
13 Reviews
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23 June 2022
Watched it today. Didn't like it. The story was weak, but the special effects saved the movie a little. Too many universes too hard to keep up to the story.
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Squid Game: Kkanbu (2021)
Season 1, Episode 6
I cried at the end
29 October 2021
I cried during this episode. In most of the cases I did know who is going to die, but how I didn't. Some did it fair others won by cunning. Anyway it was a very emotional episode witch showed that some of us are willing to sacrifice their life for the good of other. We all are different but the majority is still selfish. 10/10.
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Expected something more
1 October 2021
Disappointed! Wanted something more, because this was the first movie I saw in cinema after Covid happened. I wasn't impressed at all. Yeah there are some cool scenes but storywise it wasn't interesting. The dialogues and actions were predictable. I didn't even liked Timothee acting.

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Sex/Life (2021–2023)
not interested in watching this
18 August 2021
I'll admit, I've only seen the trailer and some minutes of the ending of this show. It was enough to understand that I would not like its' message. I think one should definitely follow it's desires, but only being honest to the others. Emotional and physical cheating is not an option.
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Forbidden Love (2008–2010)
A little pride maybe would have helped her
30 October 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Just re-watched this Turkish Tv series. What I can say, it's still as powerful as dramatic even if I already know how all this will end. Yes what Bihter did was wrong from the start, but I could never hate her, because it wasn't just her in this love affair. It always take 2. The saddest part is that I read that this story was inspired from a true story, in witch the guy actually killed himself, not the girl. I kind of wish to know that version tbh. Anyway what started like a nice love affair, based on lust or maybe even love (I'm not sure it was love) ended being so dramatic. When I first watched it, I was sad that a woman can suffer that much and can't let go of a man that clearly wasn't ready to fight for her. He was a coward from the start till the end. But it was her fault too. Bihter risking all in the name of love I understand, but she should have left him when he didn't run away with her the first time they planned. That was the sign he would never do something like that, he won't risk anything for her. The last episodes were difficult to watch, seeing a woman so weak, so obsessed and so not loving herself. That's a disturbing image. She should have left that house, that man. Actually I don't even understand how she fell that hard for him, he didn't deserve all her fighting. Usually we think pride is a negative quality, and it is, but in this case I think that if Bihter had a little more pride, a little more self love would have helped her to not get involved that much in this story, and to walk away at the end of it
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I will never forget this movie, it's too painful
30 July 2020
I watched it when I was a teen, and I cried a river. I'll never re-watch it again. It's just too heartbreaking. I still remember some concrete scenes from the movie, even tho I watched it like 15 years ago. This scenes had an emotional impact on me back then.
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Smallville (2001–2017)
Smallville had the best soundtracks ever!
21 June 2020
Warning: Spoilers
My childhood most loved Tv series! I watched like 7 seasons, and after that abandoned it. I just grew up, and also my favorite character, Lana, left the series and I wasn't interested to invest in Clark and Lois relationship. I will always remember this TV show because of the trio Clark, Lana and Lex. And also Smallville had the best soundtracks, like ever! I discovered a lot of new beautiful songs wathing this Tv show.
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Mr. Robot (2015–2019)
Not my cup of tea
7 June 2020
I've tried to watch this TV Show. I watched the first 3 episodes, but it wasn't interesting to me. Donno ... it lacks something to be entertaining
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Can't re-watch it again
6 June 2020
I was 13-14 when I watched this movie. It's a long movie if I recall it correctly. I was so moved by it's theme, so I watched it all. I had strong feelings of sadness and sympathy towards little robot David that wanted to be a real child and to have a mom to love him. And that little bear ... I cried during some scenes. I don't think I cried that much at any movie like at this one. Even though it's a Sci-Fi movie it has a lot of emotions. I have never watched it again since then. It'll be too hard for me P.S I don't get how some people can rate this incredible movie with an 1 ? like why ? Of course it's not a perfect movie, but sometimes it doesn't have to be. It matters your feelings about it, because this movie is that deep. 10/10
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Lost (2004–2010)
You can't turn it off!
5 June 2020
Best TV show I have ever seen! I was addicted to it. We were talking about Lost theories at school, in the breaks and at home within the family. I was a teenager back then, and I remember waiting eagerly for the next episodes/seasons. This show was something else, the characters, the atmosphere, the mysteries, the soundtracks, and the cliffhangers at the end of each episode/season... we were all hooked! The cast was great, everyone suited their characters. My favorite was Jack, Kate, Lock, and Juliette. Yeah, at some point (s4-5) I didn't understand some of the things going on, but after rewatching it, it's clearer. About the End ... for me from the very start, Lost was all about character's development, their journey, their interaction so the End was ok for me. 10/10
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De Dag (2018)
unexpectedly good!
5 June 2020
Haven't seen such a great thriller TV show in a long time! It's good quality European TV show, with great tension and unexpected story. When I started watching I thought ... well another bank robbery story, and it was, but so so different than what I was expecting. I kinda feel that americans will do a remake to this show
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Game of Thrones: The Iron Throne (2019)
Season 8, Episode 6
what a shame!
5 June 2020
Everything felt rushed. The character development didn't matter this season. I felt cheated by the writers. GOT is still one of the best TV shows I've ever seen, but is not the best. The ending of this great story was disappointing. The writers ruined it

9/10 for s1-6 6/10 for s7 and 1/10 for s8
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Loved it! Very entertaining
5 June 2020
Interesting that this Hong Kong movie wasn't even nominated at the Oscars in 2002 (best foreign film category) and 3 years later this movie's remake The departed won the Oscars. I saw both versions and I liked the original one better. American version is also good, great actors, but the original is special.
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