4 Reviews
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Camp (I) (2013)
Another badly acted Christian film
22 July 2023
The acting is over the top by the two main male actors or non-existent in the rest of the cast, mostly because this genre of film always use people from their church. They also ask their people and relatives to give a positive review of the title as well so you get a lot of 9 or10s when it clearly does not warrant it. Very old plot (Mighty Ducks) dorky guy hates kids and then learns with very bad acting, a lack of continuity between scenes, horrible sound work and of course the Christian beliefs rammed down your throat. No camp could afford to operate with this staff to camper ratio, so it is not believable. With better writing and leaving out most of the Christian parts it could have been worth more.
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The Cathedral (2021)
Boring to the Extreme
15 September 2022
The Cathedral had very poor direction, boring narration, amateur writing and too many dead scenes (stills of mundane things) that did not carry the story forward. I found this film very hard to watch, so I tried skipping ahead and did not find anything new. The Cathedral had very poor direction, boring narration, amateur writing and too many dead scenes (stills of mundane things) that did not carry the story forward. I found this film very hard to watch, so I tried skipping ahead and did not find anything new. The Cathedral had very poor direction, boring narration, amateur writing and too many dead scenes (stills of mundane things) that did not carry the story forward. I found this film very hard to watch, so I tried skipping ahead and did not find anything new.
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Very bad acting and script.
12 July 2022
The actors would usually scream their lines instead of being natural. The two bullies in the classroom were extra loud for the scene and the fake laughing was super annoying. The father had only one expression, smiling - no matter the situation. I gave it a 2 instead of a 1 because the musical soundtrack was it's only good feature.
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Waste of money
30 May 2020
Boring, not a dark comedy more of a dark joke. Has nothing to do with Karate or it's teachings. Plot was weak. Acting was marginal. I had to fight to watch to the end. Absolutely horrible.
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