and the burdens of massive mortgages, private schools, and taxes, and allows us to share in the joys of love and the complexity of that love relative to your close friends and family. Throughout the film there is a feeling that this is finally the end of the friends 'aka The Romantics' as everyone is moving on and living their own lives and building their own families.

The casting in this movie was brilliant, with Katie Holmes playing a distinctly mature young woman still in love and struggling as she is brought back into the place in her heart she has hidden away and was hoping never to come back to. I had no idea Katie could play such a mature and interesting character. She doesn't try and over sell the feelings her character is dealing with, and allows the audience to interpret what is really going on in her head and heart.

Josh Duhamel is amazing in playing the cold footed groom, that is carrying more than typical wedding day jitters as he is trying to deal with complex emotions and feelings that go along with growing up and becoming a real adult. He does a great job of playing the groom that is formal and respectful to adults and involved in planning the special day, but also can revert back to his young wild days.

Anna Paquin, Candice Bergen, and Dianna Agron do an amazing job of playing the bride and brides family, who are all struggling to ensure this special day is as great as all special days they have had in their sheltered, albeit sophisticated, lives. Candice is so great as the mom who is trying to hold everything together and make sure her daughter's life is just so perfect.

From the start of the film you are brought into these relationships and can feel the love, tensions, excitement, and even resentment that have carried over from years of this group being friends and comrades as they grew-up. I really felt like I could relate and saw many of my friends in the different characters. I could see the days we would go to weddings together because so many of our friends were getting married. It gave us a time to get back together and relive the old days, but in a new dynamic that always carried over us. The film portrays this brilliantly.

The cinematography is amazing, keeping you interested in the story, but also highlighting the sub-stories and feelings that carry through-out the film. The music that was selected for this film is also an important part to telling the story. I was a little disappointed that there was no official soundtrack because the music was wonderful and uplifting.

I personally feel this movie is underrated. I am not a big fan of romantic films or coming of age movies. I never really liked wedding movies, though did find Rachel Getting Married to be interesting. This is an exception to the rule, it has all the charm and emotions that go along with a romantic drama, but brings to life a complex story of feelings and relationships that I hope everyone that watches can enjoy.

The acting in the movie was great. Everyone from Candice Bergen to Elijah Wood to Adam Brody did a great job at being an ensemble cast, rather than one actor stealing the show.

I strongly recommend this film to everyone. It is such a great film! It is a movie you could watch over and over again. Kudos to Galt Niederhoffer, Sam Levy and Jon Sadoff in creating such a great movie!
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The Truth (I) (2010)
Interesting Story
3 September 2010
This film was interesting and kept me involved through the entire 90-minutes. The plot and concepts were not unique, I have seen many movies that follow similar concepts. That being said, it was still an interesting and compelling story, and had some good twists and turns throughout.

From movies such as The Strangers, Desperate Hours, Panic Room, Funny Games, and maybe even Death Trap, the concept of people being locked in their home and being kept hostage is not new.

I think the acting wasn't that great, though there were some recognized names in the credits. I found John Heard's acting the best of the group, though the rest of the actors were so poor it is hard to tell if he was any good or just better than the worst.

If you like movies that have twists and are a mixture of thrillers and mystery you might like this movie.
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