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29 February 2024
Warning: Spoilers
I admit - I jumped TWD ship years ago when it just became unbearably unwatchable. It's not the same without Rick Grimes.

But THIS?! Oh man! TOWL is on par with the better half of the original series (S1-6)! Okay, it might not be on the same disturbing level as when the original series first aired. I wasn't on the lookout for any walkers while heading out to my car at 5am like I was back in 2010, lol. Yes, I used to be that scared -that's what great TV does!

Now TWD universe has returned to great TV with the return of Rick Grimes! Can we all take a minute to salute Mr. Andrew Lincoln? HIs dedication to the craft is truly remarkable. I thought Danai Gurira looked absolutely stunning, especially in the dream sequences; purple is her color for sure!

I like the direction the show is going in with the dark military element. Anyone else get original 1980s "V" vibes? Not corny but IDK just on an otherworldly military level. I don't want to reveal too much but I WILL point out all the easter egg references to the original series that I noticed. So if you want to wait and see for yourself, stop reading here.

**********TWD EASTER EGGS************ *Rick attempts to slash his throat with a shard of glass like he did to Negan.

*He feels forced to take off someone's hand with an ax like he almost had to with Carl.

*He chops his own hand off á la Merle Dixon.

*Then Rick is fitted with a weaponized prosthetic again like our old pal, Merle Dixon.

*Dog tags galore: Glenn, obviously.

*The grenade toss offs to TWD S1, S2.

*Another rando lost little blonde girl featured in the pilot, only this time she's not a walker throwback to TWD S1, E1.

I know a lot of reviewers thought the pilot episode was boring with too much tell and not enough show. But they had to build the story and bring viewers up to speed with Rick's whereabouts. He's been forced into a life he doesn't want, is heartsick for his home which is Michonne and Judith - so far I'm pleased with the storytelling. Hope this show keeps up with this pace. I didn't give it 10 stars because I'm waiting to see how it turns out. But the pilot is a strong 9, Andrew Lincoln's acting a strong 10!!!

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School Spirits (2023– )
21 December 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Dear Hollywood,

80s nostalgia. 90s nostalgia. People go crazy for both. We get it.


Why does every single modern-day teen drama try to recapture the brilliance that was "My So-Called Life"? You can't. Just stop. I appreciate paying homage to the greatest and most realistic show about teen life, but it's overdone. There will NEVER be another "MSCL" so just stop.

I mean, geez the first episode is even titled "My So-Called Death". And then we cut to a shot of the awesome Peyton List sporting some over-sized plaid, total 90s grunge chick haircut, and some Doc Martens. My first thought was ok, this show is set in the 90s and it's about teen ghosts: cool. Only it's not set in the 90s. It's modern-day with some nostalgia tied in. Next we meet Simon who's obviously Maddie's "Jordan" to her "Angela Chase". C'mon, if you're a MSCL fan, don't tell me you didn't notice that Simon not only has "Jordan's" longish hair, but his COAT! The white collared corduroy coat? Ugh, so "JC"!

But that's all what's right with the show.

I get that this show's target audience is YA but I'm a sucker for shows/movies about high school.

The 3 main issues I have with the show are: 1. All the bouncing around trying to confuse viewers of whodunnit.

2. What the ghosts are able to do EVEN THOUGH THEY'RE DEAD. Like, do ghosts REALLY fight about eating jelly donuts? And riding around in golf karts?? Really? So can the living see golf karts randomly driving around campus on their own or are the golf karts ghosts too? Makes no sense.

3. The failed twist ending. The writers wanted their own "Sixth Sense". They thought they had "The Others" on their hands. But the plot twist is so illogical that it deems the entire season irrelevant.

****SPOILER ALERT**** So turns out Maddie isn't dead after all. Her body is being inhabited by another school spirit. Ok. Fine. But then how does that explain away the blood spatter, the murder weapon, oh and not to mention that Maddie can see, hear, and interact with the rest of the ghosts?! Not to mention - if she's not dead, then how can Simon be interacting with her spirit? If her spirit was just a fabrication conjured by his broken psyche, then that has to mean that the entire afterlife crew is also just a figment of Simon's imagination. Can you see the plot hole? It doesn't make sense. This is what bothered me the most. Silly really.

I really like the characters, I think all of the actors do a great job. Never underestimate actors who can cry on command. That is NOT an easy thing to do. I'm not Claire's or Xavier's biggest fan. I don't think those roles were cast properly. They just don't seem to fit their characters narratives. I'm curious to see what S2 brings us. But still bummed about the whole spirit possession. It's lame. This doesn't even have to be a series. Could've been wrapped up as a miniseries. We'll see what happens!
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Trinkets (2019–2020)
Almost 'My So-Called Life" - Good
10 October 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I haven't been so invested in a high school dramedy since "Angela Chase" pined for "Jordan Catalano". #IYKYK!

Really enjoyed this miniseries.

I liked how a dark subject brought 3 bright souls together.

Each main character's story was detailed thoroughly.

It's refreshing when high school is portrayed realistically.

Seriously, this show gets it right.

Sometimes with the subject matter you forget you're watching a story about high school kids, but the situations they put themselves in occur in real life so kudos to Netflix.

I kind of called the ending, not saying it was predictable, just glad they went the direction I was hoping.

Anyone can identify with either of the 3 main characters.

Like a certain iconic teen angst show from the early 90s, this show makes you care about its protagonists.

Moe is giving "Rayanne Graff" vibes.

Tabitha is a more sophisticated "Sharon Chersky".

And "Elodie" is the awkward "Angela Chase" if she were gay.

This show was done well, done right.

Read some poor reviews on the acting. IDK what people are talking about...I thought the acting was genuine. Maybe not Oscar-worthy but good enough to keep the show interesting.

There were a few hiccups throughout the show's run.


In the first episode we witness "Elodie" being approached as the new girl by "Rachel", and I swear this scene was ripped straight from the "Twilight" script. It was basically a carbon copy of the scene when "Bella Swan" meets "Eric" as the new girl in the school hallway.

Also, at this point in the series, the actress portraying "Elodie" was giving Kristen Stewart vibes for sure. Like, one-dimensional rigid delivery, but thankfully her performance blossomed as the show went on.

It was difficult to get past Tabitha's flat affect but she was a solid character for sure. Also couldn't get past her mother's bad wig!

It was giving total Party Store witch.

The actress portraying Moe was made for this role. I could've sworn this chic was from NYC. Surprise! She's not. IMO she gave the strongest performance.

The one problem I had with the series was when Elodie and Tabitha being minors, hook up with a couple of twenty-somethings. But statutory r*** was never a concern for either one of the adults.

Strange, but I guess that kind of stuff happens.

I thought the whole computer heist was a bit far-fetched. I mean, these girls could seem to outsmart almost everyone in their path with criminal activity, yet "Elodie" gets caught lifting a convenience store?

Hiccups aside, I really liked the show overall.

I highly recommend.
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26 September 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Seriously, Netflix I want my money back!

I think the best thing about this mini-series was Kristen Bell's portrayal as the protagonist. I really enjoyed her performance.

I had to give it 5 stars for the acting and for the fact that this was NOT supposed to be taken seriously. It is listed under "comedy", in an attempt to parody actual psychological thrillers.

Now THAT explains all the absurdity.

So when you watch it from that perspective....ugh, you're gonna kick yourself in the a** when you realize that's how you were supposed to be watching it and that you fell for the writers' trick.

I honestly think they producers were trying their hardest to save face by selling this waste of time as a "dark comedy".

I must admit though, I did laugh out loud when the ventriloquist dummy made not one but two appearances. It all makes sense now.

So if you thought this series was the worst attempt at a psychological thriller, the joke's on you. Maybe.

It's supposed to be a satire. Maybe.

Because there's no way writing that bad could be taken seriously. Maybe.

Now I'v piqued your interest.

Watch it from both perspectives and decide for yourself if either one works.
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Another Dirty Room (2016– )
It Was a Great Ride...
30 January 2023
...but sadly Dan Bell recently announced the last 4 episodes as the series' finale. I'm gonna miss this crew's antics. Seems like a couple guys involved had a falling out which is unfortunate. But it was a great documentary while it lasted-been 7 years now, wow! If you have a weak stomach, I recommend eating before or after watching this series, but definitely not during,lol. It's impossible to eat while watching. Lots of gross stuff found...excrement, vermin, insects, and more! Very educational and a survival guide for traveling. I promise you, after watching just one episode, you'll be investigating your next rented room from top to bottom, inside and out!

Thanks for the great content, Dan & co! Your hard work is much appreciated.
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My So-Called Life (1994–1995)
2 January 2023
This show came out when I was in 8th grade. I immediately identified with Angela. Fast forward to my 2022-23 New Year's marathon and even though I'm now the same age as the parents on the show, at 43 years old, I STILL identify with the high-school aged, Angela. Go figure, lol

MSCL was way ahead of its time. It was a revolution. It was smart, polarizing, and unjustly canceled. But maybe it's not a bad thing that we never got a 2nd season and beyond. After rewatching all 19 episodes of its debut and only season, I now view MSCL as simply a mini-series that enjoyed its own time and changed teenage dramas forever.

There was nothing false about this show. It was gritty and real. Some would say at times it was too real.

Every single actor was phenomenal in their role. The acting in some of the scenes was so genuine- the cast really deserved an award.

MSCL is best known for deviating from the cookie-cutter shows about teenagers and gave us the raw glimpse into high school reality.

But it also did something else. This show had something for everyone; it wasn't just about the teens, it was about the adults too. Every character on this show mattered. And it made the audience care about every single one. Watching this as a teen, you cared about the parent/adult storylines and vice versa. That's smart writing. It's smart television.

Revisiting the show after its almost 30 yr history never feels old.

It always hits its mark.

It's timeless.

Something tells me that if it were to be continued, it might have lost its luster and gone stale. Maybe it wouldn't have been as special as its only 19 episodes are. I believe there's a paperback book that continues the story. I read a few pages, but it could never compare with the show. I pretend the book doesn't exist because it shouldn't. I don't recommend reading it because although the other tried, you can't always capture lightning in a bottle.

I DO think there should be like a made-for-TV reunion special. Just like a one time 2-hour episode.
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Felicity (1998–2002)
...Picks Up Where "MSCL" Leaves Off??? And that WTF Finale.
9 December 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Ok I have a theory.

I'm probably wrong but hear me out.

I believe "Felicity" and "My So-Called Life" are in the same universe-sort of.

We regretfully only received one season of "MSCL" right? So we never got to see where things led for "Angela" & "Jordan".

Fast forward a few years to the age of "Felicity", who is sort of a coming of age protagonist in her own right- kind of a more mature, yet still very awkward and reserved school girl a la "Angela Chase".

"Ben" is the seemingly unattainable love interest for "Felicity" just like "Jordan" was for "Angela". Both couples wind up together in the end...that we know of.

I'm not saying they're all the same characters reincarnated, but there are quite a few similarities between both shows that I have to wonder if the writers/producers of "Felicity" weren't giving the college hit some residual "MSCL" undertones to satisfy the latter's audience craving for a 2nd season that was never to be. If you've ever watched both shows (which I highly recommend), have you noticed their scores are EXTREMELY identical? Close your eyes during any episode of "Felicity" and you'd swear you were watching "MSCL". :Plus there are very distinct inner monologues "Felicity" narrates that are completely ripped from the script of "Angela Chase"; there's no way there isn't some type of connection. Both shows choose to focus heavily on altering hairstyles for both "Angela" and "Felicity". "Rayanne" and "Meghan" are practically one and the same. There is a central same-sex oriented main character friend to the protagonist in each with "Ricky" and "Javier", respectively. Not to mention Devon Gummersall appears in both shows as a sexually inexperienced brainiac? COME ON! There's definitely a correlation between the two shows! LOL

As far as my rating...hey, this is one of my favorite shows. In fact I'm binging it on Prime right now. The only reason it doesn't get a higher score is because the constant going back and forth between "Ben" & "Noel" towards the end was extremely frustrating. And then "Ben" CHEATS on "Felicity" after ALL they've been through?

But that's not even the worst part. For me, the show ends w/ S4 E17.

I refuse to acknowledge S4 E18-22 because the poor quality writing ruined the entire flipping show! The time travel plot MADE NO SENSE! The writers need to admit they messed up BIG TIME.

"Elena's" death is a HUGE plot hole. She died in a car accident LONG before "Felicity" fell into her fever spell that made her dream she had traveled back in time. So how in the world is "Elena" alive and thriving at "Noel's" wedding if she died BEFORE "Felicity" fell ill?

Supposedly there were a couple scenes that were cut-where during her dream, "Felicity" warns "Elena" to attend Duke instead of Columbia to avoid the impending fatal car crash. That deleted scene supposedly explains how "Elena" died before "Felicity's" dream, and is alive after she wakes up. But if that's the case, then it also proves something else..."Felicity" wasn't dreaming after all. The time travel had to have been real if "Felicity" was able to change "Elena's" fate.

And for that matter...since the time travel had to have been real to explain away "Elena's" story arc, then how is "Noel" alive too? He died in the art studio fire during "Felicity's" dream so... ANOTHER PLOT HOLE. MAKES NO SENSE.

Just dumb. Really dumb, a total departure from the true nature of the show, and that's why, for me, the show ends w/ "Ben" & "Felicity" walking away together in Palo Alto.
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If You Can Get Past the Deplorable "Accents"...
30 July 2022
...then you deserve a medal!

Ugh, this was so unbelievably BAD that I stopped the stream 30 minutes in.

I couldn't take the horrible attempts by EVERY actor at an Italian accent.

Why oh WHY does Hollywood think that all it takes to sound authentically ethnic is to use stunted speech loaded with diphthongs?

Trying to act like a true Italian when you're not Italian is the same as attempting a New York accent when you're from Arkansas.

DON'T DO IT. You sound like and look RIDICULOUS.

I'm guessing these poor actors were just mandated by the occult elite to commit to this piss-poor project and used as the industry slaves they truly are.

I actually suffered second-hand embarrassment for their poor souls being put on display for our enjoyment.

Actually, there was one truly GREAT thing about this movie.

And that was Jared Leto's makeup, because I sure as hell didn't know who that was until my jaw dropped during the credit roll. And I love me some Jared Leto! So kudos to the makeup dept for their work.

That's it. Other than that, just buy something Gucci if you want something authentically Italian instead of wasting your precious time or money watching this disaster. Sorry, Al Pacino couldn't save this vehicle.
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He's All That (2021)
How Did This Crap Appear On the Same Streaming Service As "Ozark"?
13 July 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Netflix, I don't understand how you can produce quality material, then allow this crap?!

Tanner Buchanan is a good actor, he's very talented. The whole Cobra Kai fight scene wasn't lost on me. Not sure that scene served a purpose for this film, but I guess it was to spotlight Tanner's abilities and remind the audience, "Hey, ICYDK, this is one of the stars of Cobra Kai!" I mean, hey I love that show, but the karate wasn't necessary here.

That scene is just a Netflix ploy to get this film's audience to crossover to CK.

Addison Rae did not play well off of Tanner.

Whoever directed this thing, totally rushed the dialogue.

It was so bad, sounded like the actors were just reciting lines without any thought process whatsoever. The 2 leads bounced off each other without even coming up for air. Could've just been poor editing, but YIKES.

It was bad.

Just REALLY bad.

IDK why people are surprised by the prom dance off.

Same thing occurred in the original and I thought it was cringe AF back in '99 before "CRINGE AF" was even a thing! LOL

I think Addison Rae would do better on the small screen. She's not a film actress, but was much better than Kourtney Kardashian?! SERIOUSLY? She wasn't acting; just playing herself. That chick seriously has a personality of a wet mop with the flattest affect of a corpse. Ugh...just stop it with that klan already. Go away. You can't act. You're talentless. Go drink your husband's blood and stay off of Netflix. Thanks.
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Amanda Knox (2016)
It's what wasn't said...
19 April 2022
I know this is supposed to be a review of the documentary and not a guilty or innocent forum sound board.

I gave it a high rating because it made a clever and stunningly clear revelation- I'm not sure Amanda Knox even realized it herself.

It's not always about what a person says; sometimes it's about what they DON'T say.

Not once throughout the entire documentary did I hear Amanda Knox have sympathy for the victim, Meredith Kercher. Not once. All she did was distance herself from the victim by saying, "We were roommates but we weren't close..."

IDK about anyone else, but that spoke VOLUMES to me.

Just sayin'.....
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Death of a Cheerleader (2019 TV Movie)
WHY? Just....WHY?
30 December 2021
Okay-I LOVED the 1994 made-for-TV original with Kellie Martin and Tori Spelling. I'm still confused as to why this network felt the need to remake a tv movie. I didn't even realize that was a thing.

I think the BEST thing about this film was that Kellie Martin made a cameo as an FBI agent.

I think the lead actress gave a believable performance as "Bridget Moretti", but sadly her co-stars' attempts left little to be desired. Very flat. Didn't have the "popular mean girls" clique vibe of the original.

The 80s meets 2019 in this film. LOL Kelly's house is modern-day architecture.

I think the producers forgot throughout that the story was set in the 80s.

Case and point, "Nina Miller"???

Okay, her attire screamed 2005, NOT 1984!

Plus you can't cover the entire 80s decade with high hair, scrunchies, crazy makeup, and torn clothes >> That was the mid-to-late 80s.

The early 80s was more soft bouncy hair, light pastel colors, just coming off the 70s.

Definitely did not strike the same chord as the original.

But speaking of "Nina Miller", I think it was an interesting twist to have this character narrate the entire story. After all, she was a victim of sorts as well in all of this.

***EASTER EGG*** There's a mistake in the ending credits.

The names of the characters have not only been changed to protect the real individuals from the true story this is based on, but they have also been changed from the original film.

In the 1994 original, the victim is "Stacy Lockwood".

In the 2019 remake, the victim is "Kelly Locke".

But the ending credits list Kelly's mother as "Mrs. Lockwood".

Did you catch that? :)
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10 December 2021

1. "Miranda Hobbes" in 2021 is being written as a blubbering alcoholic fool. The most level-headed out of the four women is now being portrayed as unethical simply because she hasn't lived in Manhattan for over a decade? What malarkey!

NEWSFLASH: Brooklyn is 1 of the 5 boroughs of NYC! Smh Why do we have this former NYC lawyer acting as if this is the first time she's ever encountered a person of color? Makes NO sense.

2. I thought this show was supposed to be progressive???

Okay so the word "Sex" is no longer a part of the show's title but does that mean people over the age of 50 don't do it? No, I guess it's nothing but heart attacks and hearing aids for this age group now!

Mature sex is obviously too taboo for the writers to include on-screen so instead they insult our intelligence with ageism. I don't need to see 2 insignificant, underage characters riding each other and wall-banging while the parents in next room are only bothered by the noise and not the fact that their teenaged son is blatantly disrespecting them under their own roof.

3. When you have to try THIS hard to modernize a once-revolutionary series, it's pretty obvious to all. The first episode was nothing but one long, monotonous ethics lesson. It was borderline offensive to be schooled on how to navigate the real world by watching our beloved characters act out their bullet points of right and wrong in 2021.

I. THINK. WE. GET. THE. POINT. (she said with her best "My Cousin Vinny" attitude.) It's called pacing. Maybe limit the lessons in ethics to one per episode, if at all? Thanks.

4. Why did Charlotte & Harry's adopted daughter, "Lily" get to play the stereotypical Asian concert pianist? The writers are so worried about inclusivity but missed the mark on this one completely. Why couldn't "Lily" be a soccer player? Or a comedian? Or be a volunteer? No, let's just plop her in front of a piano because that's a quick, easy storyline.

**Props to the actress for her piano skills-that piece is mad hard! Speaking of which, see # 5!**


"Lily" is performing in a Mozart recital. The two children before her each play a Mozart composition. Yet when she takes the stage, she treats the audience to the 3rd movement of BEETHOVEN's "Moonlight Sonata".

Psst: don't worry writers-no one will EVER notice! Smh

There's so much more that went awry and it's only the first episode I'm referencing. I think Kim Cattrall made the right choice to STAY AWAY.

And just like that...we learned that revivals of great shows that died ages ago are better left a memory.
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Zero Chill (2021)
8 June 2021
Seriously, we lost "Spinning Out" for THIS?

I'm honestly rethinking my Netflix subscription now.

Like, don't insult my intelligence OR my sport with this joke of a show.

As an ACTUAL figure skater I must say watching this was pretty painful.

The premise makes ZERO sense (pun intended).

No offense to the UK but ice sports is not their strong suit.

An NHL prospect would not leave CANADA to train in the UK!

Clearly the writers didn't do their homework.

As for the figure skating...ugh, smh.

First off, I'm utterly confused by "Kayla's" choice of costumes for practice wear.

Not only are they god-awful, but it's a total mockery of our sport.

*CONTINUITY ERROR: S1, E1*. Note to the producers: real figure skaters are watching and we WILL notice how the main character's figure skates change from scene to scene. One minute "Kayla" is wearing Edea Ice Fly boots (impressive) and the next, those pretty silver heels turn a dull brown as she's clearly sporting a pair of recreational skates. Did you really think we wouldn't notice that Kayla takes the ice in boots shining with Swarovski crystals and then exits the ice with dull brown-heeled floppy skates? There are several other things wrong with casting this actress as a figure skater, but I'm gonna be nice.

COME ON! If you're gonna make a series about figure skating, you've at least gotta try!!!

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Spinning Out (2020)
Gets Real Figure Skating 85% Right. Fight for Season 2!
12 May 2020
Warning: Spoilers
As a figure skater myself, I had to review this series which suffered the same, unfortunate fate as "My So-Called Life"--cancelled after only ONE season?! Why do all the GOOD shows get cancelled?! Welp, in "Spinning Out"'s case, my guess is it simply cost too much to produce. The sport is EXPENSIVE in and of itself. I can't imagine the cost of filming a continuing series about figure skating, having to pay for skating doubles, use of ice rinks, sfx, costumes (which by the way, are very amateur-looking at best in the series. Any real skater who dared to compete in any of those dresses would be laughed off the ice! lol But that's bc elite dresses are VERY expensive.) I think "Spinning Out" would've worked better as a filmversus a series. Make it a 2-hr drama, tie loose ends up in a nice bow, leave a few things left for the audience to ponder and call it a day.

As far as the mental illness aspect, I can't comment on that because I don't know what it's like to experience one first-hand. However a lot of others view the show's depiction of mental illness as offensive. As far as the plot itself, there's just WAYYYY too much going on for a single first season. There's a major plot line for every. single. character. I think Jenn's plot alone could've arced over a single season. I didn't get the need to delve into a Mom-bond between Carol & Mandy...just too much too soon.

The, that ski lodge? Hi, I wanna live there! OMG it was a Winter Wonderland! I believe it's the Blue Mountain Resort in Ontario...beautiful.

The skating: I love how the focus of the sport was more on the local level vs having the characters shoot to Olympic status in the blink of an eye. You don't just step onto the ice and go straight to the Olympics, LOL. I appreciate they kept the premise at the regional/sectional level. Kat's and Jenn's costumes were very reminiscent of real skaters': Alina Zagitova, Tessa Virtue, and Kim Yuna. Cute. Here's the thing...I'm confused as to how Kat went from failing her Senior Ladies free test to becoming a senior level pairs skater. ??? In order to be a pairs skater, you first have to be a solid singles skater. And that skull-cracking fall on the triple lutz? LOL I mean, it can happen but that's rare. And the skating that Kat and Justin do for their short program? Those are ice dancing lifts infused with pairs elements. This would not happen in real competition because ice dance and pairs skating are two different disciplines. And I know, I's just a show, I need to relax. But here's the thing HOLLYWOOD...if you're gonna make a series about figure skating, you MUST get it right in order for it to be respected. Oh and real elite competitors don't / cannot drink that much!!!! One aspect of skating the show was dead on balls accurate: the COST. Moment of truth: when Carol realizes she's gone completely broke from supporting Kat's skating, that she doesn't have enough money to buy groceries. THAT'S the real life of a figure skating family. Some of us have to decide: do we want to eat today, or skate today? Pick one, because you can't afford both. Still wish you'd produce a 2nd season though!
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