4 Reviews
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Now You See Me (I) (2013)
Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.
4 June 2013
If you're are looking for entertainment and you don't really care about the depth of the plot then this is the movie for you. The cast was really great especially Jesse Eisenberg,Woody Harrelson, Mélanie Laurent (Melanie was really sexy), Morgan Freeman, and Michael Caine. People who were just looking for pure action and thrill have really enjoyed this movie but those who wanted more said the plot is lacking and there was really no development in the movie. I didn't even know where the climax was. It has aerial shots that was used in big budgeted movies and you can see the modernity of the visuals used. Some parts were really corny like Mark Ruffalo and Melanie Laurent's love affair and the time Isla Fisher went inside a big bubble and just levitated. It's not an analytic movie, I thought they were a bit trying hard if they were aiming for that. SO AGAIN, it's up to you if beauty is external or more of internal.
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Lawless (2012)
It's like Boardwalk empire...
16 April 2013
Warning: Spoilers
I used to love Boardwalk Empire. Fascinating what men can do for money and alcohol. The war between them, killing one of the members of the enemy because the enemy just killed one of theirs. I missed Boardwalk Empire and this movie reminded me of it. I was an icing on the cake when I knew that it was a true story. Although the plot was not extraordinary--it was something that I've already seen--what made it special are the actors that where in it. Tom Hardy was as always a hot bad ass. Shaia was as always promising bringing his naive-boy-who-just-wants-to-do-the- right-thing-and-prove-something-in-the-world attitude. And Peirce, the veteran actor who doesn't have to prove how good he already is in the Hollywood scene. Fighting for what they believed is theirs and killing whoever is in their way is where the story circles. The brutal scenes are the ones I did crave for. Although Tom Hardy being cut in the throat and shot a lot of times and still was alive and happy drinking at the end of the film is a bit too unrealistic for me even if it did really happen (not really sure how accurate the movie was). My only complaint is I did see some scenes that are too familiar to me especially in a Hollywood movie.But again the important thing is the actors and all the other elements (like the setting) did jive well making the movie not like any other typical Hollywood old action film. So I give the actors 10/10, plot 7/10 , all in all giving it a 17/20!LOL :D watch it, you won't say it's crap after seeing it :)
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this movie depicts passion, commitment, compassion and love
11 January 2011
The movie's best assets are the screenplay and the actors/actresses. their eyes are like almonds. so wide so it's a big help in their expressions and you'll see more of what they say "the windows of the soul". the artists greatly expressed passion and undying love. some lines are also memorable. it really is deep drama but not those that make you tired of crying. it just awakens your emotions and touches your heart. the eyes have been a tool for expressing mystery or may truly reveal what is inside you and this movie never failed to use them wisely. and it might be a cliché already but in this movie you will never feel tired of looking at their eyes' expressions. it just penetrates into your soul. i only cried a few times and shed only a few tears but the feelings i felt will be forever remembered. if red is the color for passion and love then this movie might be colored rosso corsa for it will pump your heart faster and deeper breaths will be experienced. one negative theme they showed here is injustice. the dirty and foolish justice system that is prevailing nowadays. that's why anger was also felt in this movie. last one is the language. Spanish has been one of the sweetest language for me. and it added some sweetness to the whole movie. kudos to the people behind and in front of the camera. Cheers!
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The Secret (2007)
not horror or thriller but pure satisfying sweet drama
6 November 2009
Warning: Spoilers
i voted ten maybe because it's my emotions talking. but isn't that what drama is all about?! controlling, manipulating your emotions but in a good way. it is a high-quality(pardon the exaggeration) different from ordinary drama. i thought it was horror drama but remove the horror. there was no "incest" here. so it's OK for the conservatives there. they just danced, the daughter(ice princess star) and father(x-files star). there were no lingering touches and all that. all scenes were all just from the heart. and that is difficult. yes i agree to the other comment that it is like freaky Friday and x-files(but just a tad, no alien ghost stuff )but with 100 percent drama. imagine a cast and crew making a movie about a mother's soul going to her rebellious daughter and a father trying to comprehend and accept all that and every movement of that cast and crew(including the script, directing, and acting of course)is coming from the heart and all their life experiences about genuine love, love for your family,wife,husband,daughter and friends. isn't that a great feeling?? haaay... though i got depressed on the cocaine scene. i want cocaine hehe. anyway...the actress who portrayed the mother was great. kudos to her. she must have more moments in the drama scene. David and ice princess were also great. this movie is a must watch!
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