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Ghost Mom (1993 TV Movie)
25 April 2024
The reason I am contributing this synopsis is I am shocked at the low IMDB rating. I have just watched this marvellous DVD yet again. I know it as BURY ME IN NIAGARA. I found Jean Stapleton a pure delight her great acting and great comedy lines poured out of her in every scene. As to all the other actors I could not fault them. I make it clear it is all very light hearted. Most of the film is a chase across the country the reason; Jeans ghost is on a mission to unit her Son with the Father he never met. Jean is also on a quest to return a large red Diamond to the sword from which it was removed. Naturally the thieves are on the trail guns a blazing but never quite catch up with the ice cream van the body and coffin plus diamond are travelling in.
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19 March 2024
I have this film on DVD from a private collector. I really enjoy it and must have watched it a dozen times. It is light hearted. Dennis O'Keefe is a successful music publisher. We watch with amusement as he makes several court appearance's before the same judge for plagiarism, invading a ladies day, gym / heath spa and drugging drinks. He is innocent of all three charges but he did ask a barman to put a sleeping drug in a drink of an apposing legal council for which he did not go to court. His final appearance in court was as a witness to a female fight between his new love and old flame who he is still engaged to. As usual the case is before the same judge. This film has many comic highlights, The loud radio running joke, the little girl with the jam sandwich and brother with the sticky lollipop, the drugged drinks musical chairs routine. I recommend this good laugh film.
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I enjoyed watching this film
3 March 2024
Much as I enjoyed watching this film the one fire fly in the ointment for me was the fact the film was not made in Ireland / UK as the enclosure act of 1833 showed the countryside was in Europe as did the east European style Castle. The film was shot in Rumania.

John Bluthal as the lead character and his family plus the little people are excellent as was the special effects. It was thrilling, exciting and entertaining for this 71 year old and will be for all ages. I am not deaf but admit the husband and wife Doctors had me guessing what they said with their strong accents. The comedy team of Leprechauns James Ellis (Z cars) and Sylvester McCoy (Doctor Who) where the highlight for me.
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3 March 2024
I watched this film last night, I found it very engaging . Not much of a story by modern day standards. It was easy going on the mind and soul. Two good actors not crowding each other out. David Soul played the kind hearted dim wit, Ron Moody the worldly wise con man with a great love of his dog and his dancing ability. (I was greatly impressed with his dancing ability).

While the film may be slow for modern tastes it as OK for me. The fight scene was well acted. I did like the latter scene with the escaped dogs. I also enjoyed the two leads conning the wife to open her door to rescue Steps dog. Also the happy ending.
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23 May 2023
I have been lucky to find a DVD of this film and just enjoyed very much watching it. All the actors played their parts well . They are all professional and I could hear the entire dialogue without loud background music. It is a smile comedy not a laugh out loud story. Best of all no loud shouting or car chases just a pleasant easy going storyline with the usual happy ending. I recommend this film as a treasure not to be missed. I can not understand why this film is not far more well known and watched, It is as good as another Bryan Forbes directed film THE WRONG BOX. If I have one gripe we did not see enough of the Lionel Jeffries character as the confused solicitor.
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17 January 2022
I recently watched and enjoyed GIRL FROM AVENUE A.

As usual Jane Withers gives us 110% performance. As the over enthusiastic 16 year old orphan that worked in show business.

This film can not but help remind you of FOX'S 1960s film MY FAIR LADY. The plots are similar both set in the 1900s, a poor girl taken home to a rich mans house. Unlike FAIR LADY the mature leading man Kent Taylor has no desire to turn the orphan theatre acrobat into a Lady. Taylor plays an author and wishes to observe Withers behaviour and speech to use for his main character in his next novel.

This is a smile comedy not a laugh out loud comedy. This amusing story is Jane reacting to the household characters. The Butler, elder Brother, younger Brother, the resident Uncle a Bishop but mainly the social climbing Mother played by Laura Hope Crews. Mother is offended by Jane often. Mother continually faints but only when the Butler or male family members can catch her before she hits the floor.

Jessie Ralph appears half way in the film as another upper class dowager, but she wishes to help Jane in her theatrical desire.

I will not spoil the film by giving too much plot detail. I will say I was pleased with the restaurant scene at the beginning Impressed with Janes athletic abilities, the dialogue between the Butler & Bishop with Jane. The kidnapping & race to the theatre.

Jessie Ralph & Laura Hope Crews as the two posturing dowagers try to steal the film but it is Jane Withers smiling enthusiasm that keep us watching. The Butler, Bishop and poorly trained collie dog add interest to the story.
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10 June 2021
Scattergood Baines appeared in several short stories written by Clarence Budington Kellend. Six stories where made into short B films in the early 1940s. I have three of these films. I revisit this film often.

Guy Kibbee plays the part of Scattergood in all six films. I would describe Guy as pleasingly plump, with a cubby, cheeked moon face. Scattergood is always happy as he is kindly, he verbally pushes and prods everyone he meets into doing what is best for them (and for him). He is a mixture of Miss Marple and Mother Teresa.

The film is a murder mystery. Two old rich spinster sisters love their cat Matildy. Both sisters die as they take the cat to the vets. When their horse drawn carriage overturns. The Family gather at the Mansion for the reading of the will. After the will is read another three death's take place. Scattergood uses a local newspaper Editor and a bubbling Sheriff to manipulate events to flush out the murder.

I really enjoyed Spencer Charters portrayal of the totally confused Sheriff. It was marvellous to watch Guy Kibbee and Willie Best keep the chuckles coming. At the end of the case, Scattergood encourages the Editor and the Sheriff to take all the credit for solving the case. We know Scattergood pulled all the strings to get to the solution. Scattergood even found time to arrange a love match between the Editor and an out of town Reporter. Scattergood's last line of the film, "Love is like a raindrop. It can fall on anyone.
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Double Date (1941)
26 May 2021
I must start by pointing out. I tried for months to obtain this film on DVD. I finally traced a copy in New York. This copy has a poor picture print, so I may have missed facial ques and expressions.

The plot is clear two mature neighbours fall in love, they both inform his Son and the maiden Aunt informs her Niece . The youngsters rush home to stop the wedding after their final year at college. Travelling home in their respective cars they are involved in a crash with a van carrying crates of chickens.

Several minutes of comedy as the young couple retrieve the chickens. The couple are angry blaming each other for the accident. That does not stop them both attempting to sabotage that evenings get together dinner at the Aunts home, or at the next evening at the social dance in the local hall. The final part of the film has the eloping couple being chased by the young couple in the girls car with the police after both cars and couples.

Universal obviously had a great script with plenty of action/plot, but the film is so short we loose much of the potential comedy and plot enhancement. EG The Father, Edmund Lowe has hay fever. His Doctor prescribes his own remedy sniffing a white powder. At the dance Father starts sneezing, he goes behind a palm plant to take this medication. Peggy Moran, the young girl mis understands this, making an embarrassing moment instead of a comic one.

Two other comedy plot points could easily have been improved given more time. During the dawn elopement Edmund holds a ladder for his intended to climb down, a playful dog tugs at his pants leg causing his intended to fall down the ladder onto him.

At the public dance Peggy Moran unwittingly gives a thief a ride to the nearest train station. More comedy from the dog and thief could easily have been developed.

The comedy highlight of the film I have yet to mention. The happy/giggly very well rounded Maid of the Aunts. When the young Girl arrives home, the Maid rushes out to met her, in the Maids excitement the Maid pulls the door off the car, then she flattens a rear car tyre leaning on the car to retrieve the Girls suitcases. The Maid then finds an escaped chicken in the car. The chicken struts around the garden, the Maid bounces behind catching the chicken and flattening the boundary hedge at the same time.

The comedy highlight for me was during the dinner party Edmund standing to the side of the dinner table sneezes, slapping his hand down on a loose middle table leaf. The opposite side shoots up hitting Una Merkel his intended under the chin, knocking her out. Una falls back onto a chair. The 3 Family members rush to her aid. Edmund shouts out "Bring something", the Maid rushes over with a tray of sliced buttered bread. The Maid says "Here". Edmund grabs a slice putting it to his intended lips. Realising what he is doing he tells the Maid "You do not give bread to someone who has fainted.

I end my review saying the film would have been far better with more character development and a longer running time .
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20 April 2021
I watched this film on DVD last night and was impressed with the clear print. I am usually good at spotting the baddie before the end. This time the culprit came as a total surprise .

We had humour, not too much to spoil the mystery but enough to keep the story bubbling along. Maude Eburne stole the film as the sometime dotty, sometime deaf old Auntie. If she was not dancing to her loud radio, she was helping the police giving them clues . I found it amusing that she was busy interrogating the Butler about a murder. We all assumed she was grilling him about her Brothers death, but it turned out she was grilling the Butler about her dog that was run over some time ago.

The Doctor we could not decide, did he do the murder or was he doing detective work with his unusual side kick? The lead detective was good on the footwork, solving the financial crime with the help of Auntie. The two young women again, it was not clear cut if either of them had committed the murder? The shady lawyer added to the suspects. The only obvious innocent was the dumb whistling second detective.

I recommend that if you have the chance to see this good mystery watch it . It will not disappoint .
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Spring Tonic (1935)
27 March 2021
An excellent comical whirlwind of action and chuckles. It is strange that a 1935 film would have three leading Ladies controlling the action and laughs. Claire Trevor is the head strong, rich heiress fleeing a marriage rehearsal and has to drag along her maid in the escaping car. The maid Zasu Pitts is the real highlight of the film. Zasu does her usual fearful screaming/ dithering, plus 4 comical routines. She destroys a chest of drawers. Falls over clinging to a sign post. I laughed out loud at her telephone routine with the operator and then in the hotel basement repeatedly sitting on a musical instrument. Tina Binall plays a dominatrix in her circus tiger trainer uniform. She cracks her whip and snarls at any man who crosses her path including her spineless Latin womanising husband. A great action packed story with many characters fliting in and out adding to the action.
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