
11 Reviews
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so much more than a masterpiece
10 February 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Not only is the animation stunning and meaningful, the voice acting, the plot, the dialog, the music, every little detail is curated to serine beauty. Beauty which contrasts dramatically with the weighing matter of the movies setting: Italy in WWII under Mussolini's rule. It goes deep into the war, but still keeps it as one of three major plot lines, which makes it feel less "about" the war and keeps the whole plot feel like the setting, and not the plot of the movie somehow. We see pinocchio on both sides of every issue, childhood naivety swaying him every which way. He believes war is fun, then bad, then scary, then not, he delivers propaganda, he denounces it. The way he learns is slow, and almost unnoticeable until the end, when sebastian recounts how it went. You dont realize he learned until HE realizes it yk? When this movie was recommended to me i was told it was a horror. I was excited, but i didnt get what i was hoping for, and im still so pleased. Fantastic, i loved every second and im going to watch this again several times.
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18 January 2023
The art in this movie is FANTASTIC, especially the backgrounds that look hand painted, are they hand painted? I love almost every aspect about this movie the ONLY thing i dont totally love is SOME of the character design, i love goldi, jack looks like a dreamworks villain and that works well (also why does he look like hes made of jello?), but the therapy dog (who i dont totally know the name of im watching it for the second time right now) is a little off somehow? I feel like the eyes are too big as kind of a cheat-y way to make it cute you know? Honestly i would have loved it way more if the eyes were like overly small. Its just a personal change i would make. But none of that matters because theres cats in this movie and i love cats :)
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literally the best thing i have ever viewed in my entire life
15 May 2022
So good. SO GOOD. Everything about it from the music to the acting and writing is all SO GOOD. Its the perfect end (and beginning) to all of the past lore and stories. I dont know if this means the end of markiplier projects but honestly its such a good conclusion i wouldnt mind that honestly.
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Chucky (I) (2021– )
haha hell yeah gay horror :)
20 October 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Watched the first episode, very good, love how they didnt computer animate chucky it wouldve looked SO bad thank goodness. I do wish the plotline with the garbage dad lasted a bit longer, would probably make it more relatable at least to me, but i also like just classic chucky murder rampage so either way i feel really fits, and the ventriloquism scene is really good btw i love how he almost got the point across but didnt get the chance because its more realistic if they dont let him sit up there for 4 minutes lecturing about bullying.
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frigen wow this is great :D
21 June 2021
Warning: Spoilers
I rarely give out perfect 10s but i really love this. Its relatable, sad, funny, and it doesnt have a happy ending which i loVE. I love how it does that things where its like YAY HE GOT FAMOUS HAPPY ENDING but then the last shot is the girl he loves realizing its actually a bad thing that hes famous. Love it :)
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Bo Burnham: Inside (2021 TV Special)
different but wonderful
30 May 2021
I expected different but what i got is inspiring, funny, relatable, sad, and looks AMAZING. Wonderful job bo. The ending song especially is great :)
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ableist and somewhat boring
5 May 2021
This episode creates a new character for the entire cast to relentlessly hate on, normally thatd be a fun concept to toy around with. What did the writers do with this character? They gave her autistic/ADHD traits and called her annoying. For me this is strike two for this show as theyve been just a little transphobic in the past, and this is only the third season. The b-plot is a little boring but it does highlight a little about the insecurities women have with being slim.
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Coraline (2009)
best piece of media ive ever consumed, just lovely.
1 May 2021
Whimsical, fun, comedic, BEAUTIFLY DONE, amazing writing. This movie is great, i love it, its amazing.
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South Park: The Tale of Scrotie McBoogerballs (2010)
Season 14, Episode 2
good until the transphobia :(
28 April 2021
Ive wanted to become a fan of southpark for a few months now, after constantly hearing praise for the series i wanted to give it a try. I used a random number generator to pick a few episodes and this was one of them. Its funny sure, then they make fun of someone who is presumably a trans celebrity (and if shes not it makes it WAY worse). A running bit in the episode is where they call the woman ugly, one of the insults against her looks is just calling her a "transvestite" which lots of trans people find very offensive, including my self.
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Summer Camp Island (2018–2023)
pretty good :)
8 May 2020
Very cute, i love the art style, i think the writing is pretty good, i think this is one of the better cartoons. very cute.
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The Problem Solverz (2010–2013)
i really regret ever liking this
8 May 2020
This is the worst show i've probably ever seen and i've seen some unbelievably terrible stuff. i recently paid youtube, that's right i gave money to watch this price of garbage, to let me rewatch this for that tiny little bit of cringe nostalgia. i use to love this when i was 5, and i cannot for the life of me we why. the graphics, oh god the graphics. did color blind people draw this show? like the weird lips and eyes look terrible enough on their own, but oh god the colors. i see what they were attempting with the mix of styles, kind of like what gumball did, but this just looks so much worse. i guess there is this kind of free feeling i get from the just weird and wacky, seizure inducing art in the show. but i feel like with a few simple changes that i'm surprised no one thought to make, this could be a really cool show. the premise is basic and with a little bit more script changes and a straight up 180 for the graphics this could have been cool. one of the things i still kind of like from the show is the voice acting, it's not spectacular but it's great compared to everything else in the show.
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